Shu Song

Chapter 8 Look up at the sky with the sword

Overnight, the form of Bianliang Beijing seemed to be quietly changing, but there was a depressing feeling, like the top ice on the deep well, quiet and traceless, but the undercurrent surging and waves.

In today's early morning, Xiao Yuling thought it would be the same as yesterday. Perhaps it was really many years of love, and she was also very tired. It's just that Xiao Yuling's idea was too naive. For a calculating woman like Yu Ming, it is impossible to return the responsibility to Xiao Yuling at this time.

In the early play, it is still through the curtain. Xiao Yuling, a puppet emperor, can still only borrow the meaning of evil. And Zhenming also announced a shocking news in the hall.

"At the banquet the day before yesterday, the palace was shocked to find that the Aman princess of Western Xinjiang was both talented and clever and clever. If the two countries can have the good marriage and form the Qin and Jin Dynasties, the two countries complement each other and have less fighting, isn't it a blessing for the people of the world."

Although there is a little bit of testing the ministers and the suspicion of testing the emperor, it can also be heard from the irresistible meaning of the ministers in the mouth. I'm afraid this woman has full power to deal with this matter and has no objection.

"But I don't know my aunt, which vassal king is it appropriate to marry this princess of Western Xinjiang?" Xiao Yuling asked carefully, but somehow, when Zhenming said that just now, he had a bad feeling and was afraid that there would be a big clue about this matter.

Xiao Yuling asked this question, and Jing Ming first shook his head and smiled, "Look at you, as the king of a country, the second position is still so empty. Who doesn't talk about it secretly among the people in this hall? How can my aunt ignore this life!" Xiao Yuling's heart was cold and he wanted to say something, but he was cut off.

Besides, I feel that this princess of Western Xinjiang is also a beautiful girl. She is bold and careful, and she is also beautiful. It is the best to be a golden princess and match me. Can you have any objections?"

Xiao Yu's face was gloomy, and this sudden thing really made him a little confused. Did last night's banquet relieve the previous suspicions between her and the barbarian princess? In this way, the Aman princess and the prince of Western Xinjiang are not a role to be underestimated.

"Weichen opposes!" In the quiet government and opposition, Han Shen's voice was like thunder on the ground, which shocked Xiao Yuling on the Longting and the ministers. This powerful minister has always been with the attitude of river water, but now it is openly clear that there will be any action?

Just when all the ministers doubted Dou, Xiao Yuying was like a life-saving straw caught in the deep sea, "Han Qing's family, let's talk about it, how can we oppose it?"

"Will the emperor's meaning be in favor?" Han Shen replied to Xiao Yuling's words lukewarmly, which not only made Xiao Yuling speechless, but also forced him to the corner in an instant. If he followed his meaning, he would undoubtedly be against Han Shen, and he would also go against his own will marry a woman he did not love as the queen. But if you oppose it, it will be even more difficult for Xiaoming.

For a while, Xiao Yuling's speech was blocked, which changed the situation in this court and replaced it with another awkward situation. Han Shen's words shocked the four people, and the rest of them looked at each other in contempor. Together with the emperor, they did not dare to speak easily. Only the brightness behind the curtain had been silent and unknown.

"I'm afraid Han Qing can't distinguish the current form!" Qiming was a little angry, but he still resisted, "The national situation in Western Xinjiang is changing day by day. I'm afraid that the lord of Western Xinjiang can't control the stirring in the vassal state. Now they are willing to send the princess and relatives, which is a good time to rest and stop fighting. Does Han Qing really regret the beginning when he can see the two countries joining the swords in the future?

"I don't think the division of Western Xinjiang is not good for me." Han Shen's words are sophisticated and deep, with a little pride. The elite soldiers under the minister are all brave. When they fought with the emperor, they have been defeated. The generals of a hundred enemies will not be in vain.

