Beasts dominate the world

Chapter 32 Liu Bingyi

When the two arrived at the Liu family, they saw that the big Liu family had already been as bones and bloodshed into rivers. The two hurried into the inner courtyard and entered the inner courtyard. They saw a beautiful woman stride herself to the sky with a long sword and fell on a man lying in a pool of blood.

A beautiful girl about ten years old shouted, "Mother!" He jumped on the woman's body and shook the woman's body in tears, hoping to wake her up. "Mom, you can't leave Yi'er! Dad is gone, don't you want Yi'er anymore? Mother, mother, wake up, wake up..."

The officer at the head of the matter poohed and scolded, "Damn, what a bad luck! Well, if you can't find the big one, you can take the small one back and give it to the master. Come on, bring this little beauty back!"

The two soldiers answered and went to catch the girl. When they approached the girl, they found that they could no longer move. It turned out that they were fixed by He Yingqi.

He Yingqi was enraged by these soldiers who were not as good as beasts, and Xiong Lieyan appeared on his body. He rushed to dozens of officers and soldiers like a phantom faster than lightning. The officers and soldiers only felt a red light flashed in front of their eyes and burned themselves.

Only one soldier survived. The soldier listened to the screams and howls from his companions, as if he were in hell. It's not that He Yingqi didn't want to kill him, but just left him to spread the message.

In an instant, all the burned officers and soldiers turned into ashes, no, to be precise, there was no ash left! The divine fire could have burned everything. Although He Yingqi's cultivation was limited, it was enough to burn these mortals.

The soldier was so scared that he fell down and kowtowed and begged for mercy: "Great God, forgive me, forgive me!" This has nothing to do with the boy. It's all, yes, ordered!"

In the eyes of soldiers, this beautiful teenager was sent by God to punish them, otherwise how could he burn all the people without even ashes in an instant?

Yin Hong came forward and kicked the soldiers away and shouted, "Don't get out of here!" So that the dog official can know that my master will definitely not let the Liu family die tragically, and ask him to just clean his brain and wait for my master to bring it up!" The soldier couldn't wait for him to say this and even climbed out of the Liu family gate.

He Yingqi walked up to the little girl and looked at her quietly, but said nothing, because he knew that it was useless to say anything at this time. Only by letting her cry to her heart's content can vent the pain in her heart. The child may be overly sad or tired of crying and fainting.

He Yingqi picked up her petite and exquisite body and said to Yin Hong, "Bear this couple well. I'll wait for you by the river outside the city." He flew out of the city with the little girl in his arms.

He Yingqi sat on a huge flat rock on the edge of the river and looked at the little girl in her arms. Her melon seed face and willow leaf eyebrows, her big eyes are extremely pure, like snow skin can be blown and broken, and there is a trace of hero between her eyebrows. Although she is only ten years old, it is so beautiful that the stars and the moon are colored.

Her beauty is not delicate, but as clear as jade and as refined as a fairy. I'm afraid that there will never be such a beautiful woman in the world. He Yingqi sighed in her heart that if she grew up, she didn't know how beautiful she would be!

About half an hour, the little girl finally woke up and opened her eyes to look at He Yingqi. It's just that her eyes are full of sadness, which makes people feel sad.

"You're awake, little sister." He Yingqi said gently. The girl listened to him in a gentle tone like her mother's words, which couldn't help touching her feelings and burst into tears. He Yingqi sighed and let her cry.

After crying for a long time, the little girl stopped and asked He Yingqi, "Big brother, who are you and why did you save me?" My name is He Yingqi. I happened to meet those beasts here and rushed to your house. After I learned what they wanted to do, I immediately rushed there. I didn't expect that I couldn't save your parents!"

When the boy heard He Yingqi talk about his parents, he burst into tears and said sadly, "Yi'er has no relatives anymore. I'm the only one left in the future. What should I do?" He Yingqi hugged her in her arms and comforted her, "Yi'er, don't be afraid, you still have me. I will be your brother in the future, and I will take care of you.

The little girl didn't believe it and asked with tears in her eyes, "Do you really want to be my brother?" Of course, what's the use of lying to you?" He Yingqi pinched her clear nose with her hand, full of love.

The night disappeared and fell, and the night once again filled the earth and swallowed up the bright light. He Yingqi was afraid that a girl Liu Bingyi was afraid of the dark, so she released two touch of magic and made it float on both sides.

"Wow, brother, are you an immortal? That's awesome!" After all, Liu Bingyi was a child. When she saw such magical spells, she shouted happily and forgot the pain of losing her parents for a moment. He Yingqi smiled and said, "I'm not a fairy, but I know some rough spells to fool people."

Liu Bingyi didn't believe it and begged, "I don't care. Anyway, my brother wants to teach me!" Little fool, you are my sister. If you want to learn, I will naturally teach you. However," He Yingqi paused and said seriously, "The road to practice is not only difficult and dangerous, but also long and lonely. If you can stand the loneliness of endless years, I will teach you."

Liu Bingyi seemed to know that only practice can always be with her brother. She said without hesitation, "I can definitely do it, brother, just teach me!" Yier will always be with her brother. Never be separated."

He Yingqi said, "Okay, I'll help you repair it when I'm free. You should be hungry now. Let's eat something first. With that, he took out a few of the lowest spiritual fruits from the magic ring. She is only a mortal fetus and can't stand the best spiritual fruit.

Liu Bingyi took the spiritual fruit and felt that the spiritual fruit turned into an extremely sweet ** and flowed into her abdomen. Suddenly, she felt hungry and thirsty, and her whole body became as light as a swallow.

"Master, my disciple is back." After dealing with the afterlife of Yi'er's parents, Yin Hong rushed to join the master. He Yingqi asked, "Is it right to stop?" Yes, the disciple has dealt with the suspension and doesn't bother the master.

Yin Hong asked again, "Master, how to deal with that dog officer? You can't let him go easily." This is natural. As a teacher, I will take his dog's head tomorrow to eliminate this great harm for the people!"

In a high-walled courtyard, soldiers are constantly patrolling back and forth. Very alert, as if to prevent someone from coming to assassinate. And a chubby man in official clothes in the hall walked up and down in the hall, with a very nervous expression, as if something big was going to happen.

There were still three men sitting in the hall. A man in black armor said to the fat man in official uniform, "Why should you panic? If that boy really dares to come, my three brothers will always tell him that he will never come back and die!"

"You don't know. Hearing the soldier say that the boy is like a fire god coming down to earth, he is really powerful. How can I feel at ease?" Taishou said worriedly.

"Does Taishou not believe in the strength of the three of us?" The man in black asked slightly unhappily. Seeing that the three of them were unhappy, he was afraid that he would leave with a pile of smiling faces and said, "Where are the three immortals who are strong enough? Naturally, they are not afraid of him."

The Taishou was the new Taishou who killed the Liu family. When he heard the surviving soldier come back to report, he was so scared that he hurriedly invited three people to protect him.

After a while, the eunuch couldn't rest assured and asked, "Can the three immortals really defeat that teenager?" Humph, it's not for us to praise Haikou. Even if he has the ability to communicate with heaven, he can't escape the palms of my three brothers. Adults can rest assured!" The man in black said confidently.

"I didn't expect that there were such bragging people among practitioners!" At any time, a beautiful young man appeared silently in the hall with a spring-like smile on his face, which was contrary to what he said. The teenager exuded a terrible atmosphere, which shocked several people in the hall.