Beasts dominate the world

Chapter 427 Calculation

When He Yingqi looked at the Thousand Fantasy Monument again, the attack power from the Thousand Fantasy Monument was even more magnificent, and he had to move his eyes away with just a glance. Jinghong just glanced at He Yingqi and saw two pictures. One picture turned out to be Shen Shuyun again! The other picture is a vast and boundless fierce ocean, in which there are many terrible strange creatures, and a large shadow can be faintly seen under the surface of the water, which seems to be a huge underwater island, but He Yingqi was surprised to find that the large shadow under the sea is not an underwater island, but A huge beast head!

"How is this possible! That, that large shadow turned out to be the head of a giant beast!" What kind of creature is so huge! A head is several times bigger than an island. I really don't know how horrible its real body is!

After sighing, He Yingqi thought of Shen Shuyun again. Although Shen Shuyun and his sister Li Qionger were the first people He Yingqi met to enter the fairyland. After the opening of the Taixu world, He Yingqi also brought them into Taixu with his teacher Song Yuan and crazy ghosts, but there has been no intersection since then. Unexpectedly, he was involved with Ren Feier and Zhao Qiong.

" Shen Shuyun, who is he? Why did he appear on the Thousand Fantasy Monument twice? Is he the key to inheriting the origin of the eldest brother? But even so, what does he have with Phil? They don't know each other at all! I really can't figure it out!"

He Yingqi couldn't think of a reason, so she had to give up and said to herself, "Whatever you want, let it be. You will always know then." Although there are still many things to test, He Yingqi knows from her experience just now that although she can see this thousand magic monument several times, it is more dangerous every time. He is only sure to watch it one more time now, so he wants to measure his fate.

He Yingqi is extremely cautious this time, because she is generally unable to predict her future. Although this time, she wants to use the power of the Thousand Magic Monument to see if she can understand a little bit of heaven, she also knows that it is not only hundreds of times more difficult to test herself than others, but also extremely dangerous.

He Yingqi's eyes looked at the Thousand Magic Monument, but every time she approached, she was shaken away by a domineering force. His consciousness was shocked several times and almost collapsed. He Yingqi did not dare to try again. However, he decided to fight for the last time, and he sat in the void and accumulated strength. It took about ten years before he finally tried again.

Finally, he succeeded! But he saw nothing but a vague and dark unknown space, and nothing else. Just as he was disappointed to withdraw his sight, a white figure suddenly appeared in the gray space, as if looking this way from a distance through thousands of time and space.

The man is in a misty fog. Although the fog is extremely thin, he can't see through it. I don't know what his face looks like. However, he was dressed in a snow coat, with a little elegance and supreme power. He seemed to have the illusion of heaven and earth like the emperor, which made people can't help but worship him! At the same time, his two eyes penetrated endless time and space through the fog and intersect with He Yingqi's eyes.

In an instant, He Yingqi seemed to be able to feel all the feelings of the other party. A feeling of loneliness, a wisp of melancholy, a wave of hatred and endless sadness all surged into He Yingqi's heart. That loneliness seems to have been endless since ancient times. A hatred seems to want to destroy all sentient beings in heaven and earth, and slaughter the world! With a desolate sigh, the man turned into a thin streamer line and rushed into He Yingqi's mind along He Yingqi's eyes.

He Yingqi finally woke up and hurriedly searched for himself with his divine consciousness, but he could not find any trace of the man or his breath. Strange, who is he? How can I feel that I recognize him..." He Yingqi searched all over her body again, but still didn't find any breath of the man, and even doubted whether what had just happened was her own hallucination.

Later, when He Yingqi tried to take back the Thousand Fantasy Monument, he could no longer take it back. His connection with the Thousand Fantasy Monument seemed to be isolated. This monument is quietly floating in the space opened up at the source, constantly rolling out a chaotic atmosphere.

It doesn't matter if He Yingqi can't take it back. Anyway, the monument is in her own hands now, and she is not afraid of people coming to grab it. And if you leave it here, you can also come to practice when you have time. Although the chaotic aura it emits is not very pure, it has an endless effect on He Yingqi.

