Beast Flame

Chapter 26 Xuanbing Beast

"Come here!" Yan Su shouted, and the children of the 33rd team all stopped their fists and quickly ran to Yan Su's side.

"This is Qi Changfeng, the head of our youth camp!"

"Good boss!"

Qi Changfeng looked at everyone and smiled, "Let's sit on the ground. I want to tell you a story."

Children all love to listen to stories. Listening to Qi Changfeng's words, they immediately sat on the ground and surrounded Qi Changfeng and Yan Su in the middle.

Qi Changfeng glanced at Xiaojiu, then looked at Wang Li, calmed down, and said slowly, "Twenty years ago, when I didn't come to the Youth Camp, I was still an ordinary soldier in Tongyun Fenwei Camp. Like you, I was also in a team, because We are an official barracks, so we have the opportunity to patrol the mountains every month. We all attach great importance to this opportunity, because the level of your record will directly affect your prestige in the barracks. The higher your record, the more likely you will be recommended to enter the Tiger and Wolf Camp. At that time, the Li people did not have a high-sounding attack on our vicissitudes. There are not many things. There are very few opportunities to get a record on the battlefield, so the mountain patrol has become the only opportunity to get a record. At that time, I still remember that it was July. The weather was very hot, and it happened to be our team's turn to patrol the mountain this month. Everyone was very happy. We decided to act at night, because it was fierce at night. The beasts haunt the most time, and the beasts that usually haunt at night are also very fierce. Therefore, once they are hunted, it will greatly improve our record. During the day, we did not train, prepared everything, brought portable weapons, and slowly darkened. While the sun set, we set out.

"The mountain near our camp is called Luoshan. It is said that it was the last time the 18 Arhats reappeared to stay in the world. Luoshan is more towering than the current vast mountain, and there are more vegetation than Haoshan, and it is very dense. There are 88 people in our team. Except for one who was sick and did not go, its Yu all participated. We went up the mountain from the south and soon came to the favorite place where black bears haunted. Everyone put out the torches and stayed quietly. That night, the moon was very round and bright. We stayed in the bushes. Although there was no torch, over time, we still saw everything in the forest clearly. More than 20 of our team members already have beast flames, so whether there is a torch or not is the same for us. After staying for more than half an hour, a black bear finally staggered from a distance. I think he probably smelled a strange human smell. The captain quickly gestured to us and waited for the black bear to enter. Entering our encirclement, under the captain's order, all the people rushed up, and the people with the beast flame rushed to the front. The black bear was about five or six hundred catties, but surrounded by a large group of people, it still quickly showed its defeat. In the time of tea, we killed the black bear. Although several people were injured, but Everyone is still very happy to kill a black bear weighing 500 or 600 catties as soon as it comes up.

"If there is a big movement in a place, there will be no beasts coming again. Looking at the team members' momentum one by one, the captain decided decisively and continue to go deep into it, hoping to find the python in the mountains. In fact, you don't know that you have always thought that the fierce beasts are tigers and wolves. In fact, how fierce are the pythons more fierce than them. Ten times, although the python's body is long, it is very flexible, powerful and ferocious. It can swallow a big living person in one bite. What's more, the python in Luoshan not only has the characteristics of all the python, but also contains highly poisonous. If the mucus in its mouth shoots on people, it will burn immediately, and finally there will be no ashes left.

Everyone looked at Qi Changfeng and was extremely surprised. These beasts have been eager to challenge. Although they can't experience it themselves now, they still feel very interesting when they listen to Qi Changfeng's way.

