Shu Song

Chapter 4 Blood in the palm of the hand, it is difficult to hide the meaning at that time

In the dim study, half a lamp was not lit, so I stood next to the window, waiting patiently for something. Until the door of the study was gently pushed open, and Morin came in, and the resolute figure behind him that made people unable to see clearly.

"Master, Liang Ji is here."

After waiting for a long time, Han Shen, who had been silent in the study, suddenly laughed. Xu paced to the resolute figure and hit the man's back while taking advantage of the light reflected in through the crack of the door, but dragged out a long reflection from the front, but never showed his face.

"Molin, there are no mistakes, right?" Han Shen cautiously asked his proud disciple again, but there was an undisguised light of surprise in his eyes. He seemed to be very satisfied with the person in front of him, and what was more satisfied with the background of this person.

Mo Lin smiled and said, "Please rest assured that the background of this person is. I think that the teacher is clearer than Morin. He is the centurion promoted by the teacher himself, and it is more rare. He is a ronin, and there is no handle that can be grasped by people. This white paper, you can draw anything on it. It's just by will.

Hearing such words, Han Shen's last warning was finally removed. It was not that he believed in Molin, but as Morin said, this person was once a centurion selected by himself, and the scene is still fresh in his memory. This teenager, in terms of martial arts cultivation and even foresight, made Han Shen think through in the competition on the school field.

"Jin Yunfeng, what should you do next? Mo Lin should have explained it to you clearly!" Han Shen's voice revealed majesty, not for anything else, just because as a soldier, he has a natural temperament, which is called obedience. On this point of military prestige, Han Shen believes that no one in the whole court can do better than him.

At the beginning, compared with the school, he was not as angry as Han Xiao. On the contrary, Han Shen knew how to love and cherish talent. However, what he wanted was not only to figure out his skills and details, but also to be a lion who would not be strong. Fortunately, when he was in the school, Jin Yunfeng really didn't let him Disappointed, she promoted him as centurion for reuse in the future.

It's just that what he doesn't understand is Jin Yunfeng's intention. The two are waiting for each other. Isn't it the situation today? It's just that each has its own plans.

Jin Yunfeng bowed his hand and replied rigorously, "Yun Feng knows that he can do things for the marquis. Yun Feng is full of his heart and mind."

Han Shen nodded with satisfaction, but also made it clear, "What I like is nothing more than your ability and your background. You are a naturally raised prodigal son, which is the best in the court. But now, what we want is to add a more mysterious stroke to your blank background, and everything will be done. After that, I promoted you to the commander of the Flame Army!"

Jin Yunfeng was not shocked by his honor and disgrace, but still had a resolute expression and replied respectfully.

"Teacher, the student also found another thing!" Mo Lin took a step forward, and the long backs of the two people overlapped. Since then, the whole study has been completely exhausted. If he is in the court tomorrow, Officer Jin can't get the trust of Ming. I don't know what the marquis will do if he dies like this?

Han Shen was stunned by this and thought, and this doubt was indeed reasonable. After all, Liang Ji has passed away for many years, and suddenly found a person who came to think of him as his son. It can't be said that ordinary families will identify him again and again, and Daoming will carefully check it. Jin Yunfeng's background is not afraid of her investigation, but if there is no real powerful pusher to prove that he is Liang Ji, then everything After all, it is also sad.

Looking at the moment when Han Shen pondered, Mo Lin smiled proudly at the corners of his lips for a moment. Teacher, have you forgotten the people who were like Liang Ji at the beginning?

"Xiao Yuying?" Han Shen frowned and said unbelievably, "How could he?"

"Why is it impossible for him?" The smile on Molin's lips became deeper, as if there was a kind of pleasure in the palm of his hand, and the world had to sigh at its amazing talent. Liang Ji was attacked by people of unknown origin. This is just a one-sided word between Xiao Yuling and Chai Wu. I'm afraid only the two of them know the real reason. If there was something strange about Liang Ji's death in those years, then there must be something in their actions that can be explored. Hou Why don't you test the holy intention before finding your beloved son for the eldest princess? If there is really a reason for what happened in those years, we can take this opportunity to push Officer Jin to Yuming's side. The proof made by the emperor is powerful enough, isn't it?

Jin Yunfeng, who was covered by the moonlight reflection, has been standing rigorously at the beginning, making people unable to see his expression clearly. However, Han Shen was facing the door, and the expression on his face was clear under the refraction of moonlight. Such a detailed opinion really surprised Han Shen: "If you say who is the most powerful witness, then this person is undoubtedly Xiao Yuying. However, if it was indeed as Xiao Yuling said, there was no way to play this chess game?

"Then let's make a two-step plan and find out what the emperor means first. If there is really no way to start, the student will find out another thing!" He made up his mind and turned to Jin Yunfeng. "I hope Officer Jin will also pay more attention to this matter. The emperor will definitely be a useful person. And the people the emperor cares about will definitely be an important stepping stone to achieve the general's Qingyun road.

Morlin's words disgusted Jin Yunfeng for no reason, but they were only superficial and didn't say much.

