Shu Song

Chapter 29 423

"This is not necessarily the case!" Gao Yang smiled and seemed to chat all night tonight. Finally, he found a topic that he knew and suddenly looked much more clear. Those who encircle the Holy Land are not necessarily the ones who put the Holy Land to death! For example, the eldest princess!" He was awe-inspiring and stiffened the smile on his lips. "For so many years, haven't you been serving her like her own son? Although she controls you with one hand, after all, she didn't do anything to you!"

Xiao Yuying was stunned and looked at Gao Yun, as if he was suspicious. Then he was annihilated and did not make a sound, but smiled sarcasticly. ...My own son!" The man's hand was stuck in the sky without any movement, but his eyes were much sharper.

Gao Yu was also slightly surprised. At this time, what Xiao Yuying emitted was really like a majestic king in the world.

As Gao Yu saw, Xiao Yu's eyes stayed, moved head-on, and looked at Gao Yu. His expression was as indifferent, indifferent as this, and relatively speechless, which became an extremely sharp contrast in the swaying candlelight. A trace of cold wind broke into the house, driving Gao Yu's soft cough, brushing away the tense atmosphere.

Gao Yu was a little complason, but also a little surprised. Before that, he had always thought that Xiao Yuling was just a mediocre person. There is no imperial power in the throne. Although he has moved around secretly, he has always been written in the hands of this woman for so many years. Like rumors from the outside world, Gao Yu has always regarded this paper emperor as a pawn.

But one of his eyes tonight surprised Gao Yu.

As majestic as a king, although it is only for a moment, it is enough to bring Gao Yu's original contemptful attitude back to the bottom.

"Ji Gang can't be ignorant. This woman has surpassed her integrity too much!" Xiao Yuying said coldly that the endgame that he had been insisting on was no longer in the mood to pay for money. Put the pieces in your hand back into the chess, and the two backs are lonely on their knees. This court has been swaying for too long. It's hard to imagine what the clan will look like and what the officials will become if it goes on like this.

Wrathed his eyebrows, Gao Yu was speechless and didn't know what he was thinking. The slender fingers are just constantly stiring the pieces in the chess, which touch the wall and make a faint but complicated sound.

"If..." Gao Yu was silent for a long time and opened his voice, "If one day Zhenming is defeated in your hands, how will you deal with Zhengming when you shake your arms and the officials respond?"

Xiao Yuling was stunned, but the color tightened again, word by word, like a thousand pounds of heavy stones spitting down. She has surpassed a woman's integrity and should give the harem an example!"

Gao Yu nodded, but seemed to be quite satisfied with Xiao Yuling's words, "Yes, it seems that you have all the means and indifferent heart that an emperor should have!" As he said, he couldn't hear the meaning of Gao Yu's words. Is it praise or disparation!?

Xiao Yuyi looked sideways and was confused by Gao Yu's words, and suddenly stopped again. Suddenly, I don't know whether I was surprised or happy. What does sir mean? ......”

Gao Yu's eyes were bright, but he just looked at him, but he didn't say a word.

" Mr. intention to help me?"

Since he saw Gao Yu, Gao Yu has only been rejecting people thousands of miles away, which makes people unable to figure out his temperament, let alone whose side he is on. However, Gao Yu's sudden change really stunned Xiao Yuling.

"I'll help you, there's a price!" Gao Yu said rigorously, "First of all, although Gao Yu was born in the world, he has a heart for fame and fortune after all. He ranks among the three princes every day, which is indispensable!"

"This is natural!" Xiao Yuling has long known that Gao Yu is such a person, and what he said will never be what he wants. Sure enough, he ranks among the three princes. What a glory, blessed descendants, ten thousand generations of generations of prosperity!

"Second, now I am being chased by my adoptive father's rivers and lakes. I'm afraid there are many open guns and hidden arrows in the court; in the rivers and lakes, there are nets..."

Before Gao Yuling finished his words, Xiao Yuling said, "Don't worry about this. Although Yuyi has no real power, he can still protect him."

Gao Yu nod silently and then said, "Third, when you win the next day, give me the Ming, and just ask me how to deal with her!" He stared at Xiao Yuling and asked, "Can you do it?"

Xiao Yuling once again couldn't figure out what Gao Yu was doing. "What do you want her to do?"

"Of course it's my business!" Gao Yusheng responded coldly and stared at Xiao Yuling in a almost determined tone, "Are you allowed or not?"

Silence, Xiao Yuling also stared at Gao Yu for a long time.

He became more and more confused about what Gao Yu wanted to do. He wanted to help him deal with it, but he had something to say first and keep it clear. A bunch of questions suddenly entangled, teaching Xiao Yuling that there was no way to solve it,...

However, after weighing things urgently, Xiao Yuling finally agreed, "Everything, according to your meaning!" Gao Yu didn't have the look of joy he deserved, but more calm and deep. Xiao Yuling seemed to think of something again, "Yes, thank you for helping Muer relieve her, otherwise, she came to Beijing to find me, but she was tired by me..."

"It's true that I'm tired of you, but I don't necessarily come to you!" Gao Yu interrupted him, "She came to find Liang Ji!"