"If the immortals have passed away for many years, your elite soldiers have also been fighting for decades. If they fight again today, can Han Qing still protect the glory of the past?" The meaning of Jingming's suppression is obvious, but it makes Han Shen's confident old face red with shame. If the princess is confused, the old minister can immediately lead the troops to flatten the western frontier, so as not to lead the wolf into the house and worry.

He hummed coldly and said secretly, "This old fox would rather fight a lot than let me sell the favor of Western Xinjiang. It's so poisonous and spicy!" On the surface, he is still calm. "Now that there is no abnormality in western Xinjiang, Aiqing will ask for war first. If he is smelled by others, won't he laugh at my irritability? Besides, the teacher is unknown. In the eyes of the people in the world, where will he put me?

Han Shen was obviously restrained by his words. For a moment, he only hated himself for a moment and concluded his words quickly, and then restrained his expression. "The matter of the future is a major event in the world. It must not be so hasty. Moreover, has the princess asked the meaning of the emperor in advance?" He glanced at Xiao Yuling. Judging from his reaction just now, he was sure that Xiao Yuyu didn't know about this matter first.

The topic was cleverly moved to Xiao Yuling's body again. Xiao Yuling was secretly surprised, "Isn't Han Shen really going to let me break with my aunt in this hall? In this case, can he help?"

He was uncertain. To be more precise, he couldn't grasp Han Shen's intention. Looking at Han Shen's attitude, he didn't seem to be on his side. But why did he repeatedly throw difficult problems on him? This really made it difficult for Xiao Yuling to make a conclusion.

However, if we compromise under the authority of Haoming at this moment, not only will some people in the court be disappointed, but also give up this opportunity to fit with Han Shen. What are the two things in such a dilemma? It's really hard to defeat Xiao Yuling.

After glancing at the ministers, Xiao Yuling decided to gamble, "Do you think it is feasible to marry with Western Xinjiang and give up the throne?"

Many of the courtiers were stunned. This move of the emperor's disaster moved eastward, but it was wonderful. Not only did he cleverly move his situation between Ming and Han Shen, but he was ambiguous no matter what he did, which was not a bad strategy.

Among the courtiers, many people shook their heads, and then the comments became more and more popular, and almost every word they said could be conveyed to their ears.

From the attitude of the courtiers, Xiao Yuling still saw the expression of many people's firm opposition. In this way, Xiao Yuyi gritted his teeth secretly and bet that Han Shen would stand on his side. He stood up boldly and reigned in the wind of the world. My idea is that the back seat can't be played. After all, there must be the virtue of the mother of the world. However, the barbarian princess in western Xinjiang is a barbarian. If she stands as the queen, the world will be very unconvinced. And Daliang is not really a feroed army. In my opinion, this matter can be discussed later.

Xiao Yuling's voice gave up, but after the curtain, he heard a heavy sound of hand patting the chair, and he was uncontrollably angry. Xiao Yuying looked back at the source of the sound, and it was clear!

The two are facing each other, but the ministers in the hall don't know what's going on. Only the two above know it.

At this moment, what burst out of their eyes was a tense momentum, but this momentum gradually evolved into an impulse to kill quietly.

"Are the wings still hard after all?" He thought about it clearly and secretly. A pair of slender hands almost wanted to press the scfu yi to mark, "Ha ha, ha ha ha..." A series of sinister smiles overflowed from Yu Ming's mouth, "Yu Yu, are you sick today?" The cold inquiry, this time was the ministers in the hall, and they also heard the taste. It was a kind of questioning and provocative word, like a sentence of discomfort, which would immediately splash blood on the spot.

"How can Yuling be sick? My aunt has been in charge of the government over the years and is indeed tired. It's time for Yuyi to share some worries with her!" Xiao Yuling said word by word. Although his voice was not loud, he made all the officials present hear clearly.

Suddenly, before Zhenming could react, he heard an uproar in the court. Some of the ministers knelt down and kept shouting long live.