"According to the emperor's attendant palace, the emperor will fall asleep with a jade pendant even when he sleeps at night, and this jade pendant is not a thing in the palace, but he has to accompany you..." Molin smiled cunninglylyly, "The emperor has grown so big that he really left the palace, only recorded in Shuzhong. If that time is unforgettable in his life Experience, then what you get from that experience will definitely be regarded as a treasure.

"Go on."

"This treasure is either a thing, or even a person!" Mo Lin was very excited, "Doesn't the teacher know that Shang Shang intended to take a woman into the palace, but was intercepted by the eldest princess at the palace gate? Although this matter has been suppressed, the people around you will still reveal a little style of mouth.

"The emperor is young and vigorous, and he has never received a concubine, which is not abnormal." Han Shen seemed a little disinterested, "However, bringing a woman into the palace without permission, such romantic affairs are unprecedented. With his usual cowardly behavior, I can't see that he is much bolder than usual!" After saying that, Han Shen laughed alone, and there was a lot of irony in his words.

"What if this woman happens to be from Shuzhong and has a little intersection with the marquis?" Morin added this sentence at the right time.

Otherwise, Han Shen stopped laughing and meditated for a long time. In his heart, he was surprised, but another face appeared faintly. Basically, I don't have any detailed impression, but I vaguely remember that there was such a woman from Shu who once made me unhappy, just because of that sentence: She came to find Liang Ji.

"Is it her?" Han Shen couldn't help but suspect in his heart, but looking at Mo Lin's expression, Han Shen no longer waved the surprise in his heart. He just fixed his expression, still with the usual majesty and inadmissibility, frequently nod his head, and stroked his jaw and beard slightly. "I know. In this case, you have a good lead to the woman named Su Mu. Traction, if it comes to handy at that time, it must not be let go.

Han Shen's harsh words were particularly cold and ruthless in the night.

Under the resolute face covered by the moonlight, Jin Yunfeng raised his face in surprise for the first time because of the conversation between the two. What they just said was Su Mu's name!

Is this still about Su Mu? That - a woman as pure as water!


"Sneeze!" A heavy sneeze came out of the humble house and looked particularly loud through the cold night.

"What's the matter..." Li Yun, who was busy brewing wine, asked worriedly, "Isn't it cold?" As he spoke, he kept putting glutinous rice into the trough and waiting for fermentation.

Su Mu shrugged his shoulders and said, "Who knows!" After saying that, he lifted the wine beside Li Yun and walked out, but he looked dissatisfied and disdainful. "The two dandy seem to have not stop drinking their sister's wine. They even said that they are all sick. Humph, I think they are all sick."

"My brother said, which of the officials in the court is not sick?" Li Yun laughed and wiped his hand on his apron. He also got up to help Su Mu bring up the wine and greeted the two 'regular guests'!

"Miss Li Yun is right..." I don't know whether Erli or Li Yun and Su Mu's words were too loud. The two people who drank in the yard could hear it clearly, and Han Xiao did not hesitate to agree with Li Yun's statement and pointed to Su Mu, "This is about this, you bird wandering outside all year round, Naturally, it won't be more experienced than Miss Li's experience of all kinds of people. Those who are not sick in the court are basically not officials. Therefore, officials are all sick people, and they are all very sick!"

"Well said!" Xiao Chengyou got up, which shocked Su Mu and Li Yun. Brother Han's words are really good. Let's drink to those who are sick!"

Looking at the happy drinking of the two, Su Mu and Li Yun had the same idea in an instant, and at the same time, they said disdainfully, "I'm sick!"

All night on the moonlight long street, outside this noisy courtyard, the sky street is as cool as water, a faint figure, slowly in front, followed by a cold and silent figure.

Tonight is a particularly bright night, and there is no curfew. All kinds of men and women can be seen everywhere on the long street, but only the clear white shirt, followed by the concern of the cold guard behind them.

turned to the corner of the street and buckled the door step by step in the gradually deserted lane, and the pace was extremely heavy. Only Zaiyun, who followed him, knew that Gao Yun was in a bad mood tonight.

Gao Yu kept her normal smile, but she could never hide her loneliness in the alleyway. He looked at his hands quietly and were as pale as in the night.

Occasionally, the night wind blew the long hair like ink behind him, which covered his face and fell on his hands, which suddenly added desolation. As expected, Han Shen and others should have selected Jin Yunfeng!" Gao Yu kept saying to himself in his heart. In the whole blazing barracks, only Jin Yunfeng, the prodigal son of art, can best be sent to the palace as Liang Ji's substitute. From that moment on, he also assumed the responsibility of taking care of Mu'er.

How could Gao Yun not see Jin Yunfeng's feelings for Su Mu? He knew that without his consent, Jin Yunfeng would definitely take into account the identity of the master and servant, and silently suppressed his feelings for Su Mu. Gao Yun was not such a selfish person. Since he could not make Mu'er happy, he would definitely let Mu'er get the happiness she wanted.

