The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 381 The disciple of the head of Wudang, stand

For a long time, the teacher's attention is what they want most to get n

However, at this moment, they would rather pay less attention. Because it's really hard.

Under this pressure, they have already thrown out what they want to suggest. The only remaining thought in their hearts is: Support! Hold on!

However, this time, half of Lao Ni and Ling Lingzi seemed to be determined. If they wanted to suffer a little, they didn't mean to relax at all. Just stared at them closely.

At this moment, in front of half of Lao Ni, Lin Lvhua, the most casual, was also shocked and did not dare to plead, and could only suffer like this.

I don't know how long it has been. Wudang's seven women and four swords, someone finally opened his mouth. This person is the vicissitudes of the four swords!

"Master, uncle, disciples think that my Wudang power is still weak and I am in the period of accumulation, but it is not appropriate to fight against such a great religion as the Emei School. Therefore, the disciples think that we should listen to the opinions of Miao Yizhen for the time being and not send any disciples to Chongxiaofeng to watch the ceremony!"

Canglang Yushi said this casually, not to mention others, even he was shocked. Because his voice is no longer heroic, free and easy, but extremely hoarse, as if he were an old man in his twilight years.

At this time, Canglang Yushi didn't understand how bad his usual compoting mind was. At this moment, he couldn't help showing a trace of bitterness, but at this moment, half of Lao Ni and Ling Lingzi applauded Qiqi. Then, half of the old man said, "From now on, he will officially become the head disciple of this school. Usually, as long as we don't intervene, all the affairs of the Wudang faction will be in charge of it!"

While talking, half of Lao Ni took off an iron card from his body and threw it at the Canglang Yushi. The iron card, the official martial arts school to teach dogs symbolizes a pair of dragon edicts.

Immediately after that, Linglingzi also took out the double dragon edict on his body and threw it to Canglang Yushi.

Happiness came too abruptly and suddenly. Even if it was a monk like this, he couldn't help but be a little stupid and stunned for a moment!

On the contrary, the rest of the three swords and seven women, as bystanders, are still a little sober. When I understand why, it is the Canglang feather master who serves as the disciple of the master. Because he can abruptly suppress his own likes and dislikes for the sake of the sect, and completely consider it with the sect as the core.

And this, obviously, is the head of a sect that should and must be done. Zhoucai, obviously half of Lao Ni and Ling Lingzi took advantage of the topic to test them.

At present, there are people who regret in their hearts and regret their own face. Why don't they be thicker? Or, your own "simmering, strength, why don't you make it smaller? In that case, isn't the position of the head disciple your own?

At the same time, there is also a big looseness in people's hearts. This looseness is not only because I have survived, but also because I have let go of the desire for the position of the future leader. Because they have really understood how difficult it will be to sit in the position of leader. They think that they are not that material!

No matter what they think in their hearts, it is obvious that the Canglang Yushi can get one or two double dragon edicts at will, which basically means that the future battle for the Wudang faction to be in charge has been settled. At present, the rest of the three swords and seven women all saluted respectfully to the vicissitudes of the waves.

The vicissitudes of the waves are at will, not idle people. After a buffer, they have completely adapted to it. At that moment, he knelt on his knees and bowed to half of Lao Ni and Lingzi to thank them. Then, he also accepted the salute of his peers calmly.

Seeing this, half of Lao Ni and Ling Lingzi's faces showed a happy smile. The Wudang School, the current teaching affairs, is not concentrated, but half of Lao Ni and Linglingzi are in charge of the two sects, men and women. This kind of sect system is abnormal and difficult to maintain for a long time. However, after the civil strife of the Wudang faction, this is the best way to maintain the integrity of the Wudang faction, so it continued like this.

But next, the Wudang faction wants to rise, win back the glory of the past, or even go to a higher level. This kind of patriarchal power system is absolutely inappropriate.

However, in the past few decades, the current disciples of the Wudang School have been very used to this system. With one more position, there is one more chance. None of Wudang's disciples objected to this system. However, half of Lao Ni and Ling Lingzi can see such hidden worries.

Their generation can maintain a good relationship, but the next generation may not. Because of the current Wudang School, there is a lot of gap between male and female disciples. In order to avoid the recurrence of civil strife in the Wudang faction, Wudang, which was already very weak, became more in decline. Early on, the two of them had the idea of establishing a joint head disciple of the two sects, a man and a woman, so that Wudang could return to the normal system in the next generation.

However, the idea is good, and it is difficult to achieve it. After all, it is not easy to win the support of both male and female sects at the same time. Because people's hearts are the most complicated, which can't be solved by force.

Therefore, this thought has been buried in the hearts of half of Lao Ni and Ling Lingzi, waiting for the right opportunity to appear.

Zhoucai, when Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming's threatening letter appeared, although half of Lao Ni was shocked and angry, with her mana, if she wanted to control it, there would be no such a normal reaction at all. The reason why she showed it was that she found that this was the best opportunity to set up a disciple.

At the moment, he secretly communicated with Linglingzi. After that, Ling Lingzi's expression changed, and it was even more performance. This kind of performance unconsciously drove the emotions of the disciples under the door, so that their anger towards the Emei School reached a peak in an instant, and thus made a choice and experienced the difficulty.

After having that kind of experience, those who are light-minded will naturally retreat; those who are heavy-minded will also invisibly think that they are much worse than those who made the right choice first. In this case, the initial prestige of the leader and disciple can be easily established. As for the follow-up, the two of them have a lot to do.

Obviously, the design of half of Lao Ni and Ling Lingzi was successful.

Everything is difficult at the beginning! Half of Lao Ni and Ling Lingzi firmly believed that the foundation for the rise of the Wudang faction had been laid. As for being able to reach that point in the future, you have to work hard step by step!