Shu Song

Chapter 40 Set the Dust

In the late autumn when the cold wind suddenly rose, the high moon could not pull out the clouds from beginning to end. The imperial city was so gloomy all night. Only the strong wind roared everywhere, blurred the towering sky, and suddenly felt bleak.

The late autumn is approaching, and the cold winter is coming. The weather is like this. The night is getting longer and longer, but the dawn has not come for a long time.

A slender horse hiss cut through the silence of the whole imperial city. A good horse rushed out of the stable not far from the palace gate. But when I saw it, I immediately had a touch of light spirit, full of sad clouds, and I only smelled a delicate shout, "Get out of the way..."

This cold shout shocked the gatekeeper. At the moment when the horse galloped by, the silver gun in his hand was ruthless, but stabbed Su Mu.

Su Mu was in pain, and kicked the horse's belly hard, whip the horse, and couldn't stop it from the guard. She galloped out of the palace, leaving only the red blood at the end of the end of the silver gun, which was bright.

The bodyguard at the gate of the palace did not see the appearance of the horse, but it was not allowed to be lost. When he heard someone shouting, "Send a team of bodyguards to catch up, be sure to catch them back!"

On a cold night, before dawn, a bodyguard chased the horse, but at the moment he came out of the palace gate, he was stopped by one person.

"Han Shangyi? I'll be ordered to catch up..."

"I'll take care of everything. You go back and I'll catch up with you!" Han Yu turned her horse's head and smiled in the direction of Su Mu's galloping just now. The bodyguards seemed to be hesitant, but without knowing what was going on in the palace, they could not make an idea without authorization, so they agreed with Han Yu's words.

But when he saw Su Mu's riding the dust, he immediately couldn't shake and couldn't stop the sadness that surged out in his heart. Tears were blurred, and what echoed in his ears was the words of Zaiyun, "Damn it. Why don't you know that Gao Yun is your brother Liang!" The palm was pressed, and the half jade pendant was in the palm, and the sharp edge pierced the skin of the palm. It was bright red and kept flowing down.

"Look carefully at this jade pendant, not Jin Yunfeng's, but the prince's hand over to Jin Yunfeng, let him be good, be that Liang Ji, stay with you for life! ......”

A bump, the horse's hoof was inaccurate. Su Mu bumped down from the horse and looked up. The horse's hoof was standing in front of the hillside, as if there was no way ahead, and the horse paced back and forth.

Looking at the hillside and the weeds, Su Mu's painful palms put down the jade pendant and sobbed loudly. The mountains were foggy, and Su Mu's crying looked extremely desolate at this moment.

No one, but Su Mu knew that the person who worshipped him was buried here. For a moment, she pushed away the grass alone, regardless of her thin strength, and walked alone to the lonely grave on the mountain.

When he passed alone, the tip of the grass was covered with blood, and he walked all the way late, and there was a line of traces behind him.

At the foot of the mountain, when Han Yu's horse chased here, only the rest of Su Mu's horse hissed alone at the foot of the mountain, and then Han Yu turned down and carefully chased the rest of Su Mu's blood.

The late autumn wind is afraid, and it is even more aggressive on the hillside. It passed by, scraping people's face with pain. With his memory, Su Mu came to the front of the lonely grave and couldn't help kneeling down and crying bitterly. Holding the lonely grave, the four words "Liang Ji's Tomb" were clearly in his eyes, but it was more like a cold front piercing his heart and lungs.

"Tell me, get up and tell Muer that you are Liang Ji. They are all deceptive..." At the moment when Su Mu saw the lonely grave, his whole body was as if he was paralyzed, with only his hands, he couldn't help holding the cold stone tablet, allowing tears flying and crying.

"Brother Liang, tell me, tell Muer that Gao Yu is by no means Liang Ji..."

The roar was so painful, but the yellow spring was cold, but it was difficult to prove a word. The mountain wind sobbed, and the sad wind was sad. Behind her, Han Yu's figure didn't know when she arrived. She looked at Su Mu's monument coldly and cried bitterly and sneered, "How can the dead tell you? I will be kind-hearted and tell you for him that your brother Liang is the sick gentleman Gao Yu. I don't know if he has been stabbed to death by you at this moment!"

