It's difficult to follow: Emperor, please think twice

Chapter 60 Hypothetical Enemy

For a long time, he was close enough to keep breathing on the other party's face for a long time, and then Su Qingli said, "Can you get up from me? To be honest, you are very heavy."

Feng Siqi supported herself reluctantly. Su Qingli also sat up and put away the soft sword of the public. She was not angry. Instead, she narrowed her eyes slightly and said with a smile, "You remind me of a book, Life Can't Bear."

"What a strange name. I've never heard of it. What does it mean?" Feng Siqi asked.

"It means...women are always eager..." She suddenly stopped here, "As long as the girl you like knows this."

"Girl...woman..." Feng Siqi muttered these two words. If he had met her again tonight, he would definitely be excited, but now when he mentions these two words, it is full of irony for him.

"Hey, I'll teach you a way to judge whether it's true love. If you want to see how much a poor man loves you, it depends on how much money he will pay for you. If you want to see how much a rich man loves you, it depends on how much time he spends for you. If you want to see how much your husband who has been married loves you, it depends on how much he gives you... Well, you know. If a person is willing to pay for you money, time, and that, it can basically be regarded as true love.

After listening to Su Qingli's words, Feng Siqi turned around and asked, "Anan, do you have a good relationship with that sister who doesn't want to marry?"

Su Qingli's eyes turned around and replied, "We are like a person." It's not just the same, it's just the same.

"Is she very important to you?"

Su Qingli didn't understand his intention, but she still replied with a smile, "Everything I do is for her."

"So if one person is willing to give everything, even life, for another person, is this love?"

" should be love." Feng Siqi suddenly changed the topic and returned to the original words. Su Qingli hesitated for a moment before answering.

Feng Siqi nodded, "Really? Then she is really happy to have a younger brother like you." After saying that, he grabbed Su Qingli's arm and jumped down the roof.

As usual, he sent her home in person. Outside the high wall of the Su family, he jumped to the other side of the wall and even sent her to the door of the yard. He said, "Anan, since they are all here, I wonder if I can let my brother see your sister?"

"No!" Su Qingli refused without thinking about it.

Feng Siqi smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous. I don't mean anything else. I just miss you and I are already brothers, and I have also helped her and know each other. If you need anything in the future, you can take care of each other."

"Don't bother so much. She is a lady in the boudoir. What do you need to take care of her? It's the same if you take good care of me. I thanked you for her.

"Brother Nan seems to be very afraid of seeing your sister. Does it make you feel inconvenient for him to remember that he said he wanted to marry you?"

What did you say about this? In the cave, he once said that if she had a sister with the same temperament and hoped to marry her, she just said that her sister was the same person as her. Now she thinks about it, she is simply throwing a stone at her feet.

Seeing that Feng Siqi seemed to have some momentum of never giving up, Su Qingli simply said, "My sister said that she would never marry, and no one would marry. Even if I said it's useless to invite you, go quickly, you know that her temper is similar to mine. If you are so mellow, what will happen to you? What's going on? Oh, look at her coming. Go quickly. Don't let anyone see you."

Coincidentally, Su Qinran happened to come in their direction. Su Qingli identified Su Qinran without thinking about it. Feng Siqi's eyesight was good. Even if it was as dark as ink, he could see the man's face clearly with a dim lantern.

is a beautiful lady, but she beats and scolds the servants around her as she walks. She looks like a girl with a bad character. How can she be worthy of Sunan?

He raised his chin and stared at Su Qinran and couldn't move his eyes. When Su Qingli saw him looking distracted, Su Qingli suddenly blocked his heart and blurted out, "What are you looking at? Don't like her!"

"Do I like her?" Feng Siqi felt very funny that she was so nervous about her sister's appearance.

And Su Qingli knew that she was incoherent and hurriedly covered her little mouth with her hands, "Oh, go quickly. My sister is everyone's boudoir. How can I allow you to look at it like this? Go!"

Forced to leave the Su family, Feng Siqi turned around and went to the marquis's mansion. Wei Xian, who was originally intimate in Su Liuyun's room, was really angry to kill people when he heard the signal he gave.

But Feng Siqi's signal was very urgent, and Wei Xian had no choice but to find an excuse and hurriedly left Su Liuyun's room.

In the middle of the night, Meijiao's mother can't be spoiled, but she has to look at a man in the study. Wei Xian's tone is on his throat and can't attack. No, she can only pour herself a glass of cold wine to reduce the fire.

"Xian, let me ask you, how many male pets are there in the emperors of my dynasty, or even if they have one or two male pets, it doesn't mean that he is not wise, right?"

The wine glass Wei Xian just mentioned was frozen there. He heard that the perilla was sent back to Beijing today. In the middle of the night, a large group of officers and soldiers rushed into Linzhou governor's house, arrested him on the charge of selling private salt, and sent it all the way to the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Feng Siqi suddenly fell from the sky and asked such a sentence. Could it be that it was a different first. Mega?

Wei Xian thought for a long time before saying, "May I not answer?"

"No! This is an order." Feng Siqi immediately rejected it for him.

Looking at the wine glass in his hand, his heart suddenly rose to his throat and poured down the wine and said, "I have never heard of the kings of raising male pets in all dynasties. It is really impossible to determine whether a king is wise to raise one or two male pets." Seeing that Feng Siqi seemed to take a breath, Wei Xian suddenly took a turn, "But... If so, you will live up to the old man's expectations of you."

"Did I let her down a lot? And I don't care about what she thinks anymore! She took away my favorite things again and again, and I don't owe her.

"But she raised you, protected you, supported you, and did everything a mother should do from beginning to end. From her mother's point of view, she really didn't make any mistakes. Imagine that if he has such an unpredictable person around your child, you will remove him mercilessly, even if he may hate you all his life.

Feng Siqi condensed her expression and waved her glass. "Don't say any more. I don't want to hear someone speak well for her. Isn't there enough people to say good for her in my life?"

"Ode, okay, you can reconcile your family affairs by yourself. As for the problem of male pets, I have no experience, but I advise you to think twice."

On this trip to the marquis's mansion, the questions asked were equivalent to not asking questions, but caused him a lot of troubles. Feng Siqi said, "I have made it very clear. The reason why I want to become what I am today is to have everything I care about in my heart. I will no longer let her control my life and destroy what I care about. Everything."


"No, but! Get rid of the third lady of the Su family as soon as possible for me. No matter how much Sunan loves her, I will make Sunan completely belong to me, both body and mind.