Beast Flame

Chapter 29 One Bow and Six Arrows

"I know very well that everyone doesn't know how to improve their shooting skills, and the shooting skills in our teenager's camp are the best. He can shoot six arrows." Yan Su said seriously.

What is the concept of one bow and six arrows? It is to pull up a long bow, put six arrows on the bow string at the same time, and hit six targets, and each of them can be hit accurately. This is the so-called one bow and six arrows. Although it is less than Wu Tianxing, the first archery master of Cangyun, you should know that the hatred now He was just 15 years old, and Wu Tianxing only practiced this stunt in his thirties, so it is very likely that he can surpass Wu Tianxing at the age of 30.

Looking at the arrival of hate, everyone in the 33 team was very happy. Many of them had seen the name of hate on the hero list, and many of them did not know which hatred was.

"Well, since our first master is here, let him demonstrate it to everyone!" After saying that, Yan Su looked at the hatred and said, "Let's demonstrate to our team members!"

Hate nodded, silently without saying anything, and slowly came out. Although the hate is only fifteen years old, it is basically as long as Yan Su. His eyes are covered by a wisp of long hair. His muscles are very strong, and the maturity and vicissitudes hang on this ageless face.

"Xiaojiu, look, the hateful hair is similar to you." I don't know who suddenly said this.

Hate also heard it, immediately looked at Xiaojiu, and then smiled slightly.

That man is right. The hateful hair is indeed very similar to Xiaojiu. It belongs to the kind of messy long hair, and then it is not tied up. It is casually put on his head. As long as a gust of wind blows, the hair will swing in the direction of the wind.

"Xiaojiu, I hate that it won't be your brother! Why don't you look so much like that!" Everyone couldn't help making fun of Xiaojiu.

Xiaojiu looked at the man with a smile, "No nonsense!"

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't quarrel!" Yan Su shouted a lot.

At this time, Hate had picked up a large cowhide bow from the side of the weapon rack next to it. The bow was very strong and made of a kind of bison on Haoshan. It was elastic, but it took a lot of strength to pull it apart, and Xiaojiu usually trained some ordinary bows and arrows, which was really worse than this one. Too much.

Hate pulled a few empty bowstrings hard, and the bow made a buzzing sound. Then, he took out six sharp arrows from the quiver on the ground and quickly put them on the bow string. He held the bow in his left hand and held the end of the arrow tightly in his right hand. His feet stood in front of him and behind him. He slowly pulled up, and the bow string made a rattling sound. In front of him are six standing wooden targets, round, with a little bright red paint in the middle.

The bow slowly opened, and the hateful arm trembled gently. When the bow opened to a certain extent, the hateful hands suddenly stood still, and then only heard a 'sw' sound, and six arrows flew out towards the bullseye at the same time, with an amazing speed.

"All six targets!" The target watcher ran back and said loudly.

"Oh, oh, oh..." Everyone cheered.

"Hate, you are so awesome!"

Yan Su came over and stretched out his hands to signal everyone to calm down.

"Everyone has seen that this is the power of one bow and six arrows. Now let Hate talk about some shooting skills!"

Yan Su is also a very powerful teacher. He knows that in the hearts of children, if they teach them by themselves, they may not be able to learn attentively, but if it is a teenager of the same age as them, it will be different. They will immediately integrate together and compare with each other, and may teach them. They think that learning will not be normal, but they are also teenagers. Others will, but you can't, then they will definitely find the reason for their shortcomings, so that they can learn slowly. In this way, the effect of training will be greatly improved.

He coughed and saw that he was a person who didn't like to express himself. Looking at these teenagers in front of him, he settled down and finally opened his mouth to speak.

"Actually, I don't know how I practice!" Hatred is like this. It's not his concealment, but that some things can't be explained in words. In other words, many things are based on feelings, and feelings are difficult to describe.

"But..." Hate said again, "But I know that it must take a lot of strength to practice shooting well, because there will be wind when the arrow shoots out. In this way, it is likely to change the direction of the arrow shooting, so the strength is not enough, and naturally it will not hit the target. Once our strength is very strong, the speed of the arrows out Fast enough, the stronger the force generated, and the wind can't change it.

Xiaojiu listened to the hateful words and was immediately overjoyed. He had been looking for the reason why he couldn't shoot. It turned out that he appeared here. Although the hateful words were simple and straightforward, they explained the key to the problem very clearly. Only by overcoming the power of the wind and shooting arrows could fly straight to the target.

"If I can use the power of the wind, is it possible to cause an arrow turn?" Xiaojiu looked at the hatred and said something inexplicably.

"What did you just say?" He looked at Xiaojiu and said loudly.

Xiaojiu was shocked, "I mean, if we can use the power of the wind or use some clever force, can we shoot arrows from the left, but the target is the right?"

Yan Su was shocked. Xiaojiu's idea is really bold. If the enemy is on our right, our arrows must be shot at the right to hit them. If the arrows can turn and we shoot from the left, they will definitely not be defensive. In this way, won't it achieve the effect of hitting the east and west?

I can't imagine that if such a shooting technique is really practiced, it will be really horrible.

After listening to Xiaojiu's words, he was still speechless. Suddenly, he quickly took out an arrow from the quiver, quickly put it on the bowstring, pulled the bowstring, and shot at a wooden target in the distance.

Something strange happened, and the arrow suddenly made a quick turn in the air and then went straight to the sky.

did not hit the target.

The most terrible thing is not to hit. The direction of the arrow is clearly facing the wooden target, but now it flies to the sky.

"The arrow turned the corner!"

"What's going on? That's awesome!" Everyone said in surprise.

He walked quickly to Xiaojiu and said sincerely, "Thank you, brother Xiaojiu. I've been looking for an answer. Today I finally found it!"

Xiao Jiu was at a loss and muttered, "What's the answer!"