Shu Song

Chapter 29 Good Man 1

If people go down to hell after death, will they still feel it? Even if the dark and dampness of the hell can't resist the coldness of the bone marrow in the heart. Just like the soul that has lost its body and floats in this world, it still feels all the turmoil around it, which is real and cruel.

There seems to be a familiar atmosphere around, as if they have known each other, but they are in a trance like a fog. The whole body is cold into the marrow, like an ice cone piercing the heart and snow wrapped around the body, struggling in the rolling cold current, struggling, ... dying again!

It's just the world, and there is a reality that is more cruel than death!

A thrilling spirit brings the soul of Gao Xuan in his sleep back to reality. When I opened my eyes, the sky outside the palace was chaotic and the night was getting deeper.

Yes, as soon as I entered the palace gate, I was very tired. I followed the guidance of the palace people in a trance. Up to now, I feel like the heaven and earth have ruthlessly turned over, and there is an illusion of a wrong world, stunned for a long time.

Looking at the figure guarding outside the palace gate, it is reflected on the doors and windows, lonely and depressed, but inexplicably firm. Gao Yun didn't make a sound or get up, for fear of being shocked again. Just lying ** with his eyes open, Ren Binghan continues to erode himself.

"I'm back, Dad!" He gently squirmed his lips and teeth, silently saying that there was no sound but beating repeatedly in his heart. He thought indifferently, "I don't know what's going on with Mu'er?" Worried, Gao Yu tossed and turned alone and couldn't sleep again.

The soft cough could not be suppressed from coming out of the palace door. Waiting outside, he couldn't help worrying, but seemed to be used to it. He still stood outside, with his hands around his chest, and silently looked at the sky in the palace wall.

The cold wind staggered in, and it seems that tonight is also very cool.

After midnight, after the palace guards patrolled once, they never bothered again. Maybe they didn't live here because of important people.

Half of the night, a cold figure gradually entered. Less than a hundred steps, the clouds closed their eyes slightly, but suddenly opened their cold voice. They were afraid of disturbing Gao Yun's rest in the room. They toughened their cold drinking and only said coldly, "The night is so deep. Since the Holy Lord has the intention to visit, why not take advantage of tomorrow?"

Xiao Yuling was stunned, looked at the cold man in front of him, lowered his head and smiled, "I have doubts in my heart, and I want to ask him for advice, but it happens that I can't sleep at night. I wanted to play against him all night!" In the dark, Xiao Yuling's eyes looked particularly bright.

A rare night, Gao Ying could sleep so peacefully without repetition or coughing sound. Resolutely, he looked at the direction of the palace gate worriedly. Knowing Gao Yun's habits, a little bit of nois can disturb the dream, and then make a gesture to Xiao Yuling to ask him to leave.

Xiao Yuling had no choice but to nod and take a step back. Just as she was about to turn around, she heard the person inside. She coughed uncontrollably. There was still more than a choking, but she ordered Zaiyun, "If there is a guest to visit, how can Gao Yun refuse out of the door? Please come in!"

Xiao Yuling was overjoyed to hear this. Zaiyun disturbed Gao Yun's rest time for Xiao Yuling and was a little indignant. But it's not easy to brush the master's meaning, so let Xiao Yuyu enter.

This small courtyard is located in a remote place in the middle of the palace. Even the name of the courtyard has long been forgotten, but Gao Yu lived here when it happened to be happy and quiet. Therefore, when Xiao Yuyi walked into the inner hall, except for some superficial supplies, only the word "empty" could be described. Fortunately, the royal palace is solemn, and the palace gate is blocked by high walls, which does not make this cold palace too shabby.

[PS] I'm sorry, I was busy a while ago, and there are so many annoying trivial things at home these days. It is said that this month will be cut off for such a long time. Thank you to the friends who have been paying attention to this book. That's it for the time being. There is nothing to code again tonight. Only half of the chapter will be hard. The remaining half of the chapter will be picked up tomorrow. Good night.

Also, thank you for your reward!