Su Mu looked back and held the tablet up, "It's absolutely impossible for you to lie to me, absolutely not like this..." Or the blood in his heart was soaring, and the blood from the silver wound in his heart was still gushed out. How can you involve so many innocent people? What on earth do you want to do?

"You're right, even if it's a party struggle, it's just the power and power in the high imperial city!" Han Yu said, staring at the lonely grave and sneered, "I told you that Liang Ji is not yours lying inside at all. Why should you protect it so tightly!" After saying that, Han Yu raised the whip in her hand and waved it at Su Mu.

A whip mark bloomed on Su Mu's face, and the flesh and blood passed through the whip, and then cut it and fell to the ground. This whip is to avenge that you hit me outside the door of Han's house that day. Liang Ji protected you that night, but you can't help it. Today, you can't think of avoiding it so easily. You should know that I, Han Yu, can't afford to provoke it.

Remembering the hatred, Han Yu's words evoked Su Mu's memories at that time. That night, it was indeed a collision under the horse. If it hadn't been for Gao Yu, no,... If it hadn't been for Liang Ji's protection, he would have been difficult to escape Han Yu's argument. Thinking about this, Su Mu turned his head and looked at the cold lonely grave, and for a moment he wanted to cry without tears.

shouted at the lonely soul under the monument, "Oh, my God, what on earth have I done? Brother Liang, you open your mouth, even if you answer me!" Su Mu still went towards the obelisk.

Han Yu saw Su Mu's persistence and inexplicable disgust at this time. At the moment when Su Mu and the tomb stele, the whip waved down again and whipped Su Mu on the back. The blood stains appeared in front of him in an instant through the clothes.

"If it weren't for you, how could Xiao Yuling have been infatuated for so many years!" Han Yu said one after another, and another whip fell, "This whip is to make you remember that my hopes of lurking in the palace for so many years have been dashed."

Every time Su Mu moved, she was involved in the wound on her body. How could she not know that the original scar of sadness also broke when Han Yu's whip fell. He turned over and looked at Han Yu feebly, "Han Yu, you and I have no grudge..."

" Shut up!" It's okay that Su Mu didn't open his mouth. Once Su Mu opened his voice, Han Yu was more like pouring oil on the fire, and her eyes were about to crack. I have been sent to the palace since I was a child. I have watched Xiao Yuying move every move since I was a child. My purpose is to capture the heart of this emperor, so that the status of my Han family is unshakable! However, when I saw Xiao Yuling, even when she was sleeping, she was holding your jade pendant. I know that my purpose is impossible to achieve..."

"If you want to be the queen, you can tell the emperor yourself, and now that the queen is Aman, no matter how hard you try, you can't..."

"Aman, do you really think the Man you mentioned are helping you?" Han Yu smiled ferociously and looked at Su Mu's painful appearance, the colder she became. She also knew that Gao Yu was Liang Ji's business. She clearly knew that you were thinking about Liang Ji and asked you to marry him with your own hands. She is the queen. How can she look at her husband and think of you..."

"You talk nonsense, Aman, Aman won't..." Su Mu argued, trying to defend his only relative in the palace. My father told me that Aman and I have blood relatives. In this palace, you can't divorce the feelings of my two sisters..."

"Your father,..." Han Yu smiled even more sarcastically. "You really believe in your father. Do you know that on your wedding night, your father sent your husband into Huangquan with his own hands. Look, he is lying behind you. Didn't he tell you in a dream? Poor you, you think Liang Ji is the murderer until you die, and you are just a chess piece abandoned after being used..."

"No..." Until this moment, Su Mu finally couldn't stop the sea of clouds in her heart and shouted out in front of Han Yu's pride, "I won't believe every word you say. You just want to reverse right and wrong and confuse me..."

Han Yu snorted coldly, "You have nothing to do with me whether you believe it or not, but you have to fall into my hands today. Even if Liang Ji doesn't die, if you fall into my hands, whether it's Liang Ji or Xiao Yu, it's their dead hole..." Han Yu raised her hand and wanted to fall a whip, but she stopped in mid-air, "So as not to keep you Killed!" Han Yu looked at the sky and smiled. "The dawn is coming. Liang Ji's life and death are unknown, and Xiao Ming is living in the court again. What else does Xiao Yuling have to control the 18 battalions of sergeants, Xiaodi, Xiaodi, and the honor and disgrace of the Han family tonight."

