Beasts dominate the world

Chapter 55 Bight

"Yes, Yin Hong, why don't you see your master?" Shangguan Ziqing didn't see He Yingqi coming with him. He was surprised and couldn't help asking Yin Hong. Yin Hong said, "Master, he went to look for Biyan liquid and asked his disciples to lead Bingyi to find Uncle." What is he looking for blue rock liquid? Zhao Baiyuan asked curiously. Although this blue rock liquid is precious, it is only used in some special ways. I don't understand what He Yingqi wants from him.

So Yin Hong told He Yingqi about going to find Biyan liquid, and pointed to Liu Bingyi and said, "This Bingyi girl is the girl recognized by the master." Yin Hong said to Yi'er again, "Yier, come and meet your uncle and seniors."

"Yi'er has met my uncle and met all the seniors!"

Zhou Meier saw that her little man was beautiful and amazing, which made everything pale, and she looked a little cunning. She liked it very much and took the initiative to chat with her. Yi'er also liked this beautiful and friendly elder sister very much, so the two women soon got acquainted with each other like sisters.

Zhao Baiyuan asked Yin Hong, "Yin Hong, do you know where your master is? We have something important to ask him." What do you want to do with your master?" It's not your uncle's business. If you want to know, just ask him yourself. Zhao Bai said with a bad smile and glanced at Shangguan Ziqing at the same time.

Shangguan Ziqing was rarely embarrassed. His handsome face turned red and said shyly, "I've just haven't seen that boy for a long time. I miss him a little." Li Xin and others didn't expect that the master, who had always been extremely serious, would also be embarrassed, and they all sneered in their hearts.

In fact, Shangguan Ziqing heard Zhao Baiyuan say that he got He Yingqi's mysterious skills, and the cultivation was several times faster than before. There seemed to be no bottleneck in practice, and he entered the country quickly. And Shangguan Ziqing did see that his strength was stronger than day by day, and he seemed to have the momentum to surpass himself.

He stayed in the last bottleneck period of the Zhengyuan period for nearly ten years and failed to break through, so he was eager to break through with He Yingqi's mysterious Zhenyuan. It was just that he was arrogant and could not say it directly, so he said that he missed He Yingqi and wanted to see him, which made Zhao Baiyuan sneer.

Shangguan Ziqing stared at Zhao Baiyuan, who smiled more and more presumptuously, and said gloomily, "Is it funny?" Zhao Baiyuan finally restrained when he saw that his face was not good, but he endured the smile and made his face deformed, which was very funny. Zhao Baiyuan tried to pretend to be serious and said, "It's not funny at all! It's normal for the eldest brother to miss the younger brother, and it's not unspeakable, don't you think so? But as soon as he finished speaking, he kept laughing and couldn't straighten his waist.

Shangguan Ziqing was extremely depressed, but he had no choice but to shake his head at Zhao Baiyuan and ignore him. Shangguan Ziqing asked Yin Hong, "Does your master have any ways to contact him?"

Yin Hong shook his head and said, "Master said let us wait for him here, and he would come back to find us." Hearing what he said, Shangguan Ziqing showed disappointment. He was unhappy to think that Zhao Baiyuan's hateful guy flew immortals before himself. In the past, I was far ahead and ranked first among my peers, but now the situation is reversed.

"However, the dragon has been hidden in the master's body for a long time and is connected with the master's breath. If you follow it, you should be able to find the master."

"Really! That's great. Let's go right away!" Shangguan Ziqing was so happy that he could find He Yingqi.

"I'm going too!" Liu Bingyi ran over and shouted. No, Yier, stay here. Master has told you not to be surprised at all. I can rest assured that you stay here. Yin Hong refused. Shangguan Ziqing also said, "Yi'er, be obedient. Uncle asked Mei'er to play with you here."

Liu Bingyi pouted her little mouth unwillingly, but did not dare to disobey Shangguan Ziqing's words. She was not afraid of He Yingqi and Yin Hong, but she was a little afraid of the serious Shangguan Ziqing.

In this way, Zhao Baiyuan, Shangguan Ziqing and Yin Hong left Xiaoquan Mountain across the dragon to find the whereabouts of He Yingqi.

Besides, He Yingqi and the two were chased to a large lake by the blue spirit beast and stopped. Cheng Hongxuan saw him stop and asked puzzledly, "Why did the uncle stop? The fierce beast is going to catch up!"

"I'm so tired that I don't want to run anymore! Damn, I was chased by a beast. If it spreads out, how can I fool around!" He Yingqi said without blushing and heartbeat. He seemed to have forgotten how "heroic" and desperate he was when he fled just now.

Cheng Hongxuan almost fainted for his reason! Oh, my God, I stopped because I was tired, regardless of my life!

He Yingqi saw the blue spirit beast catch up and shouted, "Water spirit secret!" At the same time, his hands flipped quickly, and a touch of blue light shot out of his hand. Soon a mass of light appeared in his hand.

He Yingqi held up the light ball and hit the lake below. Suddenly, a huge whirlpool appeared in the lake. The whirlpool became faster and faster, and the range of ripples became larger and larger, and finally formed a larger whirlpool with a diameter of one li. He Yingqi held her hands up, and the whirlpool flew up for a moment to form a huge column of water in the middle and wrapped the two people in it.

The water column rotated crazily, and all kinds of water condensation monsters flew out of the water column and rushed towards the blue spirit beast. Those water-coated spirit beasts roared like thunder and attacked the blue spirit beast, but before they could approach, they were dissipated by the disdainful roar of the blue spirit beast and turned into water sprinkled down the lake.

Biling once made a super sound column to hit the flying water condensation beast, and his eyes also shot two terrible blue beams to attack the water column.

At this time, a sharp phoenix sound, a giant phoenix rose from the upper end of the water column, constantly flapping its huge wings to lift the lake water on the surface of the lake and formed a thick column of water and hit the blue spirit beast. The beast roared angrily and opened its mouth to shoot a powerful blue column to shake the other party away.

But this Shuifeng is still controlled by He Yingqi, which is a little like an external incarnation and extremely flexible. One of them dodged the blue column and spewed out a huge ball of water to counterattack. In this way, the two sides reached a stalemate for a while. But soon, the blue spirit beast turned into a ten thousand phantoms and trapped the water phoenix in the center, and ten thousand light burst into the water phoenix at the same time, making it invisible.

He Yingqi saw this in the water column. For a moment, he didn't know if he controlled the water phoenix to dodge. He secretly cursed this thing in his heart. It was not only powerful, but also really cunning! The water phoenix was hit by blue light at the same time and scattered, and a stream of water fell from a high altitude on the lake and hit the lake.

The Beast roared at He Yingqi in the water column, as if laughing at his opponent's incompetence. He Yingqi was furious and shouted, "Dragon Journey for nine days!" The water column suddenly turned into a huge water dragon and roared towards the blue spirit beast.

The blue spirit beast did not put the water dragon in its eyes at all, roaring and found blue light. The water dragon skillfully avoided the beam of light and kept roaring faceless. The water dragons kept rising from the water and winding towards the blue spirit beast.

The blue spirit beast kept waving its front claws, and its huge light claws cracked into the void and hit the water dragon, knocking all the water dragons to powder.