Beast Flame

Chapter 135 Pegasus Saves People

Ao Twelve and Hen have exerted their speed to the limit. Although they can't compare with Xiaojiu's speed, those ordinary war horses can't catch up at all. What's more, it's not on the battlefield of yellow sand. How can the street horses on Qingshi Road run? So the two quickly put Dongfang Xiaoqun and Ao Shiwu Tianxing threw away. Now Ao Shide is not surprised by the wonders just now, but worried about Xiaojiu's safety. As soon as he heard the imperial army say that Xiaojiu came to the East Gate, he knew that something important must have happened. If Xiaojiu could not, he would never come here alone without discussing with him.

"Brother Jiu, nothing must happen to you!" Ao Twelve kept speeding up, and the hatred next to him had recited his favorite bow and arrow. Xiaojiu left without saying goodbye. The only reason was that he met the enemy.

Wang Li followed closely behind the two. He knew that today might be the last day he and Xiaojiu were brothers. For the Li family and his father, he had no choice. Although he also remembered Xiaojiu's safety, what he was more worried about now was the appearance of Jiao Longyan.

Xiaojiu was forced by sharp arrows, but Dongfang Qing still refused to stop. Seeing that he was about to die under the rain of arrows, suddenly a figure rushed to Xiaojiu, opened his bow left and right, and quickly shot away the sharp arrows. At the same time, the archers on Dongfangqing's side fell down seven or eight people. , all died from arrows in the throat.

"Hate the big brother." You don't need to see that people with arrows only have hatred and Wu Tianxing in Cangyun, and Wu Tianxing will never come to save himself. The person who came is hate and Ao Twelve.

When the two rushed to the Dongcheng Gate, they saw the dazzling light of the Flying Tiger Monument from afar, and the struggling Xiaojiu next to the Flying Tiger Monument suddenly came into their eyes.

Look again, the person who attacked Xiaojiu was Dongfang Qing. Ao Shi didn't know the reason, but whether Xiaojiu was right or wrong, he couldn't tolerate his brother's death in front of him like this. Ao 12's beast flame quickly rushed over and resisted the sharp arrow shot by the archer with his hand, and At the same time, hate also acted immediately, even if he shot the person who was preparing to shoot the arrow again with his magic skill.

Hate that after shooting once, he did not stop, but hit nine sharp arrows again at a faster speed and looked at Dongfang Qing coldly.

"Marquis, you still can't stop fighting. I don't know why you want to kill my brother today, but you know my strength. If you dare to shoot another arrow, I will never let you go." The hate words are very clear and even more red. Naked threats, in front of the love between him and Ao Xiaojiu, what is brave? Whoever dares to attack his brother will not hesitate to attack.

Dong Qing was obviously stunned. He knew that it was still a step late, but he was unwilling to give up like this. Looking at the hatred, he shouted again in an extremely desperate voice: "S shoot them!"

Hearing Dongfang Qing's order, these archers immediately fired the sharp arrows in their hands, and the fire was about to appear in their hateful eyes. Without hesitation, the nine sharp arrows flew towards Dongfang Qing.

Dongfang Qing quickly grabbed the dragon detective beside him, and nine sharp arrows shot into the dragon detective's body without exception.

"Marquis, you..." Long Tan couldn't believe his eyes. After saying the last word, he lay on the ground and didn't close his eyes for a long time.

With the protection of Ao Twelve, Xiaojiu was not injured. The two quickly ran to the bottom of the Flying Tiger Monument, where there was at least a little hiding place.

"Dongfangqing, you still can't stop!" Hate to shout again.

"Well, just because you, a little general, dare to shout at me bravely, save it! Kill me!" Dongfangqing was angry. Now he is struggling for the last time. If he doesn't succeed, he will have nothing left. He is also betting on who God is helping.

The archer ran forward quickly and got closer to Ao Xiaojiu. In such a situation, the two really had no place to hide.

"Twelve, go!" Xiaojiu said hard that the two of them were here at the same time and could only die together.

"Bad boy, what are you talking about? If you ask me to leave at this time, do you still think I'm a brother?" Ao Twelve scolded Xiaojiu loudly, "If we are going to die, our brothers will die together. Look, isn't it safe to hate brothers? With him, even if we die, he will definitely avenge me.

