Chief mad doctor

Chapter0083 Beauty

"Dean! What's the matter?" Ye Chong felt something was wrong as soon as he heard it.

"Alas, this... It's not easy to talk on the phone. You'd better come here quickly. We are all in the communication hall. Hurry up, Du... Du... Du..." With a few hanging sounds, Ye Chong put away his mobile phone, involuntarily touched his forehead and brushed his hair back, and walked towards Yue Baiyun with a solemn expression.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yun, I have to take a step forward."

Yue Baiyun frowned at him and said worriedly, "Ye Xiaodi, you should prepare well, at least practice a little. If you need anything, you can come to me at any time, and it will officially start the day after tomorrow."

Damn, when did you care so much about me? If you really care so much, you shouldn't have pushed me into the sea of knife fire just now. This old man doesn't know what medicine is sold in the gourd.

"Well, don't worry, I will do my best."

After saying that, Ye Chong turned around and walked out of the door without looking back.

Looking at Ye Chong's faraway back, Yue Baiyun narrowed his eyes like a fox and stared at him. He didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, Hua Luochun leaned over and also looked at Ye Chong's back and smiled, "Master Yun is a good way to turn the universe around and make it obedient."

glanced at him, Yue Baiyun snorted and said, "Each other, it's good for me to do this, and you don't want to be trampled on by Tong Jiang."

"Hmm, I understand, otherwise can I propose this trick of soul at the right time? Thanks to you contacting me last night, otherwise it would be really difficult to end today. Tongjiang is not easy to deal with.

"Don't worry, no matter how difficult it is to deal with, I will pull out a few of his teeth. As soon as Tong Jiang pocked his buttocks, I knew what he was going to do. Humph, didn't he look for Ye Chong just to prevent a duel? I won't let him get what he wants."

"Why can you believe that this Ye Chong will succeed? What if he fails? After all, most of the soul is determined by luck.

Yue Baiyun sneered and shook his body, "What does his life and death have to do with me? No matter which of them wins or loses, I... will always be the winner.

"Oh? How to say?" Hua Luochun was a little curious about how this cunning old fox was calculated, and maybe it had a deeper meaning.

Yue Baiyun turned his head, put his ear close to his ear and said, "This is my secret."

Hua Luochun looked at him in a daze. After a while, the two suddenly laughed and thought tacitly.

"What are you laughing at there?" Chao Tianhu came over curiously.

"Oh, nothing, hehe, I'm just very happy today. I should celebrate." With that, Yue Baiyun walked to the door with a smile.

Chao Tianhu and Shuangyan looked at each other. They didn't know what was going on. They thought that the day after tomorrow would decide everything. The old man was too early to be happy.

Shuangyan touched Luo Chun and asked, "Chunzi, do you know what this old man is laughing at?"

Hua Luochun turned around, looked at each of them, tucked twice, and walked forward with a smile.

"Hey, I said, are these two people crazy? Why are they laughing? Does he know or not? Chao Tianhu was a little angry.

"How do I know? Just think of them as psychopaths. I don't care. Let's break up."

She shook her hand in the air and muttered as she walked forward, trembling and beautiful. Chao Tianhu tilted his head and smiled, "This woman is really beautiful. It's a pity that I dare not touch anyone. Whoever touches her is unlucky."

After saying that, he followed closely with a little song and kept talking around her like a fly, "Yanzi, who do you think those two old men received a phone call?"

"I don't know. Don't get so close to me and play."



There is a place in the southeast of Fengning City, which belongs to the Third Ring Road, which is a little biased, but the area is very large. Generally, it will be placed here when doing various large-scale events such as auto shows, star concerts and sports events.

In the center of this regional complex, there is a funnel-like building, which is nine floors high and covers an area of 3,000 square meters. The appearance is bright silver and magnificent. It is a rare representative market symbol of Fengning City.

Today, the building is decorated with colorful lights and banners hanging outside the high metal door frame, with a row of big golden characters - the 16th National Medical Exchange Conference.

Ye Chong took a taxi here, and then quickly ran up a hundred-meter-long ladder and crossed the aisle to get inside. But when he arrived outside the door of the hall, the security staff stopped him. No matter what Ye Chong said, the security guard put on a high face and slapped the rubber stick around his waist in his hand, preventing him from entering horizontally and vertically.

"Brother, it's convenient. It's really convenient for me to go in."

"I said no, what are you shouting about? Do you know that all the famous doctors are here today? At most, you are a young man who has just graduated. Which place is not good to mix in, but the doctor's communication is muddy? Even if I let you in today, you don't pretend! Right? There are 70 or 80 people in it. You will be exposed when you go in. Why?"

Ye Chong scratched his ears and cheeks in a hurry, took out his mobile phone and looked back and forth for a while. The sound of the other party's phone was turned off.

"What's going on? Isn't it really a big deal!!?"

He squeezed his mouth and wanted to try again. "Brother, I really have something urgent to go in. Originally, I was with a group, but who knew that I had diarrhea halfway, so I was left alone. The dean has made several phone calls just now.

"That's simple. You can ask your dean to pick up people."

"But the dean's phone doesn't work now."

The security guard laughed, shook the stick in his hand, and looked up and down at Ye Chong. "Hey, I've seen a lot like you. I just want to go in and eat and drink. Come on, brother, I still have some money. Let's take it for a good meal. Don't come and find something unhappy." With that, he took out ten yuan from his pocket and threw it on the ground and landed at Ye Chong's feet.

"You..." Ye Chong looked down, clenched his fist, stared at him and took a few steps closer to the other party. The security guard even felt the anger spewing from Ye Chong's nostrils.

