Beast Flame

Chapter 4 Wolf Swarm

Hua Shengyuan covered his chest. The firestroke just now is the Hua family's life-fighting technique. He uses internal force to hit the blood of his body, put it in his palm to burn, and then sends it into the human body with a domineering tiger flame. The blood will be poured into the enemy's whole body at a crazy speed and burn the enemy's internal organs, but this move is a wound to his body. The harm is also very great. Once used, most of the internal force will be damaged, which may be more life-threatening. Therefore, it will not be used in any case until the critical moment of life and death.

Now there is only one man in black left. Looking at everything in front of him, he is stunned, and his eyes are full of horror.

"Puff", Hua Shengyuan closed his eyes, sat on the ground, spewed out a mouthful of blood again, and gasped heavily. His left hand was still tightly covered in his chest. The man in black fixed his eyes and saw that the place where Hua Shengyuan was scratched was now completely black, and every scratch was covered with dark blood. Because Hua Shengyuan just now Crazy internal force, now those black lines are crawling towards Hua Shengyuan's neck at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The man in black smiled. Now Hua Shengyuan seemed to have little strength to stop his murder. The man in black slowly walked over and slapped Hua Shengyuan, and rushed to Hua Shengyuan's cheek with a disgusting fishy smell in the palm wind.

Suddenly, Hua Shengyuan opened his eyes again and jumped up against the palm wind coming to his face. The man in black hit his chest heavily. At the same time, Hua Shengyuan also hugged the head of the man in black with both hands and grabbed his hands. The target was the eyes of the man in black.

"Ah..." The man in black shouted that his originally red eyes were now two empty black holes. He struggled on the ground for a while and did not move. Hua Shengyuan received this palm, his chest was concave, and his sternum was completely broken. He gently untied the child tied to his waist. Hua Shengyuan smiled painfully.

"My poor child, I didn't expect that you would suffer such suffering as soon as you were born. Grandpa can't accompany you for how long. I hope you will turn into good luck in the future and find out who is the great enemy of our Chinese family and revenge!" Speaking of the last two words, Hua Shengyuan's eyes showed endless anger.

Now Hua Shengyuan has reached the end of his life, but because of this child, he still stimulated his body's unprecedented potential. Now he can still stand up and walk down the mountain step by step. After all, if a newborn baby is put on the top of this mountain, there should be no miracle to live. .

Just after falling down, a man in black came down the mountain. It was Lao Liu who was punched by Hua Tianyi in the village. Although he was also seriously injured, he could not be fatal. The poisonous man forcibly sealed the injury by relying on the black flame of his body and chased him to the top of the mountain, because he was injured, so I just arrived now.

Looking at the bodies of his companions on the ground and looking at the crumbling Hua Shengyuan, Lao Liu can now be described as an eagle catching chickens, not to mention a person who has practiced martial arts. Now even an ordinary strong man can easily knock down Hua Shengyuan.

However, Lao Liu was still very careful. Looking at Hua Shengyuan, he did not take action immediately.

Despless. Now for Hua Shengyuan, the word despair is the best expression. He has come to an end, but the other party even ran up with a person at this time. Is this a gorgeous family?

Hua Shengyuan retreated step by step, and below was the cliff. There was no way forward, and there was no way back. Looking at his grandson in his arms again, Hua Shengyuan couldn't help but fall into tears.

"Old man, you are still not dead this time." Lao Liu spoke, but still did not launch an offensive. He is very careful now, because he is also a man now.

Suddenly, Hua Shengyuan seemed to remember something. He hurriedly groped in his arms and took out a tiger-shaped jade pendant. The jade pendant was only one-third the size of a palm and was green all over. From a distance, he thought of a green tiger, which emitted a faint light in the moonlight. Hua Shengyuan quickly bit his finger. , painted with blood all over the whole body of the jade pendant, and suddenly, the jade pendant turned into a fiery red color in an instant.

Hua Shengyuan tore open the clothes on the child's chest and quickly put the jade pendant on the child's left chest. The child suddenly cried. Soon, the jade pendant slowly entered the child's body and left a tiger-shaped blood-red mark on the child's left chest.

The man in black was stunned, reacted fiercely, and immediately ran over quickly. He was about to do it.