Dongfang Qing was even more angry when he heard the words of the two, "shoot them to death!"

The archer put on the bow string. With such a distance and such a small range, Ao Twelve had no choice. The two suddenly laughed and hugged each other.

"Good brother!"

"Twelve, Xiaojiu!" He hated to know that there was nothing he could do, but he still ran over crazily with the last glimmer of hope. At this time, it was easy to shoot Dongfang Qing, but the lives of his two brothers were more important than shooting Dongfang Qing. It was absolutely impossible for him to watch them die like this.

"Hate big brother, we will be brothers in the next life."

Wang Li has also arrived. Seeing such a situation, he had no desire to grab the dragon flame in an instant. Saving Xiaojiu is now one of the things he wants to do most. Wang Li, who has been preserving his strength, fully showed his strength at this time and rushed up crazily, but it was too late. The archer is too far away from him.

Xiaojiu and Ao Twelve looked at each other with a smile. At this moment, they were no longer afraid of life and death, because their best brother was around them.

"Little Nine Brother!" Suddenly, there was a shout.

Niu Meng, who came in a hurry, also arrived. The archer quickly tightened the bowstring. Niu Meng had no choice but to pass. Looking at the war horse beside him, he ran quickly and grabbed the horse's feet with both hands.

"Hi!" Niu Meng shouted loudly, and the thousand-pound war horse was picked up by him. Niu Meng rotated twice in place and threw the war horse out.

Niu Meng's strength has reached 10,000 jin of magic power. Now he sees Xiaojiu's life hanging on the line, which is even more explosive to the limit of his body. The speed of the war horse is no less than that of bows and arrows, and he goes to Dongfang Qing and others.

There was a hoarse cry of the war horse in the air. Dongfang Qing was stunned. Niu Meng's move to save people was something he didn't dare to think about. Before he could react, the horse had flown in front of him. He escaped in horror, and one foot of the horse still touched one of his arms.

With a "click", Dongfangqing's right arm was broken, and the speedless war horse quickly flew to other archers after defeating Dongfangqing.

'Bum!!!' The war horse knocked down more than a dozen people and flew to the Flying Tiger Stone Monument, and a louder sound sounded.

"Bum!!!!" The whole body of the war horse collided with the stone tablet and was fragmented.

"Little Nine Brother!" Niu Meng got it and no longer hesitated. He ran over quickly. Dongfang Qing stared at his perfect plan. It was over, and everything was over.

Hiding in the dark and looking at Niu Meng's hand, he was shocked. He had seen a person with natural magic power, but it was the first time he saw it with a war horse as a weapon.

The frightened archers suddenly panicked. Wang Li, Hate, Niu Meng and Ao Twelve started to fight together. These people had reported to hell before they woke up from their surprise. Ao Twelve and others were no longer merciless because of the thrill just now, and all the people hit by them were smashed to death.

Niu Meng's face was full of anger and came to Dongfang Qing, lifted him up and lifted him into the air.

"Good old oriental thief, why did you kill my brother!"

Dong Qing was out of breath by him, and his right arm was broken by a war horse just now, and now he is sweating coldly and speechless.

"If you dare to kill my brother, I will kill you." After Niu Meng finished speaking, he was about to throw Dongfang Qing to the Flying Tiger Stone.

At this time, Dongfang Xiaoqun Wu Tianxing and Ao Lie also arrived. Seeing this, Dongfang Xiaoqun was shocked and shouted.

" Stop it!"

"Meng'er, stop it!" Wu Tianxing also shouted loudly.

Dongfang Xiaoqun came to the crowd on horseback and jumped down in a hurry.

"What the hell is going on?"

Niu Meng has still been holding Dongfangqing. In his opinion, no one can order himself. Among these people, he has not paid attention to anyone except Xiaojiu and Wu Tianxing.

"Meng'er, why don't you put down the bravery!"

As soon as Niu Meng saw Wu Tianxing talking, he immediately threw Dongfang Qing, and Dongfang Qing fell to the ground with a 'bang' sound.

"Second uncle, second uncle!" Dongfang Xiaoqun quickly picked him up.

"Uncle, what the hell is going on!"

Dong Qing's eyes were lax, and he no longer had the elegant demeanor of a brave marquis. He tilted his mouth and couldn't help laughing, "It's over, it's over! The Oriental family is over!"