Shu Song

Chapter 33 Falling flowers and mud crushing dust

Late night, silent, but some people are still awake, moonlight, smoke waves!

Deep in the clouds, the remnant cloud curtain rolled up, but the smoke wave was exhausted. In the night, it was sad and sad, covering the smoke and bright moon, wisps of smoke light!

A square-angle palace lamp flashed, like a ripple of broken mirrors, alarming the square Haomiao smoke and moon. At this time, it was autumn, but I saw the man walking in front of the palace lamp, but it was already mink and holding the heater. But he just hugged the heater in his arms, but he still couldn't help the chill that invaded, and his face was terribly pale.

Behind him, Li Yun's palace lamp was carefully carried, although the long figure of Liang Ji walking in front of him blocked the slight light from the palace lamp so that he could hardly see the road ahead.

In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, Liang Ji deliberately chose this remote path to walk. Before that, the discussion between him and Li Yun began at this moment. However, what we want to see first at this moment is Su Mu!

Since the wedding candle evolved to Huangquan Biluo that night, Liang Ji knew that Su Mu was doomed to be hurt in this life. Jin Yunfeng died, and Liang Ji also died. In this life, I will never let you hurt Liang Ji again!" This is what Liang Ji promised himself. He knows better than anyone else. After all, one day his body will not be able to stand it. Then he will die as Gao Yu, not Liang Ji.

Between the toss and turns, the word Yuxiu is already in front of us. Liang Ji paused and looked at the word in a daze. Li Yun behind him didn't know why, "Is the queen here?"

Liang Ji shook his head, still indifferent, but added a touch of sadness, "No, Mu'er is here. If you want Queen Man to help you, you have to talk to that person first."

"That man?" At the moment of Li Yun's meditation, Liang Ji had stepped into the palace gate.

Different from the coldness of the small courtyard where Liang Ji lived, this place is brightly lit, and I don't know who arranged it. There is not even a palace person or guard here. Because Su Yan was a proton in Bianliang, it must be very hidden to come to Shengjing at this time. There must be a reason for Xiao Yuying or Xiao Yuming to do this. Inside.

Liang Ji did not answer Li Yun and pushed the door in. This palace is actually the same as the palace arranged for Liang Ji to live in. It is as hidden and cold. The only thing that can be noticed is that the palace looks bigger and colder.

Li Yun didn't understand what Liang Ji wanted to do, so he could only step into this deserted yard step by step.

In the yard, Su Yan is holding unknown herbs for Su Muyan, overflowing with fragrance and scattered in the main hall. The moment he looked up and saw Liang Ji, he was not surprised. It seemed that he had already concluded in his heart that Liang Ji would always come one day. He smiled, sniffed the herbs ground into powder in his hand and sniffed it with satisfaction.

Just now, he raised his head and looked at Liang Ji. "If you want to see Muer, please go back. Her injury has just stabilized and can't stand your blow! Of course..." His voice paused for a moment, "I still welcome Liang infinitely,... Oh! Unlimited welcome to Mr. Gao.

"Don't worry, I won't see Mu'er!" Liang Ji said affirmatively, with an indifferent look, but now there is an ugly color, "Gao came here tonight for another thing!" Liang Ji stopped here and looked at Li Yun behind him. "Miss Li, it's rare to go to the palace. Mu'er is not feeling well now. You can go to see her first and have a good talk!" Looking at Li Yun's hesitation, Liang Ji added, "Don't worry, your brother's matter will be solved by Gao. Take it as a visit to Mu'er for me!"

Liang Ji smiled and looked at Su Yan, "In this way, the prince should understand Gao Yu's intention to come this time!"

"Do you want me to rob the prison?" Su Yan frowned and said doubtfully, "You share the same hatred as Emperor Daliang. Once this scapegoat is rescued by me, you and Your Majesty the emperor of Daliang will not be anxious again?"

Su Yan's words continued to be sarcastic.

"This is a later story. Naturally, you don't have to worry about it!" Liang Ji vowed, "Mr. Gao only asked Prince Su to persuade Queen Man to personally plead with His Majesty to let go of the scapegoat in prison."

"Impossible!" After Liang Ji said that, Su Yan immediately refuted Liang Ji, "Even if she is a scapegoat, in A Man's view, as long as she is suspected, she can't soften her heart, let alone do anything to plead."

"Why is the prince so confused?" Liang Ji shook his head with regret, "But all emperors are suspicious people by nature. What's more, Xiao Yuyu has endured under the authority of the eldest princess for so many years. Now that he has gained power, the edges and corners that have endured for many years will definitely explode at the same time. If Queen Man pleas for mercy at this time, it will undoubtedly add fuel to Xiao Yuxuan. The action will deepen Xiao Yuling's impulse to understand this matter as soon as possible!"

"So, the scapegoat will die faster!" Su Yan snorted coldly all his life, "Mr. Gao doesn't seem to come to exchange conditions with Su to save people, but how to make Miss Li's brother die faster!"

"No!" Liang Ji waved his hand and said, "I know Xiao Yuling too well. He will be furious, jump off the wall, and find a way to solve this matter as soon as possible. However, the only thing he will not be executed, but he will not let go is exactly Li Xuan, the substitute. What he wants is to let Li Xuan die in prison inexplicably. That won't work, and there will be time to move. , is the best way to calm down!"

"Since he can't die, why does Mr. Gao have to trade with me!" Su Yan snorted coldly again.

"Like what Prince Su said before, Gao wants the prince to go to prison!" Liang Ji said word by word, "When Xiao Yuqi was inexhaustably angry and beat the archetype of the barbarian queen, the prince went to rob the man!"

"Why at that time?" Su Yan didn't understand. He looked at Liang Ji doubtfully and wondered why this smart man could do such a confused thing. "This is simply a roundabout thing. Since Su wants to take action, why bother Aman's mechanism, doesn't it seem cumbersome?"

"Gao likes cumbersome things in his life. Since the prince is subject to me in Kyoto at this time, he has to play this cumbersome game with you!" Liang Ji said this with a smile that made Su Yan almost want to swing his fist, but the following words calmed Su Yan down.

"I originally wanted to let Jin Yunfeng replace me, but I didn't want Mu'er to be sad and let Jin Yunfeng understand Mu'er's wishes, but now if Mu'er knows that on the wedding night, she killed her husband who worshipped her and had a cup of life, she would not kill you, but she would hate you for the rest of her life."

Su Yan listened quietly and did not deny Liang Ji's words.

Since the group left Shu that year, the name of Brother Liang has been remembered by Su Mu. At this time, the real Liang Ji in front of him can no longer subvert the previous past. It can only be Gao Yu. Liang Ji is dead. This is a fact that no one wants to subvert. Not only Liang Ji himself, Xiao Yuling, Xiao Ming, and even Su Yan, no one wants to!

"So, I want to make a deal with you. On the night Mu'er was injured, she would take action against me. She just thought that I asked Zaiyun to kill Jin Yunfeng. In this case, we will push the boat along the water. In order not to let your own daughter hate you, I continue to bear the charge of killing her 'husband' Liang Ji, and you..."

The night was silent, and the words continued unintentionally. In the gentle corridor, the rapid footsteps were far away from the people in the bedroom. In front of the door, reflecting a shadow, Li Yun pushed the door and entered.