"Han Xiao..." Su Mu was stunned, and the dboy said, "What does he want to do?" Su Mu seemed to suddenly understand something, "If you plot against usurp the throne, the Han family will be discredited!"

"As long as you are in my hands, the Han family will win!"

In the east, the apocalypse, the first ray of morning light went straight down the clouds, penetrating the sobbing cold wind and hitting Han Yu's face, which was infinitely beautiful. The same first ray of morning light ushered in another turbulence in Bianliangjing at the moment when it shone into the imperial city.

The flag of the Han family is swaying and swaying, majestic against the wind. The Han family's fiery army was strong. Under Han Shen's allocation, it was divided into two routes. They followed Han Shen all the way and broke through the gate of Bianliang's Kyoto. The second man followed Han Xiao** and entered Liang Palace.

In the battle of siege, Han Shen fought extremely hard. He was on the horse and controlled the battle. The main station of the other party is the head of the former soldiers of the 18th Battalion. Han Shen knew that the people of the 18th Battalion were all loyal to Xiaoming. At this time, he must be unwilling to use it. Therefore, Han Shenyu immediately said, "Han knew that the 18th Battalion would never be defeated by the faint king. The sharp blade was in his hand and became a blunt knife. Why didn't the general open the city gate and serve Han to take care of the 18th Battalion in the future, which will never be inferior to today!"

On the wall, the man with armor under the armor heard Han Shen's words. How could he know that although he was unwilling to be used by Xiao Yuying, he was not the person who defected to the enemy? He replied to Han Shen, "Let your mother's bullshit, how can the 18th Battalion be your minister!"

's leading sentence makes it even more hearty to fight with the generals and soldiers below, but what Han Shen originally thought was counterproductive. The two armies confronted each other, but they couldn't attack for a long time.

The stop that attacked the city alone was exhausted for half a day. In the end, Han Xiao left the camp without permission when he didn't get the military order. He sneaked into the battlefield alone.

The dead mountain and white bones are full of the battlefield, and tens of thousands of bloody enemies refuse to surrender.

The moment Han Xiao entered the battlefield and fought with the soldiers of the 18th Battalion, what he could feel was such a warm-blooded feeling. He couldn't help sighing in his heart: No wonder it is no wonder that he can hold the government for so long and get the support of such an army, which is not an exaggeration to say that he can rest assured.

Han Xiao was brave. Han Shen, who was fighting in the distance, couldn't help but be furious, "This rebel actually disobeyed the military order. Does he still want to enter the enemy's camp alone and take the other party's head?"

The three armies were Haohao and the axe symphony. At the moment when Han Xiao avoided the sharp army of the 18th battalion and rushed straight into the city wall, even Han Shen secretly pinched a sweat for him. If this move could be successful, he could go straight into the imperial city.

However, when Han Xiao approached the foot of the imperial city, he faced thousands of troops and horses in the dead corner. Han Xiao had to do such a difficult thing. However, seeing the moment when Wan Jian came together, Han Xiao used his hand as a hand and turned over the tower at the moment when the blade pierced his heart. When all the sergeants in the city were stunned.

Han Xiao cut down from behind the commander of the 18th Battalion, but saw that his head was still wide-eyed and rolled down under the wall and fell in front of the soldiers.

Suddenly, the battlefield, which had just been fighting and shouting, was as silent as death, and they all watched their leader's head roll down from the wall in astonishment. At this time, Han Shen made a charge, which was inspiring. The city gate broke through without attacking. At this moment, he really did it**.

The iron hoof trampled into the imperial city, and the news quickly entered the palace. At this time, Xiao Yuling only cares about Liang Ji's injury.

The imperial doctor's hands were already stained with blood, and he came and went back and there in the bedroom. Finally, at the moment when the soldiers and horses of the Han family broke into the city, Xiao Yuyi couldn't stand it any longer and grabbed the imperial doctor and asked, "What is his injury? At this moment, if he can't come up with an idea for me, I will take you to sacrifice the flag first!"

