Shu Song

Chapter 30 Mistake

The sky is slightly bright, and the early autumn is stuffed, and the distant people are slender. After the march last night, under the trampling of the vast iron hooves, the fallen flowers turned into mud, leaving only mud, leaving no fragrance.

Compared with hundreds of miles away, the grand event of the whole city in Bianliang Kyoto last night, and it was difficult to convey the horses a hundred miles away, but Xiao Chengyou's army seemed to be a little less. Under Xiao Chengyou's order, this army traveled all night and non-stop. It was not until dawn that the military was about to set up a stove, but it was restless. It could be seen that Xiao Chengyou's urgent march would not delay the military aircraft for a moment.

At this moment, Banma is rustling, and the cooking smoke can be faintly seen in the distance, and it is in the dawn. The officer's shouting could be faintly heard, " early, stop for an hour after dinner, and the soldiers rest to their heart's content. An hour later, set off again!"

In the distance, the thin sound of horses' hoofs was compared with this huge army, but it lost its heroism.

However, I only saw the traces of chasing the army overnight. At this moment, the horse's hoofs were already weak. The woman had never suffered such a bumpy and frosty wind. She was unstable, but rolled down from the horse, rolled a few times towards the grass, and stopped on the edge of the river and stream.

After a night of chasing, even if the horse is vigorous and fat, it is already exhausted at this moment. After the woman rolled down on its back, the horse was unable to move again, but quietly lowered its eyes, sucking the coolness on the river and stream, making a few sniffs from time to time.

That woman's experience of selling alcohol in the market all year round makes her not as delicate as her daughter, but now she is also to the extreme. However, when Li Yun saw the horse drinking on the edge of the river, he unconsciously stretched out his tongue and licked his dry lips, which was extremely dry. Then he slowly moved his tired body and went to the river.

He bowed his head and lay his face on the surface of the river.

With the screen, the cool feeling ran away, relieving the fatigue of the night. After a while, when Li Yun raised his head again, his lips were already bloody, and his face gradually recovered a little under the moisture of clear water.

Looking up, I saw the cooking smoke curling up not far away and rising in the morning, which is the most happy thing for chasing Li Yun, who has been tired all night.

There are no villages in front of this place, and there are no towns in the back. The marching route goes straight to here. There is no one else who can raise smoke in this wilderness except last night's marching soldiers. In this way, Li Yun smiled happily and got up quickly to catch up with the place where the cooking smoke ignited.

On the way, he heard someone's words and gradually walked in the direction of Li Yun. It was the generals of Xiao Chengyou's army who came here to get water at this moment. When passing by Li Yun, Li Yun was about to ask the way to the soldier. He was happy that he had not retreated, but found that his eyes seemed strange when he saw the soldier.

"In the wilderness, a woman came to the door in person..." After a burst of flirtation, Li Yun retreated in a hurry and looked at the two soldiers as vigilantly. The soldiers in the capital have long been as strict as the soldiers under Xiao Chengyou. At this moment, they are not in a hurry to fight, and the precepts of the general have long been forgotten.

Li Yun grew up in the market, and I don't know how many times she has seen this disgusting gaze. But now in this vast wilderness, it is difficult to see people, but Li Yun can't help but be afraid and doesn't know where to escape.

The green mud under his feet is surrounded by embroidered shoes. After all, Li Yun can only escape like a mouse under the cat's claws, but he is still under the control of coming and going. The two soldiers spoke provocatively, which seemed to have aroused great interest in Li Yun's scene.

When the green shirt embroidered shoes fled, they couldn't help stattering forward, and the mud splashed all over. When they returned, they found that the two soldiers had already caught up with them, "Look where you are still fleeing..." After the obscene laughter sounded, the soldier's dirty hand hit Li Yun's chest.

"No,..." Li Yun resisted, but found that it was difficult for him and this strong man to resist at this moment.

"No, I'm here to find Xiao Chengyou,... I still have to rely on him to go back to save my brother, Xiao, Xiao Chengyou,... Yan Yun, King Yan Yun, help me, help..."

The sound of shouting keeps overflowing on this empty muddy grass. There is no trace around. If it is still close, the horse will be silent, and if it is far away, the smoke will stand. No one will respond.

The sound of tearing clothes, the sound of laughing with the soldiers, and the impatient gasp. At the moment when the air behind him suddenly came down, a sharp arrow galloped past the back of the head of the presumptuous soldier, with blood at the tip, but straight through the soldier's forehead.

In front of Li Yun, the previous blasphemy suddenly stopped, and it was an arrow lying on his body and suddenly penetrating his forehead. Blood flowed on his suddenly attacked and widened eyes, winding down the outline of his face, dripping little by little on Li Yun's face. .

At this moment, Li Yun almost forgot to shout, and the sudden fear in front of him occupied everything in his heart. "Ah..." Suddenly, Li Yun pushed away the dead soldier, stretched out his hand to wipe the blood dripping from the soldier's face, and panicked for a moment.