"Haha..." Hua Shengyuan laughed, "Son, the blood of the God of War has flowed into your body. Grandpa can rest assured!" After saying that, he threw the child down the cliff. At this time, the man in black also rushed over. Hua Shengyuan did not hesitate and hugged him tightly. It was too late for the man in black to stop, and he also flew down to the cliff with Hua Shengyuan...

"Brother, when can I get to Luoxia Town? I'm exhausted!"

"His grandma's, it's coming, it's coming!"

"Brother, this time you captured the three murderers of the Qiu family and made great contributions. If you go back, you will definitely be the captain!"

"Of course, his grandma's. I finally survived to the captain. Don't worry, I'm the captain, and I won't forget my brothers!"

In the moonlight, five people at the foot of Luoxia Mountain quickly rushed to the night road. They were all wearing unified military uniforms, wearing military helmets, pinned to their waists, and their military boots made a rattling sound on the ground.

"Brother, be careful!"

Before he finished speaking, something falling from the sky had hit the head of the man called the eldest brother.

"His grandma! What!" Five people pulled out* and walked slowly.

"A cloth bag!"

"Open it and see what the bird is. It hit Grandpa's head and doesn't want to live!"

Everyone slowly picked it away with a knife.

"Brother, it's a child!"

"Let me have a look." The man hurried over, picked up the child who fell from the sky, and smiled, "His grandma, is God going to give me a child Wang Dahe!"

"Brother, look at him smiling at you!"

"Brother, this child won't really fall from the sky. It's so high that he didn't fall to death!"

"Zhou Qing, let's see if it's a boy or a girl!"

The teenager named Zhou Qing quickly pulled up the child's feet and fixed his eyes, "Hey hey, big brother, he is still a handle! Haha..."

"Ah..." Zhou Qing shouted again and saw a white light between the child's legs spray on his face. "You stinky boy, look at your dick and piss on my face!"

"Haha..." Everyone laughed. These people are all sergeants of Cangyun. Wang Dahe, who has been a soldier for many years and has not established any meritorious deeds. Finally, he captured three vicious horses a few days ago. Today, he led four brothers to escort the prisoners to the prison of the Criminal Department in Tongyun City. Now I was busy rushing back to my barracks. I didn't want to waste time on the road. Unexpectedly, I didn't get to Luoxia Town to settle down, so I hurried on my way at night.

The remaining four are Zhao Changsheng, Li Jin, Xiao Meng and Zhou Qing according to their age. Except for Wang Dahe and Zhao Changsheng, who are in their 30s, the other three are young and strong young men. Li Jin is 22 years old, while Zhou Qing and Xiao Meng are just 17 years old and have been in the barracks for less than a year.

"Okay, okay, let's go!" Wang Dahe urged everyone to continue to move forward.

"Brother, you really want this child!" It was Xiao Meng who spoke.

Wang Dahe stared at him fiercely, "Whether you want it or not, you can't put him in this damn place now. Can you bear to see such a child die here? Let's talk about it when we get to town!"

"I know, big brother."

The five people continued to walk hurriedly towards Luoxia Town.

"Brother, look, there is a village in front of you!"

"I'm exhausted. Luoxia Town will have to walk for at least half a day. Brother, I think it's better to stay in the village for one night."

Wang Dahe didn't say anything. He had already smelled a strong smell of blood in the air.

Slowly walking into the village, I saw that the courtyard was full of corpses, blood spilled everywhere, and several houses were already on fire, and the firelight reflected the corpses on the ground, which was even more strange and horrible.

"Brother, let's go!" Zhou Qing, a younger man, was already a little scared. Many soldiers like them had never been to the battlefield, where they had seen a large number of dead people together.

Zhao Changsheng frowned, "Brother, it seems that this is the destruction of the village, but it seems that the other party also died miserably!" Zhao Changsheng finished speaking and pointed to the body of a man in black and said.

"You're right. You don't even let go of children. It's really worse than beasts. If you are met by my Wang Dahe, you will definitely skin them!" Looking at the body of the child, the man couldn't help clenching his fist.

Everyone didn't mean to stay here at all. After a few glances, they decided to rush to Luoxia Town first. There are more things like this about the killing of the whole village here, and they can't care much about it.

"Oh... Wow!" Suddenly, there was a wolf roar outside the village, and all five of them were shocked.

