The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 433 The Death of Zhu Mei

Dwarf Zhumei, know the sea space.

A drop of nectar, like the light rain in March, is pattering.

It seems that these nectar are very few, but not a drop is wasted. All the nectar has not entered the culptrum of the dwarf Zhumei.

Wen Jin saw that the dwarf Zhu Mei had a strong help again, and naturally he immediately stopped him. However, the level at which he refined his sword spirit did not cause any hindrance to those nectar. Those nectar, as if they didn't exist, just walked directly through the atomized sword spirit.

At this time, Wen Jin just understood that these manna are tangible and intangible. Unless he understands his fundamental utility, he can break the law by law, otherwise there is nothing he can do about it.

After understanding this catty, Wen Jin no longer insisted on it and continued to put all his energy on the yuan god shield of the dwarf Zhumei.

Monk, the body is the foundation, and the yuan spirit is the foundation. Wen Yan does not need to completely wear out the yuan god of the dwarf Zhu Mei. As long as he is injured, the body will also be damaged under the sympathetic feeling of the air machine, and the body of most monks is undoubtedly more fragile than the yuan god, and the dwarf Zhu Mei is no exception.

As long as the dwarf Zhumei's body is damaged to a certain extent, he will fight against the yuan god again and make his strength decline greatly. At that time, it will be much easier to deal with the dwarf Zhumei.

"Sneer, sneer, sneer, ..., when the sword spirit gathers away, gathers when it gathers, it is to split the sky rainbow, disperses is a small needle, facing the dwarf Zhu Meizhou Yuanshen shield, fiercely attacking fiercely, powerful, and doing his best, leaving no trace of backhand.

In a short moment, the dwarf Zhu Mei's yuanshen shield faded greatly, leaving only a thin layer.

In such a situation, Wen Jin was naturally very happy. "Lao Zhu Mei, I'm afraid you can't think of my real foundation even if you are treacherous. If you find the wrong direction, you are doomed to die today!"

Wen Jin urged his sword spirit to the extreme, and he had to continue to work hard to break the yuanshen shield of the dwarf Zhu Mei. At this time, the dwarf Zhu Mei, above the god, inexplicably shined with a clear and bright, water-like glow.

This wisp of brilliance, that is, time, the dense, the demons who helped Wen Jin deal with the dwarf Zhumei's yuan god shield disappeared in an instant. Moreover, without stopping at all, it is still disappearing at a high speed. It's like these demons, just like light smoke, and they disperse as soon as they blow.

"Huiguang?! So, the effect of these nectar is this!" Wen Jin, who had some understanding, knew that he was only one step away to kill the yuan god of the dwarf Zhu Mei, but he also understood that at least there was no chance for this frying.

Because wisdom is often fried at critical times, which can have an unparalleled reversal effect.

Sure enough, with a loud bang, although Wensheng condensed an unparalleled strong sword spirit, Zhu Mei, a dwarf, still dispatched enough strength to resist in a state that was almost divine.

Such a result was expected by Wen Jin. Although it is a pity to miss such a good opportunity, he is not disappointed or frustrated because he has found a better way through the action of the dwarf Zhu Mei.

Above the yuan god of the dwarf Zhu Mei, the light as cool as water, more and more bright, dazzling but not dazzling. With the glorious strength, the demons who came disappeared in pieces of ashes and smoke. Soon, only Wen Jin was left, who resisted stubbornly in the negative corner!

"The devil is worthy of being the devil!" At this moment, the dwarf Zhu Mei said again, "It's a pity that this is the human world, not the place where the devil should stay. Go back! The dwarf Zhu Mei's words sounded like thunder, but they can't hear a trace of emotion from it, which seems extremely plain and natural. As if this is a matter of course, it is not worth betting on extra emotions at all.

While talking, the dwarf Zhu Mei trembled, and then a touch of joy appeared on his face.

Seeing this, Wen Jin understands that Zhu Mei, a dwarf, must have clearly analyzed his third entanglement. He thought that there was no loss at all and could be resolved. At present, Wen Jin made a picture of the posture that the extraterritorial demon king should have, and roared a low and depressing cry.

"You'd better stay here forever, otherwise, I will come again. At that time, I will show you my real invincible power!"

The voice gradually weakened, and Wen Jin's image gradually blurred. Soon, it completely disappeared and turned into nothingness.

As soon as he saw this, the smile on the dwarf Zhu Mei's face became more and more brilliant. However, at the same time, the clear water light emitted from his moto god also disappeared completely.

At this moment, the dwarf Zhu Mei was able to sense the situation outside. However, his heart couldn't help but be a little confused. "The devil's disaster has passed, and the heavenly disaster has passed. Why don't I have any sign of being promoted to a fairy? The words of Zhu Mei, a dwarf, were naturally heard by Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming and others. They also felt quite incredible about this and didn't know why

At this time, in the sea of knowledge of the dwarf Zhu Mei, a fierce sound suddenly sounded, "Although the devil has passed, there are still people who have been robbed. How can I become an immortal? Unfortunately, you don't have a chance! With this sound, a sharp stream of lightning suddenly emerged from the void, and in an instant, it penetrated from its motogami.

Then, the culptological god of the dwarf Zhumei was broken like glass.

"How come? Shouldn't you have disappeared?" Zhu Mei, a dwarf, was very surprised, which even made him ignore his state of dying.

"Do you really think that there will be a demon king to hinder you from becoming a Taoist? Think about it yourself, do you deserve it? Wen Jin's sword light restrained and showed his figure, "I'm Wen Sheng, and I'm here to kill you!"

"How can you have such a cultivation? You, how can you incarnate as a demon?" Zhu Mei was shocked again when she saw Wen Jin's evil power.

"Everything is given to you. If you hadn't wanted to prove the immortals this time, I wouldn't have to spend such a price!" There was a smile on Wen Jin's face.

"I think that you have been benevolent to you, and you really hate me so much?" Zhu Mei asked again.

"You also said that it's self-identification. However, up to now, it doesn't matter whether you hate or not. The important thing is that you and I will be entangled for three generations, and there must be a break! I hope you and I can have a good ending in my next life!" "So, it's good!" Zhu Meiyu smiled again and finally couldn't maintain it, completely disintegrate.