The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 28 Sweeping the Demon Snake

Volume 2 The Second Yuanshen

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Although the demon snake has some magical power and spells, it is mostly natural blood inheritance or perception in ignorance, and its own wisdom is still very low. Therefore, the demon snake is not like the snake demon. It has the intention to integrate hundreds of millions of snakes, live together in one place, and form a system. On the contrary, they have a strong sense of territorial exclusivity.

That is to say, there is a place where a demon snake is coiled, and other snakes cannot enter. Because of this, Zhong Yuan looked for the snake demon, which seemed more relaxed. Because there are too many snakes in the Valley of Ten Thousand Snakes. Those places that seem to be "empty" are like bright lights in the night, dazzling and dazzling.

In a short period of time, Zhong Yuan found more than a dozen places where demons and snakes were coiled. However, he did not casually find one to enter, but deliberately looked for the smallest territory and walked in.

The reason for this is that Zhong Yuan does not have a very accurate understanding of his current real strength, so he must test it first. It doesn't matter if you underestimate it. In case it is overestimated, there will be no problem.

Walking on the soft grass, Zhong Yuan's sensing power is released, and everything in the circle can be a panoramic view. With his continuous progress, countless new images were transmitted.

Suddenly, a towering ancient tree hugged by several people entered his induction. At a height of ten feet, there was a tree, a golden snake head the size of a sea bowl, drooping outside the cave, as if resting.

This is a brocade python. Zhong Yuan, who was already quite knowledgeable, recognized the ethnic group of demon snakes at first sight.

Just as Zhong Yuan found the demon snake, the demon snake also seemed to have a sense. Mu opened his eyes and was the size of an adult's fist. Zhan Zhan's golden light burst out of it, as if it were substance. At that moment, Zhong Yuan had a feeling that the demon snake really "saw" himself.


With the sound of friction, a waterfall-like colorful practice poured down. Against the sun, it was like a seven-rainbow bridge across the void.

The demon snake had no intention of landing at all. When it was exhausted, it circled a nearby tree and jumped up again. At a distance of more than a hundred feet, the demon snake only borrowed its strength twice and flew to Zhong Yuan's approach.

Although Zhong Yuan's real combat experience is not rich, the only one can also be called a life-and-death battle. That battle really greatly improved his combat consciousness and temporary reaction. Therefore, when the demon snake flew over and was still a few feet away, Zhong Yuan poured the real qi into the blood Shura flag and suddenly shook it.


The sound of the soul-grabbing god. Almost substantial bō lines, like water, invaded the demon snake.

It's better to do it first, and then suffer! This is the battle truth that Zhong Yuan realized in the first battle!

The demon snake was really amazing. Before the bō pattern was touched, it seemed to feel something wrong. Immediately, it turned its body and flew backwards. It hung on a branch dozens of feet away, held its head high and looked at Zhong Yuan.

For demon snakes, Zhong Yuan has no intention of capturing them alive at all. Although the quality of the venom taken out after killing will be reduced, this is the safest way. Therefore, after turning into blood and doing nothing, he immediately urged Taiyīn thorns to fly up, turned into a stream of light, and went straight to the head of the demon snake.

It's too yīn thorny, moving out silently, just like a ghost in the dark night. However, the vigilance of the demon snake was really extraordinary. He was found by him from afar. With a long hiss, a black smoke spewed out of his mouth, and there were many small sparks inside, facing up.

With a slight explosion, the black smoke was broken by a blow, and the sparks splashed everywhere, burning many nearby trees. And the too yīn thorn also stagnated. It was not until Zhong Yuan urged him again that he continued to move forward.

The demon snake did not give in and spit out a mouthful of black smoke again. At the same time, his huge tail also rolled upside down and patted Taiyīn. The momentum was extremely strong, with an extremely violent sound of breaking the wind.

Seeing this momentum, Zhong Yuan estimated that if he was hit, the contact with the magic weapon would be interrupted at once. Naturally, he can't allow this to happen. Therefore, as soon as he moved his mind, he urged Taiyīn to thorn and withdraw, no longer fighting with black smoke and Mars. Then, he turned slightly in one direction and stabbed the head of the demon snake from the side.

At this time, Zhong Yuan also rushed forward, the blood-blooded Shura flag shook again, and the soul-grabbing sounded again.

This time, the demon snake was shocked and was about to spit out black smoke again. At that time, it was stunned. The snake tail, which came out of the air like an iron whip, also softened in an instant.

In this moment, Taiyīn stabbed from the snake's head and penetrated through the brain. At that time, the demon snake didn't even have time to scream, so it was killed on the spot.

Zhong Yuan shook the blood Shura flag again, and the blood smoke was like a long rope across the sky, rolling up the body of the demon snake. After taking out the venom calmly, Zhong Yuan did not leave immediately, because he did not have the habit of lng fee.

jīng divine induction, out of the air, towards the snake body. To his disappointment, this demon snake did not have a demon elixir in its body. Obviously, this demon snake has not yet gained magical strength and has not yet condensed. However, the snake's bile of the demon snake is not bad. It is green, crystal clear, and the size of a bowl.

After taking out the snake's gallbladder with blood and smoke, Zhong Yuangu degenated the true blood in his body and slapped the demon snake.

In an instant, a pool of blood flowed out of the mouth of the demon snake, and the whole body was completely deflated, leaving only a piece of snake skin.

The rotten corpse turns into blood, and this is the wonderful use of turning blood that Zhong Yuan has just realized. In fact, if he wants, the whole snake skin can also be removed. However, the demon snake skin is also a good material for refining magic weapons, so he deliberately kept it.

After everything was packed up, Zhong Yuan turned around and left the mountain forest and walked towards another place where the demon snakes he found.

With the experience of this battle as a reference, Zhong Yuan is more comfortable with the use of Huaxue Shura Fan and Taiyīn thorn, and the next action was very smooth. In three days, Zhong Yuan swept 83 different demon snakes. At this time, the number of venoms he received in his hand also reached 127.

He estimated that the venom of the demon snake in his hand may not be repeated. In this way, the amount of a hundred kinds of venom should be no problem. At present, he is not looking for a new demon snake and is ready to leave.