The imperial doctor panicked when he heard it, "Your Majesty, please spare my life. This is not to blame me. Mr. Gao's wound is really too deep. If he is more biased and hurts his heart, I'm afraid that the old minister can only be weak at this moment!"

As soon as Xiao Yuyi heard this, he left the imperial doctor and broke into the bedroom. He came to Liang Ji's window. Despite the obstruction, he shouted wildly, "Liang Ji, if you dare to die at this moment, I will definitely take thousands of knives!"

"So what?" Again, Yun drank coldly, regardless of what he stopped was the emperor of the beam, "My master is in crisis at this moment..."

"Yu Yun,..." The weak voice floated out from under the tent, and Liang Ji stretched out his hand, but he was weak on the edge of the curtain.

Seeing this, Xiao Yuyi broke free from the clamping of the clouds and came to Liang Ji's bed, but saw that Liang Ji was pale at this moment. He forcibly raised his body and sat up. His powerless hand somehow grabbed Xiao Yuyu's front and said in an inaudible voice: "Xiao Yu Ling, since you are the emperor, take out your emperor's courage and responsibility. Don't let me despise you at this moment. The Han family has been my expectation for this time. Do you think I will... not be prevented?

Xiao Yuying was stunned. He didn't expect that Liang Ji's short words could bring all his emperor's majesty to the skies.

"I said that my lifelong will is to support a Mingjun in my lifetime, and this Mingjun will definitely be you Xiao Yuyi..." Liang Ji held the bedside, barely sat down, and looked at Xiao Yuling's helpless retreat, which seemed more leisurely. The real Mingjun is about to defeat the Flaming Army of the Han family, and at that time, you are also ready to give up your seat. In terms of the wisdom of governing the world, you are definitely not the opponent of that person!"

"Who are you talking about?" Xiao Yuying looked at Liang Ji and retreated repeatedly, but when Liang Ji said his whole words, he stopped, strengthened his will, and asked, "Who is this person you are talking about?"

"Xiao Chengyou!"

"The army is coming..." The roared sound covered up Liang Ji's almost silent words.

Outside the city, the shouts of the blazing army of the Han family almost annihilated the whole imperial city.

The army under Xiao Chengyou ordered Xuanjin to be the vanguard. When the blazing army entered the imperial city, it went straight to close the city gate. Xiao Chengyou and the Han family army fought against each other and really bathed in the bloody battlefield.

Han Xiao and Han Shen only have one idea at this time, "Didn't Xiao Chengyou go to the battlefield to fight against the army in western Xinjiang?"

In the same sentence, in the imperial city, Xiao Yuling asked, "Didn't Xiao Chengyou go to the battlefield to fight against the army in western Xinjiang?"

"There is Han Jun in the battlefield. No matter how brave the western Xinjiang army is, Han Jun, a veteran of the battlefield for many years, will never miss it. The news of defeat before can be imagined that it is definitely Han Shen's intention to let Xiao Chengyou empty the soldiers and horses in the capital so that they can take advantage of it. Liang Ji leaned against the bedside and slowly explained the confusion to Xiao Yuling.

"When the Han family thought that Xiao Chengyou took the soldiers and horses away and made a large-scale invasion, they didn't expect that Xiao Chengyou shot back a horse gun and was caught off guard from behind him!" Xiao Yuling told the next situation.

Liang Ji smiled and nodded, "But you are only halfway right. Xiao Chengyou has a Xuan Jinyu beside him. He will take the name of Qingjun's side and go to Beijing in one fell swoop on the grounds of Ming and force you to give in!"

"This is also the reason why you have to be clear?" Xiao Yuying asked back, but looking at Liang Ji's expression, there was no need to answer any more. Xiao Yuling penetrated this point, especially with a sarcastic smile, walked out of the bedroom, ignored the respect of the palace people beside him, and almost staggered away from the palace.

In the greet, he bumped into a palace man. The palace man knelt on the ground and kowtowed, "The emperor forgives me, the emperor forgives..."