As soon as someone led it, some people followed suit. Suddenly, the crowd surged, and the mountain calls became louder and louder. Only a few people stood above the court and watched the development of the situation coldly.

Xiao Yuling didn't expect a word of resistance, and the reaction of the ministers would be so great. Thinking about what I have done over the years, I am really sorry for this group of loyal ministers, so that such a strong picture is presented in front of my eyes.

For a while, Xiao Yuling's heart was full of flavors. With the support of officials' voices, Xiao Yuling magnified his courage. "Aunt, the ministers are excited. Why don't you follow the will of the ministers and people and take care of them for a long time?"

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha..." Another series of gloomy smiles, "What's wrong with each other? Can this incompetent emperor get sick?" In the last sentence, Zhenming roared out. She pointed to the group of ministers, "I'm tired of living. I can give you a happy life." Finally, the sound fell to cold, which made people shudder.

After saying this sentence, the commander of the imperial army in the imperial city rushed into the court with elite divisions and instantly suppressed this exciting scene. The generals of the 18 battalions in the capital are all confidants of the palace. Under the order of the palace, the whole court can still stage the tragedy of Xuanmen again. Anyone who wants to try can dare to come up and accompany the palace to the end.

In a word, it is majestic and thunderous.

The ministers** that rose at this moment instantly entered the abyss and sank back to hell. In those years, no one in the court was not afraid of the tragedy of Xuanmen. Nowadays, this Ming's words are by no means a word of intimidation. With her personality, it is not impossible for countless heads to splash the Xuanyuan Hall.

In the end, this scene was still the same. Xiao Yuying looked at the silent Han Shen standing in the hall, with a cold face and couldn't help but feel cold in an instant.

"I still lost!" He looked at Yuming and smiled bitterly, with an indescribable sadness in his heart: after so many years of suppressed and forbearance, he still couldn't get rid of such a situation!" Auntie, it's a pity that you, as a daughter, really saw it with vigorous means.

Yi Ming smiled, walked out of the curtain, and stood in front of the almost decadent Xiao Yuyu, "You really disappointed my aunt. I have raised you for so many years!" Her fingers trembled slightly, and her obvious anger was uncontrollable, "Do you really think that the group of people below can be your backer and sit firmly on this throne?"

Xiao Yuling was speechless.

"That's not necessarily!" It was the same old and calm as before, and it was still the motionless Han Shen who said it. With a beating, the gun heads of the generals in the palace pointed to Han Shen one after another.

How about Wanfu, but one brave. Han Shen is not a boy who has never seen the world, and he is by no means the same courage as Xiao Yuying, an emperor in the deep palace. His face remains unchanged and still talks and laughter. Even if the emperor is a child without facts and can be controlled by the princess, doesn't the princess feel that the power you have is so great and sharp that it has covered the whole court? This makes me, the old minister who fought down this country with the emperor, involun't help but feel sad!"

"Your Majesty is not a good emperor, but it's not your turn to make my class of courtiers. After all, the emperor should be replaced, not to mention the princess, don't you think so?"

He said it very sensational, but he didn't pay attention to the emperor Xiao Yuying at all. If it is further clarified, will it be a struggle between him and Ming?

At this moment, Xiao Yuli felt obvious isolation. This time, whether it is Mingsheng or Han Shensheng, Xiao Yuying will eventually come to the same end. The difference is that he will die worse, and the other is to continue to be a puppet emperor.

It turned out that what Han Shen had just shown was in ** Xiao Yuying. Xiao Yuling is betting on whether Han Shen will stand on his side to fight against Jingming, and Han Shen is also gambling on whether Xiao Yuying will turn against Xiao Ming because of his little blindfolding.

It turned out that he lost and lost to Han Shen.

Han Shen just took a step forward, and he jumped out impatiently and could only say that he deserved it. There was nothing else. The sound in his ear, except for the sharp roar of the sword, is Han Shen's meaningless words.

