The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 415 Golden Light Fire Sword

Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming, but he marveled and commented on a kind of brother and turned a deaf ear. The three-foot green peak waved repeatedly, and each sword did not show any sharpness, but every sword was like an antelope hanging horns, which was wonderful to the top.

The blade of the invisible sword did not touch the huge thunderball that kept falling down at all, but none of those thunderballs could really hit him and were led away or collapsed by it. In the end, it was taken away by Jian Bingru's heavenly demon Qiling fog barrier launched by the Huajie Shenlian, which was transformed into Qiling Xianguang, creating more cannon fodder troops for the future.

This scene is enough to shock the wonders of monks all over the world, because the two instruments are covered by the dust array, but it is not known by Zhong Yuan and the duster. Otherwise, the two of them will definitely re-evaluate Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming in an instant. In particular, the dust destroyer will definitely completely throw away the prejudice in his inherent thinking.

Now, on the peak of the sky, Zhong Yuan and the dust, because they lost the opportunity to observe the second generation of disciples of the Emei School, they can only wait like this and wait for a result.

Waiting is a kind of helplessness! If possible, I'm afraid no one wants to wait like this, but want to take the initiative to win some first move.

Because all the decisive factors are what others want, and it's really uncomfortable! However, Zhong Yuan and the dust are not because of this, and they look depressed, but all show very calmness, tasting tea and gossiping.

The two of them are like this, not a "strong smile" but a real truth, and each of them has some background in their hearts. There is no doubt that the background of the dust is Bai Guyi, one of the two elders of Songshan; and Zhong Yuan, in addition to this, there is also a move to take the lead. Zhong Yuan arranged this move very early, but whether he can open the huā has always been between the two. It is only in the past few days that he has a good idea.

"Boom, boom, boom, for a moment, it has always been thunder and small rain. Not only did those thunderballs not exert the slightest power, but were transformed into the help of the Emei School by Miaoyi real person Qi Shuming. However, the natural disaster is the condensation of Tianwei after all. Naturally, such a situation will not be allowed to continue for a long time. Soon, the thunderous light ball, the stars fall like rain.

The violent roar, because it was too dense and connected with each other, almost became a sound, just like the roar of the sea on a stormy night.

In the face of hundreds of thunderballs at the same time, Miaoyi Zhenren washes together, without the previous calmness, without the slightest smoke and fire, just like a real fairy!

Knowing such a situation, Miao Yizhen, who can no longer continue, is under the control of pure will, but it is not rigid, that is, time has changed the way of dealing with it.

The three-foot-long invisible sword, sounding, and the light of the Taoist sword, shot out, like a huge and incomparable lotus, blooming in the void.

That is, in time, a huge sword light vortex is formed in the void. Between the flow, a strong strangulation force is formed. The falling thunder ball is shredded here, turned into a colorful light rain, and poured all over the sky.

Miao Yi Zhen Qi Shuming, unhurriedly shook the invisible sword, released the Taoist sword light, supplementing the sword light that was disintegrated by the power of the thunder ball, and maintained the existence of the sword light vortex.

At this moment, Miao Yizhen's action is like a machine, with the least force to play the safest and strongest effect, without any flaws.

In the four foreign countries, a group of elders of the Emei School unconsciously relaxed their expression in the performance of Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming.

After about half an hour, the sword light vortex built by Miaoyi real person, the launch update group provided the ghost powerful and dense under the thunder and lightning bombardment of a beam of light, and finally couldn't be added any more, and it was declared to disintegrated.

At this time, although the thunder and lightning that fell from the heavenly disaster was far worse than that at that time. At this time, Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming's right hand shook, and the invisible sword disappeared. Then, the golden fire sword that had been inserted on his back was sheathed and fell into his hand.

Infused with mana, with a strong throw, the golden light sharp sword really turned into a golden dragon, with a long cry, shaking the sky, opening his teeth and dancing his claws, and going towards the falling lightning.

"Bong, Bong, Bong, M, dense, countless thunderballs burst on the body of the Golden Dragon. However, in addition to dimming the light on the golden dragon, even the scales did not fall down.

At the same time, in the mouth of the car, the car spewed out a pillar of fire with a thin arm.

This pillar of fire is very strange and has good eyesight, but it can be seen that it is built by a small Ruyi-shaped flame.

This flame is extremely domineering. With just one blow, it pierced a hole in the thunder, which was almost condensed into a beam of light, and went straight to the sky.

In addition, the four claws of the golden dragon and the two horns on the top of the head are also wrapped around this like-like flame. Under the impact and tearing, the vast power of heaven that is about to destroy the world is like a paper paste. In an instant, it was disassembled and no longer systematic.

Next to

, Jian Bingru launched the to rob the divine lotus, released the heavenly demon enlightenment fog barrier, absorbed the remaining thunder light scattered around, and continued to enlighten and evolve the beasts and wild birds near the Ningbi Cliff.

He did not directly control the devil Qiling fog barrier to intercept the heavenly disaster. On the other hand, the robbery Shenlian has just fought against a heavenly disaster with all its strength. The damage is not small, and it has not been fully recovered. If it is excessive at this time, it is likely to damage the origin and fall from the level of the treasure.

The second thing is that Bingru's heart also breaks expectations. Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming can fully rely on his own strength to survive the disaster successfully. Because, in his opinion, it is the immortal in the true sense, the immortal who has the potential to reach a higher level. The golden dragon turned into a golden dragon by the fire sword is extremely powerful. After breaking the thunder beam of light, it flew directly to the sky and rushed into the clouds. The horns hit, swallowed the mouth, the claws were torn, the tail swing, the body hit, etc. After a flash, the clouds in the sky were actually hit with wounds and messy

Seeing such a scene, Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming naturally accelerated the output of mana, and wanted to blow up the empty disaster cloud. At this moment, Miao Yizhen had not yet transmitted the newly condensed mana through the air. Suddenly, he only felt that the void around him trembled, and the sky turned into blood, and he never saw the original scene again. ( To be continued)