"Your Majesty! ..." Xiao Yuying looked at the palace man helplessly. What burst out of his eyes was a kind of being restrained and could only sit and wait for death. "I'm still an emperor. He has calculated everything. Before entering the palace, everything has been calculated. Help me up and then pull me down fiercely. I will come to the end, forever Just a useless puppet emperor, puppet, puppet..."

Xiao Yuying roared crazily, and only this moment could make him vent his emotions so recklessly. On the head, he fell down and was helped by Chai Wu, so he would not fall too embarrassingly.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you? You want to kill in the palace outside the city!" Chai Wu supported Xiao Yuling and advised him kindly, "The emperor still doesn't have to worry too much."

"Your Majesty, what kind of emperor am I?" Xiao Yuling still looked almost crazy just now. "Can I be called the emperor like this? I was controlled by Zhenming, and now I'm controlled by her son. What kind of emperor am I? I might as well not do it!"

"The minister killed him for the emperor!" Chai Wu said resolutely.

"Kill him, what can be saved by killing him?" Xiao Yuling grabbed Chai Wu and couldn't help questioning, "When I killed him, he can still live well now. Now that I kill him, the army of King Yanyun outside the city will still kill under my dragon chair. What can I do if I kill him? I lost and lost to him from the beginning. I am really a cowardly emperor..." /P>

"He can think about it, can't you?" A cold sarcasm came over quietly. Floating into Xiao Yuling's ears, at this moment, he just wanted to kill people to vent his anger, "Who, come out..."

A Man's figure appeared calmly from the corner. When he stepped to Xiao Yuling's side, he looked contemptuous. I have a plan that can call you back to heaven. I don't know if our emperor will be useful?

"You will be so kind!" Xiao Yuling looked at Aman with disgust. This queen was also his failure.

"Only when your emperor does it for a long time can my queen be stable. Only when my queen is stable can I continue to fight with you!" A Man surrounded Xiao Yuling and showed his heart word by word.


"General Chai, who sacrificed you, just acted as a bitter meat trick in front of Liang Ji..." As soon as A Man's words came out, Xiao Yuyu suddenly changed color.

Chai Wu stopped Xiao Yuying's thunder and took a step forward. "Chai Wu once swore in front of the former queen that he would definitely protect her majesty's throne. Chai Wu was willing to do it. However, don't let me know what conspiracy you are playing, otherwise, even if Chai Wu dies, he will definitely pull you first!"

A Man smiled, "This is natural!"

"As long as General Chai Wu pretended to be bloody and fought, he went to Liang Ji and told him that Xiao Chengyou won a great victory, but ordered the city to be slaughtered, and then Liang Ji to come up with a strategy on how to suppress Xiao Chengyou. As long as Liang Ji's strategy comes, His Majesty can immediately order and let people end Liang Ji, which will be a hundred."

"How can Liang Ji believe it?" Xiao Yuying roared out without thinking.

"As long as the emperor's most trusted person dies in front of him, he will not believe it!"

"You are so ruthless..."


Outside the imperial city, the flames of war were noisy, and the long imperial city was involved in this turmoil. Three days later, since General Chai Wu died in Liang Ji's bedroom. A few days later, Liang Ji wrote a letter and ordered people to secretly hand it over to Xiao Yuling!

Adhering to the policy of the counselor Liang Ji, Xiao Yuling immediately stopped the war, sent people to negotiate peace, and ordered him to be sentenced to be executed in the court. At the same time, the killer ambushed by Liang Ji in the imperial city secretly launched it as soon as the letter came out of the bedroom.

Then Yun tried his best to protect him, carrying Liang Ji, and his clothes were already covered with blood. Finally, at the moment when ten thousand arrows were fired, he and Liang Ji were hit by the same time and fell into the moat. The body went with the wave and could not be recovered.

In the chaotic army, someone secretly handed over a woman to Xiao Yuling in the hands of the South Korean army, waiting for Xiao Yuyi to find out, but Su Mu was the only one who was dying.

The first battle of the imperial city, three days.


Yu counselor Gao Yun's strategy to cede the city 50 and Yanyun to make friends with each other and never offend each other. In the case of Xuanmen in those years, he was given three feet of white silk to be effective.

Specially, the saint's sister Li Yun gave marriage to Yan Yun, became Qin and Jin, and made friends forever!