Shu Song

Chapter 8 Dream Breaking Thunder 1

"Come on, beauty, take me to find your Miss Gong Jin..." Drunk, beautiful, with a little shyness, the singer who supported Han Xiao said, "Girl, Miss Gong Jin is now a guest, which is not very convenient!"

"How can that be..." Han Xiao suddenly pulled out of his drunken state and stood upright in the local area. "In the capital, who dares to rob Han Xiao from me? After saying that, he refused the singer around him and wandered away to explore the depths of the courtyard.

At the corner of the corridor, a light figure quietly followed, but unfortunately bumped into the singer and turned to the corridor. Girl, you..."

"Shh..." Su Mu covered the woman's mouth, "Don't quarrel. Do whatever you have to do. You didn't see me, and I didn't see you!" The strange behavior stunned the woman and let Su Mu go in the direction of Han Xiao. A few steps in the corridor, blocked by just now, Su Mu turned around and found herself lost in this willow field. "Strange, where did you go?"

At the corners of my eyes, I saw a corner of apricot red dress, who hesitated around the corner. Next to him was a familiar person, "Isn't this the beast during the day?" Su Mu thought of the beast's treatment of Gao Yu during the day, and suddenly became angry. He turned around and groped for a while and found an abandoned tree trunk next to the corridor. "Look, I won't teach you a good lesson." After saying that, he tiptoed in the direction of the man.

The figure suddenly turned around, and Su Mu couldn't make a sneak attack, so he had to find a hiding place. As soon as he retreated, he hit a wing door, and the door of the wing room babbling and burst open. Su Mu got up awkwardly, but taught the scene in front of him for a long time.

But I saw only a woman, wearing a belly pocket, completely ignoring the woman's shame, wrapped her legs around the man's waist and enjoyed her soul.

"Where did the wild girl come from!" The person in the room was a little stunned and shouted at Su Mu.

"I, I..." Su Mu suddenly was shocked and suddenly remembered Gao Yu's unpredictable smile when he was about to go out with Gao Yu, "I, I'm in the wrong room!" After casually prevaricate, Su Mufei also got up and ran out of the room full of blankness. What is it? Isn't this a karaoke house? When did it become a brothel? Gao Yu, stinky Han Xiao, let me see you look good and lied me into coming to such a place..."

Su Mu buried his shy face deeply and turned around the corridor. There was still a woman's call. Su Mu was suddenly embarrassed and angry again and kicked the pillar next to him heavily. "What the hell is this place?" I was about to leave, but the woman's voice called. The difference was that this time it was a hissing fear.

Then, there was another heartbreaking sound of the man. Su Mu stamped his foot and scolded at the door of the wing room, "Is it so exaggerated?"

A touch of crimson, before Su Mu's final tone fell, sprayed thinly, and the paper-cut reflected on the door of the wing room was dyed scarlet. Su Mu was suddenly shocked, and Han Xiao's voice suddenly sounded in the room, "Don't run... have another drink!"

I don't know when the door was kicked open, and I couldn't stop my trembling. I saw the bloody silhouette on the door of the room. Suddenly, the chill rose and I shouted inside with a trembling voice, "Han, Han Xiao, stop playing. This is not funny..." Almost with a crying voice, Su Mu walked step by step He opened the door in surprise and stepped in.

"Han Xiao, you,... where are you? Come out and stop playing!"

As soon as the door broke open, the night wind suddenly surged and blew out the candlelight in the room. Suddenly, it was dark and terrible, and the silence was as quiet as the dark. Even the sound of breathing and trembling could be heard clearly.

The door suddenly rang, but Su Mu suddenly retreated and blocked her body. Opponent was a masked man in black. His eyes were cold. He just looked at Su Mu and stabbed into people's hearts like a dagger, which made Su Musheng shiver a few times.

The man in black suddenly drew a knife and came out, reflecting the white moonlight outside, and the blood stains slipping on the knife's body. Su Mu dodged and couldn't help but remember the dripping blood color he had just seen splashing on the door. He was shocked: "Did you kill Han Xiao?"

The man in black did not answer, and seemed to have no intention to have a debation with Su Muduo, and just wanted to get out.

————————This is a depressing dividing line——————

Is it because my sister's character is so good that she can't upload it more than 10 times? As soon as I click to upload the chapter, it becomes an invalid page, which really makes me depressed for a long time. I don't know if I can be lucky to upload it this time............