Gao Ying walked, unconsciously, the blood-like red Ruyi buckle pinned from his waist, somehow fell to the ground, but Gao Ying was unaware of it. Only Zaiyun, who followed him, helped him pick it up, but did not shout, but still followed Gao Yun from a distance.

After walking for a while, Gao Yun suddenly seemed to have recovered. His empty hands kept exploring around his waist, looking back confusedly, but saw that the unso-so-sophisticated Ruyi buckle lonely zero fell into the palm of Zaiyun.

The blood in the palm is red.

Ziyun didn't say anything much, but just handed the Ruyi to Gao Yun's hand. Looking down at the still solid thing in his hand, Gao Yu didn't say much, but turned around and continued to walk forward.

In front, the courtyard is clear. From time to time, he can hear the heartfelt smiles from the people in the courtyard. How can he forget the smile like a pleasant silver bell? Since the first meeting, he has been trapped in his heart. In this life, he can't forget each other in this life.

The first person to find Gao Yun standing at the gate of the courtyard was Li Yun. She called out, "Is that prince a wine buyer?"

Everyone looked around Li Yun's voice, but they were mostly stunned. Han Xiao and Xiao Chengyou just looked at each other, and then shook their heads. Su Mu has the illusion of another world. In her mind, she thought that the last meeting between them should be the last time they were calm at that time, and both sides would have made their minds clear, and there would be no more entanglement. However, it was difficult to control his eyes and fell on the bright red in his palm.

If you want to buckle, buckle your heart, and always be like you!

At the entrance of the courtyard door, white clothes are better than snow, and the buckle in the palm is also better than blood. The two are reflected, just like a cold wind, wrapped in silver and a proud branch.

Like a plum, a unique branch, a cold smile is more heroic!

The sad smile is the only time tonight that I don't laugh so reluctantly and laugh with soul. The moment I saw her, I laughed resolutely. I'm here to return this!" He fell down the bright red Ruyi buckle in his hand, and his eyes were burning. Su Mu could hardly look directly at it. "Last time, you forgot to take it away."

When saying this, Gao Yu obviously felt the pain in his heart, which was the pain of a disease called 'Acacia'. At this moment, he clearly realized that he didn't come to return this satisfactory deduction. What he really wanted to do was to see her again. He didn't want to see her again. After the two generals confessed, he became strangers. He also thought that both of them could get along calmly.

Because...Jin Yunfeng is his man, it is impossible for him to never meet Su Mu again. On the contrary, there will be more opportunities to meet in the future. In this crowned Jinghua, in this corridor full of long courtyards, they have to meet again.

Su Mu looked at the Ruyi buckle and wanted to say what he actually wanted to give to him, but when he spoke, he swallowed the words and secretly laughed at himself, "Since we have said goodbye, why do you need to leave this old thing and worry about it?" It seems that Gao Yu is still more ruthless than her.

Su Mu nodded to Gao Yu with a smile, "Yes, I accidentally fell to you last time. Thank you, Mr. Gao, for coming here specially for this Ruyi!" She paused and saw that Gao Yang was still standing indifferently at the outlet outside the courtyard. Her white clothes and her ink hair were flying, and her heart was unbearable. "You are weak. Come in first. Don't suffer from the cold in the wind!"

Gao Yun nod his head and entered the yard with Zaiyun.

The fragrance of wine, accompanied by the two old friends next to him, Gao Yu smiled more indifferently, "It is said that the palace gate is as deep as the sea. How long have you and I not seen each other? Even I have forgotten such good things as wine and words. It can be seen that you two are not righteous enough!" With this, without any harsh intention, Gao Yun pulled a chair and sat down, poured a glass of wine for herself, and drank lightly.

Everyone can see that Gao Yu has something else on his mind, and everyone knows this thing. They didn't say it clearly, but just smiled and agreed with Gao Yu, "Since they know that the palace gate is as deep as the sea, why is it difficult to reach Hongyan when they drink and talk happily? Isn't this thousands of miles away?"

After saying that, the three of them had another heartfelt smile. Such a clever answer pushed the mistake back to Gao Yu. It can be seen that the people present are absolutely scheming people.

Xiao Chengyou is a casual person, and then pulled the clouds aside with a solemn face like a thousand-year-old ice, and poured a glass of wine for him. "Don't be so rigorous. I can see that Gao Yu absolutely does not treat you as a subordinate. Since you are either a subordinate or a brother, wine How can Yan Huan let his brother do such a good thing? After saying that, he put the wine close to Zaiyun's lips and forced it down.

Zaiyun is a person who is not weak in martial arts. How can Xiao Chengyou play tricks on him like this? He looked calm and wanted to refuse, but he saw Gao Yun's intention of drinking and did not refuse the wine sent by Xiao Chengyou, but he still pushed away Xiao Chengyou's hand and almost grabbed the wine in Xiao Chengyou's hand. After drinking it, the Jianghu was full of heroic wine fighting. Su Mu and Li Yun, who were beside them, were stunned.

A pot of good wine is full of fragrance to resist the noisy cold night. But don't talk about him, don't talk about him, just want to get drunk and not ask him...