Shu Song

Chapter 12 2

In the middle of the night, there was no depression on the long street, and there were few people, only the cold wind was cold into the bone. Not far away, the galloping hoof sound was staggered and greatly expanded in the bleakness. Either the driver is deliberately driven, or in such a dark and cold night, the driver frequently kicks the horse's belly and keeps moving forward.

Gradually, the hoof sound faded away. In Bianliang Jingzhong, there are many curfews, and the people in Bianliang Beijing have long been surprised. Therefore, the brisk horseshoe seems to be more unscrupulous on Xiao Suo's long street, and I don't know why!

The horseman drove the horse, avoided the city guards who were patrolling when they heard the sound, and rushed out of his head from the corner of the street. With a grin, Su Mu removed the body hidden in the dark and led the horse to a slightly strange piece of paper that had just been blown down by the wind because of the light riding.

It seems to be graffiti, like a hint in something, and more like a drooping child when learning ink...

And frowned and was suspicious. Su Mu said to himself, "When did the second brother also arrive in Bianliang?" Gently fold the paper, put it in your sleeves, turn around, continue the trend just now, and gallop towards the destination.

The soldiers guarding the long street suddenly heard the sound of horses' hoofs again. A soldier, about a dozen people, chased up one after another, "Courage at night, the crime is the same as the order!"

The wind blew the green silk on Su Mu's temples and brushed her face. He controlled repeatedly and put the speed lightly, but he turned around and smiled and scolded, "A bunch of idiots!"

Chasing the game and annihilating the night, the darkness once again hides the noise, and Xiao Suo covers the long street again.

But when everything fell silent, at the corner of the street in the middle of the night, a solemn figure wandered for a long time in the place where Su Mu stopped just now, as if he was looking for something, but it seemed to be fruitless. He muttered to himself, "The prince clearly ordered this place."

The eyebrows are the man who used to sell art on the street. The glue in his eyes, revealing the falcon-like breath, looking for all the movement around him. Is there no news from Jiangnan?" Jin Yunfeng put his hands around his chest and seemed to guess, "Or has the people from Jiangbei arrived first?"

Looking at the end of the long street, Jin Yunfeng still maintained this posture, as if he planned to wait here tonight. It was only when the sound of the curfew officers and soldiers not far away came faintly that he silently sneaked into the darkness.

Outside the door of Hanhou's house, it seems that he can't be quiet even if he wants to be quiet. The bright lights all night show the solemnity of the Hou mansion. The two pairs of carriages at the door, on the side of the two corners of the curtain, as the night wind surged, the green jade on the ear also shook, showing the identity of the owner of the carriage, who was riding, either rich or noble.

The door on the left side slowly opened and stepped out four figures, two front and two back, but each was on guard.

Han Yu opened his eyes and looked at the sky above. It seemed that the anger just now had not subsided and left any words, so she took the bodyguard who accompanied her all the way and wanted to leave. Gao Yu, who was next to her, didn't mind her attitude. She just said slowly to the arrogant figure, "Girl, the palace gate is curfew. Why don't you stay in this house for one night? Presumably, the marquis asked Gao to come out to see her off, which is also what he meant."

Han Yu snorted coldly, "Let you promise that you have the ability to persuade my father to listen to you, but don't underestimate me, Han Yu!"

Gao Yun smiled helplessly and only put away his kindness, "In this way, the girl has a good journey." The reun behind Gao Yun was still full of indifference, but his eyes were full of disdain. Although Han Yu was a few steps away from him, how could she not see him? She was angry, but it was not easy to attack. She had to grab the whip in the hand of the bodyguard beside her, turned around and unloaded the armrest of the carriage on the horse with her backhand, and instantly dispersed the horse and the car.

He ordered the unhungry behind him, "The night is deep, and I have to ride back quickly!" After saying that, he left the stunned follower beside him and turned over the horse.

I only heard that the horseshoe came impruly in the long street not far away. Su Mu tightly pulled the reins in his hand, and the steed stopped under the force. He broke through the air and his hoofs leaned forward. Su Mu's posture was not inferior to eyebrows.

Or resonance, Su Mu's horse hiss. Unexpectedly, the horse that just turned over next to Han Yu suddenly responded to the sound. Late at night, the horse hissed again in the long sky. Han Yu, who had not yet stabilized on the horse's back, suddenly couldn't help being shocked and fell under the horse and was embarrassed.

Angry, he swept away at Su Mu, got up angrily, and squandered Su Mu with a whip in his jade hand.

With a "pop", the whip fell on Su Mu's cheek accurately. Suddenly, Su Mu felt hot. Su Mu was dull for a moment and met the whip that Han Yu waved at her again with one hand.

" Stop it!" Gao Yu didn't know when she actually arrived in front of Su Mu and faced Han Yu, with a stiff attitude in her eyes. She met Han Yu's whip, just on her face, the same as Su Mu.

"Crazy woman!" Zaiyun's indifferent face suddenly showed anger. When Han Yu's attendant didn't have time to react, he suddenly drew his sword and pointed to Han Yu, "Don't force me to hit a woman!"

"Let her go back." Gao Yu's voice gently ordered, "It's just a whip. It's not a big deal. Don't let Miss Han miss the time to return to the palace."

Han Yu seemed to see the so-called fear and was shocked under Zaiyun's sword. She returned to her original appearance for a long time. She didn't say much, but turned over the horse, frequently whipped, and galloped towards the palace gate. The attendant behind her didn't seem to want to stay any longer. She chased and rode on foot, and finally left.

"Crazy woman!" Zaiyun cursed again, glanced at Gao Yun, and was speechless!