The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 69 New rules, home

Volume III Killing Southern Xinjiang

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"Gentlemen, our Redwood Ridge has been based in the southern Xinjiang for hundreds of years, and it has only now become prosperous. However, since the development of Redwood Ridge, the rules of the Men faction are still the most original ones, which have never been changed, which is inappropriate. It should be noted that the rules and regulations are also the foundation of the faction. The foundation is unstable, which can be said to be very unfavorable to the development of this meén.

I was entrusted by my red-haired brother to take charge of the Pope. Although I am a representative, I can't help but worry about it. Therefore, after I am in charge of teaching, the first thing to do is to revise the original regulations and re-en the new rules! However, this matter is not a big deal. If I am alone, it is inevitable that there will be some omissions, so each of you should be involved.

I will take ten days, and after ten days, each of you will have to pay a copy of the new rules! Now, go ahead!"

After saying that, Zhong Yuan waved his hand casually. Everyone didn't dare to stay any longer and immediately retreated.

Originally, they thought that it was shocking enough for Zhong Yuan, a little disciple, to become a substitute leader. Unexpectedly, Zhong Yuan's actions after becoming the leader were even more surprising!

Liwei! Thank you!

This is the first way to hold the throne. Zhong Yuan did not choose one, but had to modify the rules. It really made them confused. What kind of calculation did Zhong Yuan do in his heart?

But because of this, it is inevitable for them to be one by one! Among the crowd, the blue sky dog was the most thorny. As soon as he came out of the hall, he said, "Brothers and brothers, this re-cultivation is a big deal! One person is short, and two people are long. Why don't we discuss it together first and establish a foundation? In this way, we can add bricks and tiles to each other!"

As soon as this statement came out, it attracted everyone to agree at that time.



"How about we go to the big brother's place?"

"Alas--" At this time, the blue sky dog said again, "In my opinion, it's best to go to the Shura blood array. Didn't the master make us more familiar with the Shura blood array? There, it's killing two birds with one stone!"

"Yes, Shura's blood array is the best!" Yao Kaijiang also opened his mouth.

At present, everyone has no objection. They fly away and hope that Shura will fall into the blood array.

How powerful Zhong Yuan is now. Naturally, the conversations of these people are not the same. Blue Sky Dog's careful thinking, how can he not understand? He just doesn't want to let himself know the content of their conversation.

In the whole boundary of the mahogany ridge, there are only two places that Zhong Yuan can't monitor. One is the practice room of the red-haired ancestor, and the other is in the Shura blood array.

The content they want to discuss may have new rules, but it is more definitely how to compete with themselves. After all, in Hongmuling, they have each been in power and have been happy for more than a hundred years. Suddenly, they have more of themselves on the top of their heads. I'm afraid no one will be willing. In particular, I used to be their junior.

However, how can Zhong Yuan care about this? Strength and reputation are enough to crush everything!

"Master, I hope you can be smarter and don't hit the muzzle, otherwise, I'm really not good!" Zhong Yuan muttered.

After a while, Zhong Yuan's body flashed and disappeared. At the time of reappearance, it was already the sky. At this time, he turned into a flying rainbow, showed the ghost blood to escape, and flew away in the direction of Hongjiazhai.

He is going home!

Originally, at the end of the three-year period, he could go home to explore, but Zhong Yuan delayed to nearly five years because of the cultivation of the second Yuanshen. He believes that his parents have already worn it. Therefore, he didn't want to wait for a moment. Previously, the reason why the ten-day period was set was also because of this. Otherwise, with the memory of his previous life, how could it take to be a copy man?

Less than 3,000 miles of the earth, under the combination of the magic power of the earth fairy and the ghost blood escape, it is really in an instant!

High in the sky, Zhong Yuan clearly saw that his mother looked at it with her mouth. At that time, the cavity was full of sourness, and the eyes became moist!

In an instant, Zhong Yuan landed, just in front of his mother, knelt down directly and kowtowed repeatedly. Mother, unfilial Zhong Yuan, is back!"

There was one more figure in front of her. Zhong's mother Luo yù thought that she had hallucinations. She shook her head quickly and found that the person was still there. When she heard the sound, she was determined. At that time, she rushed over and held Zhong Yuan in her arms with tears in her eyes, "Yuan'er, you

Zhong's mother intermittently confided her feelings for her son, and then stopped for a long time. At this time, he remembered that Zhong Yuan was still kneeling on the ground! At that moment, he hurriedly helped Zhong Yuan up and said, "I'm a little confused. You must be hungry all the way back!"

Hungry! This word is already strange to Zhong Yuan. He himself forgot that he hadn't eaten for a long time. However, under his mother's eyes, he still nodded and said, "I'm a little hungry!"

"Wait a minute, I'll come back to your father. Today, we'll have a good meal!" With that, Zhong's mother trotted all the way out.

Zhong Yuan did not stop it, because he knew that it was useless to stop it.

It didn't take long for Zhong Yuan's parents to come back. His father also carried a deer and a jar of wine in his hand. However, he knew that although his father could not say that he would not touch wine, he seldom drank it. At this time, the intention was self-evident!

He hurried over and wanted to take it, but his father stopped him. "Let your mother take these. Come with me and let me hear what you have learned over the years?"

Zhong Yuan should do it naturally. When he got to the study, his father sat down. Zhong Yuan immediately knelt down and saluted. Then, he began to talk about his practice in the Redwood Ridge. Everything was big or small, and all told without any concealment.

Zhong's father was naturally surprised when he heard it. He didn't expect that after only a few years after his son left, he became a real fairy and a leader. With such a huge impact, I have been studying for many years, and it took me a long time to get used to it.

Next, Zhong Yuan told him some of the wonders of the fairyland, and wanted him to agree to move to Redwood Ridge. However, as expected, his father refused without any hesitation. No matter what you say, it won't help. In desperation, he had no choice but to put it down for the time being.

In the next ten days, Zhong Yuan deliberately forgot his status as a monk, like a mortal, accompanying his parents with filial piety.