Looking around, I saw that not far away, there was a tall horse, a golden eagle saddle, and Xiao Chengyou, the king of Yanyun, was awe-bominable and majestic on the horse, covered with armor, covering up the usual play and cynical. With his hands bent, the arrow just shot did not seem to erase the anger in Xiao Chengyou's eyes at this moment.

In his eyes, soldiers seek refinement and goodness. Once they go to the battlefield, they will never allow harmful horses in their own army. So at this moment, Xiao Chengyou took out a feather from the quiver next to the saddle, put it on the bow string, and aimed at another fleeing soldier.

Li Yun had just seen a person die. At this moment, he saw Xiao Chengyou like this and couldn't help looking around. However, the soldier who had just joined had already run away when his companion died under the arrow of Xiao Chengyou, trying to escape Xiao Chengyou's anger.

But when Xiao Chengyou's arrow was pulled the fullest, he suddenly stopped, released, and the arrow broke out of the wind, galloped and shot at the fleeing soldier.

Similarly, the arrow also shot through the soldier's forehead and fell to the ground at the moment of death, and his eyes were also wide-eyed. He couldn't believe that King Yan Yun, who led himself to fight, would execute them with his own hands before he arrived at the battlefield.

"They..." Li Yun was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a moment. He just muttered. After looking at Xiao Chengyou for a moment, he suddenly shouted out, "You won't die!"

"If you violate military regulations and bully the people, you should deal with it!" Xiao Chengyou said without mercy, stepped off his horse and strode towards Li Yun. The handsome appearance is sasant and heroic under the cover of this armor. Why did you come here?" Xiao Chengyou looked at the vast front, with a faint worry in his eyebrows, "If you follow again, you will arrive at the border. You are in a mess everywhere. You are alone and a woman who comes so recklessly. What if you encounter anything happens?"

After a night of chasing, Li Yun's eyes were already full of fog. When Xiao Chengyou finished saying this, he suddenly knelt on the muddy ground, regardless of the risk Xiao Chengyou said, "I beg you to help me,... Muer, I asked someone to go to the palace to ask her for help, but the guard won't let me in. Go, and say that Mu'er is dying, and no one can help me. He can't do anything about it. He said that it's better to ask you for help..."

Xiao Chengyou was confused and frowned at Li Yun. This woman seemed to be very different from the wine seller she saw. Although the original wine girl was rolling in the market, she was still naive and rotten, but at this moment, Li Yun's face could not hide the sadness emanating from his eyes, a kind of sadness to the bone!

"Get up, I'm going to lead the army out of the customs. If you have anything, come to the barracks with me and say..." Xiao Chengyou suddenly had a little sympathetic impulse, helped Li Yun and wiped the dirt on her face. "Behind with your dirt, it's not safe for a woman to be alone. I ordered someone to take a suit of men's clothing for you. When you go back I don't have to worry either."

After saying that, he took Li Yun back. According to what he had just said, he ordered his sergeants to get a set of men's clothing for Li Yun. After washing, Li Yun's beautiful face appeared in front of Xiao Chengyou. Yun's temples were not tied and covered behind his back. A man's clothing looked a little loose, but it increased Li Yun's body, which was not usually charming. A little elegant.

Xiao Chengyou turned his head, but next, after hearing Li Yun tell his purpose this time, Xiao Chengyou was still shocked and refused to respond for a long time. He just asked coldly, "The man who killed the prince of Western Xinjiang is your brother!"

"No..." Li Yun argued, "My brother won't do such things. He is the most law-disciplined person. It is impossible to do such a thing. There must be other secrets. When I went to the prison, the jailer wouldn't let me in. I went to find Mu'er and Gao Yun, but they were all in the palace. I heard that ...I heard that Mu'er was injured on the wedding night and has not been awake until now..."

Li Yun cried, and the pear blossoms brought rain. "I really don't know who to look for. I can only go to Han Xiao, but he said that there is nothing he can do, and there are more important things. He can only follow the footsteps of the army to come to you..." At the end, Li Yun burst into tears.

"My eldest brother is wronged..."

Xiao Chengyou is now meditating on another sentence that Li Yun just said, secretly slandering himself, "What else can Han Xiao do more important than the killing of the prince of Western Xinjiang?"

turned around and looked at Li Yun, "I am about to leave the customs now. Even if I have a heart, how can the distant water save the near fire?" Xiao Chengyou pondered for a moment and continued, "Besides, now that the war is getting tighter, I really can't get rid of it!"

When Li Yun heard this, the tears on his face fell quietly, but he smiled helplessly. "These days, I have run a lot of places, and I have seen the coldness and warmth of human feelings. What a big thing it is to kill the prince of Western Xinjiang!" ......”

"I'm so stupid. Who would be so stupid to intervene in such a troublesome thing!"