The mountains and forests of Luoxia Mountain are dense and spread hundreds of miles. There are many fierce beasts growing here, and the wild wolf is one of them very terrible. Wild wolves are born to eat meat, fierce in nature, and like collective action. Once they find their prey, they usually rush up, they can tear huge animals into pieces in a moment, wild wolf nose Zi is sensitive, can smell the blood of ten miles, and likes to attack human beings, because human flesh is their favorite food. Especially on moonlit night, their attack power can be much higher than usual.

"Everyone, stay away from the body and retreat to the village!" Wang Dahe shouted loudly.

Everyone hurried back to a hut behind the village.

There was a roar after another. After a while, 40 or 50 wild wolves had gathered in the village yard. These wolves were tall and bloodthirsty. They bit the body wildly, and suddenly the bodies became a pile of flesh and blood.

"His grandma, tough enough!" Wang Dahe said in a low voice.

"Brother, will they leave when they are full!" Xiao Meng asked nervously that the horror of the wolves had been heard by countless people in the barracks, and the wolves generally acted in groups, so their attacks and cruelty were unimaginable.

Suddenly, a wolf fell to the ground in pain and kept screaming. After a while, he foamed at the mouth and his limbs were stiff. It seemed that he bit the bodies of those people in black and died of poisoning.

There was a huge "aw" sound from the wolves. What screamed was a huge wild wolf, and a small mass of white wolf hair on its head. Such wolves are generally the commanders of the wolves, that is, the head wolf.

Hearing its cry, all the wolves stopped biting the body. It seemed that the head wolf had found something wrong with the body and dared not eat it again, but the wild wolf stimulated by the smell of blood would never leave now. All the wolves began to walk slowly, and several of them had come to the door of the hut.

Everyone stays together and doesn't even dare to make a sound. Once found by the wolves, the consequences are really unimaginable.

Maybe the smell of blood was too heavy, and the noses of the wolves could not smell the strangers here. The wolf near the hut slowly walked away, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, the wolf quickly looked at the hut. Its green eyes glowed faintly and looked very terrible. It was approaching the hut step by step.

Everyone's hearts were raised at the same time.

After all, the head wolf is a head wolf. He has found that there is better food here, that is, the living man. With its strange cry, all the wolves gathered around.

"Everyone is ready to kill the wolf!" Wang Dahe pulled out * first. If he doesn't resist at this time, he will only die.

Zhao Changsheng and Li Jin are fine, but Zhou Qing and Xiao Meng's hands are already shaking.

"What are you afraid of, like a man, isn't it just a few beasts? In the future, the enemies seen on the battlefield will be thousands of times more terrible than this group of wolves. Wang Dahe shouted loudly.

The wolves are getting closer and closer to the hut. Wang Dahe guarded the door. * In front of him, looking at the wolves, his palms have sweated. He has also killed the wolves, but 40 or 50 wolves together, which is completely different from a wolf.

The wolves moved, and the smell of blood had stimulated them to be very excited. Looking at the human beings in front of them, they couldn't wait. The first to launch an attack was a medium-sized wild wolf. It screamed strangely and rushed forward with its claws to Wang Dahe.

"Good come, you son of a bitch." Wang Dahe shouted and waved his hand and cut it with *. The wild wolf who had just attacked suddenly broke into two, his stomach flowed to the ground, and the blood splashed Wang Dahe's face.

The wolf shouted again.

More and more wild wolves rushed to the door. Wang Dahe tried their best to kill them, but the wild wolves never entered the door.

The wolf saw that he couldn't get in at the door. Soon, he came to the window of the hut, and several of them climbed to the roof of the hut by taking advantage of the low house next to them.

"Everyone be careful and don't let the wolves in!"

With Wang Dahe's shouting, everyone also acted quickly. Zhao Changsheng and Li Jin guarded the two windows, while Zhou Qing and Xiao Meng closely watched the thatch above their heads.

Wild wolves quickly launched an offensive. Although they have killed many companions, wolves are the most cruel animals in the world. Some people say that wolves' hearts are made of iron, so no matter how many people die, they will attack. Soon, Li Jin and Zhao Changsheng at the window can no longer be defended, and Wang Dahe at the door can't leave at all. With Li Jin's scream, a wild wolf has jumped in, and its claws have left a deep blood mark on Li Jin's hand.

"Dead beast!" Wang Dahe was furious and suddenly ignited a faint flame in his eyebrows. It turned out that he also had a beast flame, but it had only just reached the level of a beast flame.