"You, you, what are you doing?" He hurriedly raised the stick in the air and waved it down. "Do you want to cheat and drink and still want to hit people? I want you to die."

Ye Chong's eyes tightened, stepped forward and bent his knee against the other party's leg, and then put his arm against his elbow. The security guard couldn't move in an instant.

At this time, the security guards in the room rushed to see the situation, pulled out rubber sticks one by one, grinned and opened their mouths fiercely, roared and hit Ye again.

Ye Chong sneered, turned the security guard opposite one hand, clas his clasped his chin, and threw his trouser belt at the person who rushed over, and overwhelmed several.

"Damn, this boy doesn't shed tears without seeing the coffin. Brother, beat him up."

One of them shouted, rushed over with round eyes angrily, raised a rubber stick and hit him. Ye Chong also put on a posture to prepare for a big fight.

At the moment when the two were about to contact, a pleasant female voice like a silver bell sounded from above.

"Let's all stop."

Those security guards were angry. They looked up at the man and immediately wither. They put down the rubber sticks in their hands, and then frowned and looked up bitterly, "Miss Qin, how dare this boy dares to eat and drink. This is our responsibility. As a last resort, we..."

"Stop it, I've seen it."

While talking, the man slowly walked downstairs and jumped into Ye Chong's eyes. She wears a light pink slim-fitting flag suit with a pair of bright silver high-heeled crystal shoes, highlighting a slender and well-proportioned figure; the pink color is close to white, but it is very charming, like the most natural but seductive blush on the girl's cheeks.

The woman walked lightly towards him, down and Shanshan sounded, with the posture of Banji continuing history. Xie Ting's state of snow, without powder and color was like the morning glow reflecting snow.

Ye Chong's eyes were straight and his heart said, "My God, there are such beautiful women in the world." Suddenly, he had a feeling and remembered a poem that he didn't know where he saw - the makeup was in the song fan, the fragrance of loose clothes in the dance wind, the beads were wiped in the robe, and the golden Cui cup was passed on.

The woman passed by him, and the dark fragrance attacked people, like a slowly unfolding night fragrance.

"I saw it upstairs. It was you who insulted him first. You..." She pointed to the security guard thrown out by Ye Chong, "Go and pick up the ten yuan on the ground and apologize to them."

The security guard swallowed his saliva and turned his eyes left and right. And the captain-like figure next to him kicked him and said anxiously, "Miss Qin asked you to pick it up. Why don't you pick it up quickly? Find me to die!"

"Yes, yes, I'll pick it up immediately." He bent down to pick up the money, stuffed it back into his pocket, and then looked at Ye Chong. Then he looked at the woman. Finally, he bowed 90 degrees and bowed down respectfully to Ye Chong. "Yes... I'm sorry, I don't know Mount Tai. I'm really sorry."

Ye Chong scratched his hair and waved his hand to show that it was over.

The woman turned around, her complexion was white, her cheeks were red, and her eyes were watery, and she looked at Ye Chong. "I just saw you do it and knew that they were not your opponent. What did you do?"

Ah? Er...I...I"

"Miss Qin asked you, what's wrong with you?" The security captain hurried aside.

Ye Chong was a little dazed and stammered, "I, I, I... I'm a doctor."

"Doctor?" The woman looked at him up and down, "I haven't seen many doctors, but I've never seen such an untidy person as you. Are you really a doctor?"

Ye Chong nodded vigorously, "It was the organizer who invited me to come. I... I didn't come with the dean because I had diarrhea, and I didn't answer his phone just now."

"Hahaha... Are you so young that you can come to participate in such a national high-end forum?"

A woman's laughter is really like a bell, and her voice is pleasant.

"What? Do you look down on people? What's wrong with my youth? I'm better than many doctors in it.

The woman pops and smiles. With that look and soul-moving, Ye Chong felt that he was a little floating.

"You are really rampant. Do you dare to shout that you are good at medical skills in the place where famous doctors gather here? Um... Well, I'll take you in. Don't be scared to pee when you get inside."

Ye Chong scratched his hair and giggled, "Absolutely, hee hee..."

With that, the woman took Ye Chong to push the door open and walk in.

When he arrived in the hall, Ye Chong saw what was big. He only saw that there were 2,000 square meters in the long square hall, and the crowd surged with echoed words. Around, it is surrounded by a full-length dining table, which is full of a variety of food, including meals, desserts, high-end, and red wine, ensuring that people who come here can't finish eating.

Ye Chong casually picked up a bottle of red wine on the table next to him, turned around and looked at the label, and his eyes stared out, "This is Rafi from 82!!! Do you want to entertain guests with this? This organizer is too rich."

He carefully put down the red wine and looked around for a week and found that although there were many people here, most of them were surrounded in the upper right corner, and he didn't know what he was looking at.

"Huh, what do you see over there? Let's go and have a look."

"Is it over there? OK."

Ye Chong walked over with the woman and looked at the crowd. He was immediately surprised. I saw an old man with thin cheeks lying on the ground, unconscious. Luo Haonan squatted aside and touched his wrist, frowned and squeezed his mouth.

And Wu Mengsheng stood nearby, lowered his head and looked depressed. He sighed and shook his head as if he was helpless. At this time, an old man in a gray-black suit beside him asked him anxiously, "Dean Wu, has the person you mentioned arrived? I'm afraid it will be too late!"

"He will come soon. He will come soon. Wait a little longer." Wu Mengsheng pressed his hand with a bitter smile, turned around and jumped quickly, and said, "What can I do? Alas, why didn't the boy Ye Chong come? It's so urgent."

"Dean, I'm here."

Ye Chong was happy and was about to squeeze out of the crowd, but suddenly he heard the beautiful woman next to him screaming loudly...