"When we came to a wet pass, the captain stopped. The trees here are very huge, and the branches and leaves have covered a large area of the sky. Even in the day, the sun should not shine in. The long-term wet area is the favorite place for pythons to live. We continue to move forward, and soon, we smell With a strong fishy smell, the captain told everyone to be careful, because by feeling, we seemed to have touched the python's nest. The captain greeted 20 people with beast flames to come forward, and the rest of them were holding torches behind. Everyone held weapons and moved slowly step by step. The fishy smell became stronger and stronger. Suddenly, only heard 'ah' Sound, we immediately turned around. Not far from us, a python raised its head and two big red eyes stared at us hard. In its mouth, the half of our team members and two thighs were hanging high. The two legs were still struggling. For a moment, they did not move. We were all very afraid. The captain immediately ordered everyone to disperse quickly. At the same time, the person carrying the bow and arrow on his body quickly shot a sharp arrow at the python. The skin of the python's body was unusually hard, which could be shot through by ordinary sharp arrows. Looking at our continuous attacks, the python was furious and threw away the body in its mouth. He bit one of our team members fiercely. The speed was really fast. The team member had no time to dodge and ended his life in an instant. Then the python waved its huge tail and swept over. More than a dozen people were swept away. The people who were swept by the ground lay on the ground and spit blood. At this time, the captain set up With a long bow, a sharp arrow flew out, but it was not the body of the python, but its eyes. The captain was very powerful in shooting in our military camp. At this time, he shot a big eye of the python. The beast suddenly became more angry, constantly spraying fishy mucus in his mouth, and several unfortunate team members were mucus. When it was stained, the body suddenly caught fire and shouted 'wow'. At once, there was no residue, and most of the mucus was sprayed on the trees next to it. Those trees burned quickly and lit up all around us. The python was in pain and slowly calmed down. The blind eyes were still flowing. With blood, and the firelight reflected the body of the python. The scales on his body glowed one by one. The captain shot an arrow again, but it was not so lucky. The python easily dodged. Then, he rushed to the captain like crazy. The captain flashed deftly and climbed up a big tree next to him. The python Immediately, he stood up and bit him to the captain. Everyone looked at it and shouted secretly. They all shot out the bow and arrow in their hands. The python looked at it. Maybe it was the pain of the sharp arrow just now and was scared to apply it to the ground. At this time, the captain suddenly jumped down from the tree, rode on the python, pulled out the dagger on his waist, and fiercely Inserted into the cracks of the scales on the python's body, straight without the handle of the knife. The python roared strangely, and its body kept twitching. It jumped up quickly and shook off the captain. 'Everyone inserted the knife into its seven inches.' Listening to the captain's reminder, everyone woke up, and more than 20 people with beast flames rushed up quickly. Go, there was a burst of thrusting into the body of the python. The target was full of scales, and the others stood still, but even if they went, it was useless. The python could easily throw them to death. At that time, I happened to be among these more than 20 people, I quickly inserted a knife at the python. I didn't expect the beast to bend my brain. The bag bit me. At that time, I was surrounded by people and there was no place to hide. In a hurry, I pulled out the dagger inserted fiercely and stabbed it hard into its other eye.

The children of Team 33 nervously listened to everything Qi Changfeng said.

"Finally, when its big mouth bit me in the future, the dagger stabbed in. The severe pain made it no longer interested in killing me, but I was still hit by a big tree next to me by it. Suddenly, my waist seemed to be cut off and I couldn't stand up."

"Chief teacher, you are really awesome." Xiaojiu opened his eyes wide and said naively.

Qi Changfeng smiled and said, "The python was stabbed more than ten times, and each knife stabbed its key through the cracks in the scales. Its body jumped randomly and finally gradually became unable to move after struggling for a while."

"Head teacher, won't your record improve a lot this time?"

"Yes, yes, even the highly poisonous python has been killed, and it will definitely improve."

Qi Changfeng suddenly looked gloomy and said faintly, "I would rather not have these achievements. We all gathered together and stared at the body of the python and discussed how to transport it down the mountain. Suddenly, the body felt a sharp cold. Everyone quickly approached the burning trees, but the cold was stronger than a burst. lie, then, snowflakes appeared in the sky.

"Snow in July?" Everyone asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's snowflakes. I remember clearly that everyone was very cold. After a while, more strange things happened. Those trees were still burning a raging fire, but suddenly, those fires turned into ice."

"Can fire freeze?" Yan Su was also surprised.

"No, all the fires are covered with thick ice. You can see that there are flames inside the ice. At that time, the whole forest was like hanging red lanterns one by one, some big and some small."

"It's so cold, aren't you frozen? Head teacher?"

"No, I also feel very strange. The fire is frozen, and although we are unusually cold, we are not frozen!" Qi Changfeng's face was pale, and it could be seen that he must have been very shocked at that time.

"After a while, I only heard a squeak, and a petite little thing came out of the trees in the distance. It was all white, a bit like a squirrel in Luoshan. The length of its body was only about half a foot, and a big tail stood up behind it, and its two eyes glowed with snow-white light, and it turned to the ground step by step. The python on it walked away. As it moved, the branches and plants around it suddenly formed thick ice. Some trees could no longer withstand the pressure of the ice and broke. When it came to the side of the python, its body suddenly shook violently. In an instant, its body became much smaller, and then it was strung in from the open mouth of the python. At that time, we could see it passing through the body from the mouth of the python with our own eyes. The body of the python kept bulging up big bags, and then quickly It froze quickly, and then the little thing came out of the tail of the python, and the whole body of the python suddenly sank with it, leaving only a piece of python skin, and all the blood on it had been sucked dry by this little thing.