It's just that he is now in a hurry to wake Zhao Qiong up and has no time to practice, so he urgently finds Yin Hong. Yin Hong, I may have a way for my eldest brother to complete the inheritance of the origin. Take me to see him!" Yin Hong was overjoyed and asked, "Master, do you really have a way to wake up Brother Zhao?"

Yin Hong not only has a good relationship with Zhao Qiong, but also if Zhao Qiong completes the inheritance of the origin, it will be very beneficial to the unification of the divine world, and he will be so happy.

He Yingqi and Yin Hong came to the Chenxiao Temple in Nanxuanyu. Yin Hong took him to the central hall of the Chenxiao Temple. Outside the hall, He Yingqi found that the temple she saw outside was completely different from the inside. The hall actually formed a space of its own. This space was very wide, with colorful clouds and clouds, gods The light is colorful, the divine voice is soft, the auspicious beast is galloping, and the divine bird is flying.

In the middle of this room, there is a huge floating stone platform. He Yingqi and Yin Hong fell behind the stone platform, picked up the steps and came to the top. At the top is a square paved with purple divine stones, with a large bed carved from blue divine crystals in the middle, and a young man in yellow is lying in **.

The man in yellow is peerless, handsome and unparalleled. His eyes are slightly closed and the corners of his mouth are slightly open, as if he is smiling. He looked peaceful, as if he were sleeping. And a huge golden light ball floated above him, and another golden beam of light fell on him. The golden ball of light exudes a magnificent and strong spirit like a river and sea, which makes the spirit of the whole space watery.

He Yingqi walked slowly to the divine crystal bed with incomparable excitement, and her breathing became rapid because of her excitement, and tears appeared in her eyes. Zhao Qiong is more intimate to him than his own brother. He is like a brother and a father. Without him, he would not be who he is today. He has a special respect and kindness for Zhao Qiong. If there are only two of the most important people in his life, one is Tian Yuzhen and the other is Zhao Qiong.

At the beginning, He Yingqi tried her best to cultivate her mind with the purpose of meeting Zhao Qiong again, but now she finally sees him again. When He Yingqi walked to the bedside and looked at her serene face as before, He Yingqi smiled in tears and gently shouted, "Brother." All feelings are contained in this soft call.

"Master, if he knows what you have achieved now, he will be very happy and proud." Yin Hong came forward and comforted him. He Yingqi nodded and said to Yin Hong, "I'm going to bring someone now. You wait here!" What kind of person?" A person who can successfully complete the inheritance of the divine world!"

Yin Hong didn't have time to ask in detail, so He Yingqi led back to the virtual world with his origin.

"Eunzi, why is it you?" Shen Shuyun was in a sword fight with Li Qionger, and he saw He Yingqi suddenly. Both of them stopped and came forward to salute. Shen Shuyun has now married Li Qiong'er. The couple respect each other and are inseparable. They practiced peacefully in the virtual world. Occasionally, they are really immortals between the mountains and rivers.

He Yingqi said to Shen Shuyun, "Mr. Shen, I need your help. I don't know if it's okay?" What did Mr. He say? You are the master of the world. What else can you do? It would be a great honor for Shuyun to serve the world!" Mr. Shen, please go to the divine world with me." Uh-huh. Everything is at the command of the world!"

"Fare, take care of yourself along the way! I'll be waiting for you at home." Li Qionger took care of Shen Shuyun's clothes and said reluctantly. They had just got married. Although they were very reluctant to separate, Jiezun opened his mouth. Moreover, He Yingqi had to be separated temporarily because he was grateful to them.

"Miss Li, don't worry, I will definitely bring you back fairly. All right, let's go." He Yingqi waved her sleeves and took Shen Shuyun to the Temple of Dust Night. Unexpectedly, Shen Shuyun had just appeared in the temple, and he and Zhao Qiong emitted a faint gray glow. Finally, Shen Shuyun shouted, and the soul unexpectedly flew out and flew towards Zhao Qiong!