Beasts dominate the world

Chapter 210 Blue Soul Sea Shock

A look at the endless blue sea, the waves hit the cliff, splashed everywhere, and the strong wind roared on the sea, pushing the waves in the distance more and more surging, and finally forming a wave of rage, which rolled up to the coast and washed the seaside flat.

He Yingqi looked at the sea, and even half of the boat was not seen. It seemed that it was really not very calm here, and no one dared to go to the sea.

He Yingqi walked with the sword, pulled Ning Zichen together, and turned into a streamer across the waves, causing the waves to rise and splash. The seaside of the blue soul sea is much rougher than the ordinary sea. As soon as you enter the deep sea, you can see that the waves are more than ten feet high and the wave walls are rolled up, which is very powerful. If there is a boat, I'm afraid it will be broken. At the end is a fierce sea of evil.

But He Yingqi is not afraid. Even if there are monsters in this sea, it should not be too fierce, right? He has the strength of immortals now. Will there still be fairy beasts in this sea? As long as it is not a fairy beast-level fierce beast, how many spirit beasts jump out, and he will slap it.

The two walked with swords on the sea, and the two swords pierced like a rainbow, ten miles away in an instant, but after two days, they had not seen the end of the sea. They even felt that they were still on the edge of the sea and finally entered the deep sea of the blue soul sea.

After flying for a few days, I don't know how far I have gone. From time to time, I can see a big whirlpool on the sea, sucking many fish in. Or see one or two mountain-like giant whales floating, spewing out air columns, or dozens of them gathered together, like a sea island.

Although there are also some sea monsters, they are all ordinary and have not encountered any fierce spirit beasts, let alone the legendary divine boundary.

Ning Zichen asked, "Master, why haven't we seen any deep sea monsters coming out in the past few days? It's a little too calm. Isn't the legend true? Leng Qiuqi said that even the earth fairy did not dare to cross the sea easily and would jump out of the terrible sea monster from time to time.

Although He Yingqi was also a little strange, she still didn't dare to be careless and warned Ning Zichen, "This is good, so you don't have to worry about it. But don't be careless. Just pay attention to it.

When the two dared to say that, the deep sea changed. Originally, the sea was calm. Originally, the waves were only about ten feet, but now there is no storm. Unexpectedly, they flew up, and dozens of feet and hundreds of feet of angry waves came up, roaring, louder than thousands of troops.

A giant beast rises from the storm. I don't know how big the beast is. When it floats, the back is like an extremely wide island, with a huge black hole on its back. A demon wind spewed out of the black hole and hit Ning Zichen directly.

"Be careful!" He Yingqi reacted faster and pushed Ning Zichen aside. He stabbed the Tianyan halberd in his hand, and a fire rainbow shot down, burning the back of the giant beast.

"Lulu!!" The giant beast let out a fierce cry. With its strange cry, the sea became more and more unstable. The sea was boiling and kept rolling. Columns of water rose to the sky, and an unknown monster bigger than the island floated up and gathered towards this side.

The giant beast that burned its back seemed to be the leader and made a strange and harsh cry. It commanded these giant beasts to surround He Yingqi and the two of them in the center. Although these monsters were huge, they were swimming at an amazing speed, and they surrounded them tightly in a moment. He Yingqi snorted coldly and pulled Ning Zichen to fly across the encirclement.

But at this time, all the giant beasts began to roar and rushed out of the black hole on its back. The air column was emitted by the roar of the giant beast, which made the void tremble and become more and more violent.

This sound attack is extremely powerful. Each giant beast emits sound waves of the same frequency, causing resonance. Even He Yingqi can't stand the terrible power. He feels that his internal organs also resonate, and even his mind becomes dry and uneasy, and the yuan god seems to jump out. He Yingqi was shocked and quickly calmed down.

He Yingqi barely suppressed her mind, but Ning Zichen was not so lucky. He vomited a large mouthful of blood and fainted. He Yingqi quickly pulled him over. He Yingqi wanted to take Ning Zichen to break through the siege and didn't want to pester these giant beasts. However, these giant beasts were tightly surrounded, and the air columns sealed the two to death. The more outward they were, the greater the pressure.

These monsters keep roaring, and the powerful sound waves make the space vibrate and jump, as if to twist. A terrible force twisted towards He Yingqi and the two. He Yingqi scolded, "Damn, what kind of sea monster is this? It's so awesome! No, you have to rush out quickly, otherwise Zichen will definitely not be able to stand it!"

He Yingqi formed a boundary to temporarily protect Ning Zichen, and rushed down the monster that had been burned by her before with a flame halberd. A halberd cut down and a hot light fell. The huge beast suddenly sank and fell into the sea. When He Yingqi left, he floated again. He Yingqi stabbed down again, but it sprayed a column of water to rush He Yingqi out of the side, which was very embarrassed.

"His grandma, this sea monster is also shrewd enough! You can be a teacher of Shi Qianjun!" He Yingqi dried her clothes with Shenyan and scolded, "Come on, I don't believe I can't deal with you bastards!" He Yingqi put her hands in front of her chest, read a spell, hit the magic formula on the flame halberd, and shouted, "Sword rain meteor!"

A large area of halberd was shot down like a meteor. Because the halberd was too fast, the giant beast couldn't sink and was pierced several times. These halberd were condensed by the fire, burning several big holes on the back of the beast, which made it churning in the water and stirring the sea water upside down.

"Hey, you know my tricks! Look at you still arrogant!" He Yingqi was proud and wanted to take action again, but all these sea monsters panicked and fled in panic. However, because they were too huge, they panicked and bumped into each other, making the sea turbulent, and the waves rolling and moving, making them more turbid.

He Yingqi thought that the beast king was afraid of himself and wanted to escape with these monsters. She said proudly, "Damn, I was... If you insert it twice, you will be scared! Hey hey, do you want to escape? It's not that easy. Look at me. Insert. You are dead! Don't think about it. I'm serious. **. Min, hey!)

He Yingqi recited the spell again, hit the spiritual formula with one hand, and the flame halberd turned into a bear again. The fire shot down. Wow!" With a fierce roar, a monster with more than ten feet rushed out of the waves. The monster's bloated body is like a dinosaur, but much bigger than a dinosaur. And there is a pair of pale golden meat wings like bats, which are golden and dazzling in the sun. At the same time, there are two horns on the head of the wolf, and there are teeth like a sharp blade in the mouth of the blood plate, which is cold and shining.