"Since the founding of Daliang, there has never been a precedent for women's power, and you have not only broken this precedent, but also implemented this right thoroughly." Han Shen said this, which sounded like a compliment, but it hid the unknown smell of murder. Anyone can smell that there is something wrong with it.

"The ministers in this dynasty are not your obedient fish, whether you play with the emperor or play with power, but if you are so unrestrained, you will eventually play with fire and burn yourself. After all, Han Shen remembers the instruction of the holy ancestor and can no longer tolerate your evil and ravaging the court!" Han Shen's words made many people present sigh. But when I saw him again, he was heroic, heroic, heroic, heroic, and his eyebrows were not angry and majestic. He was awe-bominable. He almost wanted to pull the woman above the court to hell and then quickly. The hero's color and the power of the vicissitudes of the sea were obvious at this moment.

"Han Shen, don't think you are the founder of the country, and I can't help you!" After saying that, countless swords approached Han Shen for several steps, and the cold light flashed, which had stunned many civil servants in the court who had never seen such a scene.

"What do you really think you can do with me?" After saying that, he shouted like a lion roaring. However, in response to him, it was the sound of the blade fighting outside the palace, which completely set off the scene of confrontation between the two.

Xiao Yuling above the high hall has simply become a decoration, a decoration in the struggle for power. Here, it will soon turn into a battlefield of fighting, and this war is provoked by his wayward bet.

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha..." This time, the gloomy voice was Han Shen laughing. My Han Shen's Red Flame Army is not a false reputation. At this moment, if the princess intends to fight, she only needs a certain order from Han. At that time, the princess can see if my Han Shen's soldiers are really not as good as those years.

Zhen Ming's face changed again and again, and finally fixed on Han Shen's face, "Do you really want to fight with me today?"

"What do you think, Your Highness!" Han Shen returned that word. Do you really want to fight with the subordinate today? Although the words are the same, Han Shen's attitude is like looking forward to the wind and rain, which is not like taking a step and forbearance.

"Do you really think you will win?" Zhenming gritted his teeth and asked again, glancing at his troops, "Your Red Flame Army is really launched. Are you sure that you have won my 18th Battalion?"

Although there is an obvious suspicion of discouragement, it also asks about Han Shen's weakness. Indeed, if the two sides really start at this time, according to Han Xiao's estimation, it will never take up much sweetness, but at this time, it is absolutely impossible for him to withdraw his troops.

"Yi Ming, you have been wise all your life, and you will actually do this kind of jade burning thing!" Han Shen's disdainful contempt was fully revealed.

"Han Shen, aren't you afraid that I will really fight for a dead net and won't teach you to make a profit?" Zhenming refused to give in at all and put the words to the bottom.

In this way, both of them were frozen on the spot, and no one really gave orders, but no one refused to give in. The form in the court is like an expanding balloon at this moment, waiting for this depression to drop to the extreme and automatically break out. Or, who can stand up at the right time at this moment and reach out to break the balloon, so that everything will explode.

In such a form, how can Zhenming not understand and how can he be confronted with Han Shen at this time? After all, what she and Han Shen are worried about are so the same at this time. Although both sides are so impatient, it is not a victory after all. Everyone has another balance.

It's just that in front of the officials of the whole dynasty, no one wants to lose both sides, and no one can take off this face.

An unprecedented sense of oppression hit everyone's heart. The most important thing is Xiao Yuling. He watched every move in the court, and he wanted to get out, which was impossible. And he also understood the hesitation of Yingming and Han Shen. I'm afraid that this fire can't be burned and can't be extinguished for the time being.

Who can break this deadlock?

Looking up at the sky according to the sword cloak, the apes roaring and the rain across the river.

The court fell into a state of silence again. I don't know who it was, but I laughed a few times, which seemed to be very frivolous, which made the people present at the confrontation suddenly embarrassed.

"Why don't you inform me in advance of such a fun scene?"