The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 443 Sexy Corpse Cui Ying

Fantasy Wave Pool, Bei Diaoshui Palace, Cui Ying's Bedroom.

Cui Ying, a gorgeous corpse, likes luxury the most. Therefore, although this last resort, is only a simple stone room, the display inside is extremely gorgeous. The jewels are inlaid with the top, and the gold and jade is paved. The big bed is even more gorgeous to the top. There are dozens of magic weapons and pendants on it.

The light of these magic weapons is extremely bright and gorgeous. They gather together and form a light curtain, which is really a thousand colors and all kinds of brilliance. Even if you are a monk at the level of earth fairy, if you don't look at it with all your eyes, you will only see the gorgeous light, and you can't see the hidden bed at all.

At this moment, the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying is leaning on her gorgeous bed, with a lazy face, as if she is not sleeping. She is only wearing a wisp of seven-colored tulle, which is almost the same as not wearing it. However, with such an extra layer of cover, it seems to be more amorous.

In addition to the colorful light of the bed, dozens of people stood under the steps. One by one, their eyes were wide open, and the light was bright, almost bursting out, and their throats kept moving and swallowing saliva. Obviously, these people can see the beauty of Cui Ying's body through the glow.

Cui Ying, a gorgeous corpse, made a few seemingly unconscious little movements from time to time, which made these people's eyes want to be full of light, and their saliva swallowed even more.

However, how powerful they coveted Cui Ying's body, but they didn't dare to rush up. They really fulfilled their wishes and ate happily.

On the one hand, the cultivation of the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying herself is also extremely high, not a person to be pinched by others. In addition, she has the ability to control the magic wave pool, which is quite forbidden, so she is even more powerful. There are not many people who dare to be presumptuous: second, it is because of the

I don't know why, but I hate men and prefer beautiful women. Moreover, she also believes that ** is the most filthy thing in the world. In her cave, such a thing can never happen. Otherwise, the man will definitely be killed by the big five elements of extinction, and the woman will be expelled from the magic wave pool.

Cui Ying, a gorgeous corpse, because she controls part of the power of the magic wave pool forbidden law, so if she takes the initiative to provoke it, it's still a good idea. However, if she doesn't want to, if these men want the overlord to bow hard, they have to consider whether they have the ability to fight against the five elements

Although these people can be regarded as masters of dominating one side in the world, they are still self-aquited and know that the gap between themselves and St. Gugain is no less than the sky and the earth. Therefore, although they were burned by the lust of the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying** one by one, they could not take the initiative to offend themselves.

This kind of suffering is naturally not what ordinary people can bear. Even if they are monks and masters among monks, it is the same. The reason why they are still here one by one, willing to be driven by the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying, one is because of the promise of the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying, and the other is that the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying will also be rewarded with some "1 divination welfare" from time to time.

Some people may wonder that the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying can easily control so many masters in her hands at such a small cost. These masters are too sperm worms and have no self-control!

In fact, it's not that they don't have self-control, but Cui Ying's posture, which is really amazing.

The word "beauty" is not enough to describe her.

Thinking about those years, Yigu Jiayin, who returned to Sheng Guyin without any change, actually abruptly disobeyed his own nature and gave Cui Ying, the gorgeous corpse who made a big mistake, three times, and you can think about how touching Yigu Jiayin was to Cui Ying, the gorgeous corpse.

In addition, Cui Ying, a gorgeous corpse, has been exquisite all her life. It can be said that she has brought her natural capital to the extreme.

is the old monk who is pure-minded, and there are not many people who can resist. Needless to say, these demons who are already full of desire are first-class.

Everyone, one by one, was enjoying Cui Ying's graceful body with spiritual thoughts. Suddenly, a person rushed in from the outside and said, "No, another wave of people came to attack. Those people's strength was very strong. Before we could react, the portal town magic weapons were collected by them. Let's go!"

Cui Ying, a gorgeous corpse, naturally attaches great importance to her own safety.

Actually, she didn't want to stay in this magic wave pool for a long time. The reason is very simple. The fame here is so great that it is easy to attract the sting of those top figures. However, she couldn't leave.

One of all, her own body has an air vein that has not been opened, and she can't be as good as she wants.

It is okay to give up the body and leave with the yuan spirit, but, not to mention the decline in strength, she can't stand the loss of this natural appearance. In her opinion, her body can be said to be the crystallization of the creation of heaven and earth. Zhong Lingyu is extremely beautiful. It is absolutely impossible for a second one to appear in the world: Second, she is not willing to leave the magic wave pool like this ordinary and become a loose practice. What she wants is infinite scenery, but she wants to form a huge and incomparable sect to become the master of a great religion.

After that, she used her beauty as a bait to hang many monks who admire beauty.

These monks naturally don't pay attention to her poor cultivation, but their cultivation is high, one,

, and there is no fuel-efficient lamp. In this magic wave pool, she occupies a great advantage. Naturally, she can control everything, but if she leaves suddenly, it will be different. It is hard to guarantee that these monks will not control them with force and make them a tool of selfishness. Therefore, over the years, she has been planting ** poison for these masters with her own charm, so that she can have complete control over them. Once this control is successful, she can leave safely and boldly.

Because of this, although the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying can radiate his power out of the magic wave pool and show a great momentum, he did not do so. The purpose is to not attract attention, so that she can realize her intention calmly.

However, things are always contrary to your inner desires. Just as it was close to success, Mrs. Miaoyi Xun Lanyin came in with a group of people.

There are actually two people in this group. They have a great fate with Yi Huan Sheng Gu Jiain. They are blessed by Yi Huan Sheng Gu Jia Yin, so they easily broke in, and the target went straight to the place of the colorful spiritual clouds.

The colorful spiritual cloud is the treasure of the disaster refined by Sheng Gujia. With it, the ordinary fairy disaster can be almost ignored.

Although this treasure is well protected, and the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying is busy opening up the air of her body and did not take it out, in her heart, she has long regarded it as something in her own bag. Moreover, it is still a must-have.

There is nothing we can do. At this moment, the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying has come to the extreme of the earth's immortals. It is an inevitable choice to survive the disaster and become an immortal. And she is a corpse, and the heavenly disaster can be said to be very heavy. Without the help of this colorless spiritual cloud, she is not sure enough to get through it at all.

Therefore, Cui Ying, a gorgeous corpse, naturally can't allow Mrs. Miao Yi Xun Lan to succeed. In time, he sent a large number of his "adorers" to intercept them. After paying a high price, they were finally trapped in the water palace.

If the forbidden power of the magic wave pool can be fully opened, it will not take much effort to wipe out Mrs. Miaoyi, Xun Lanyin and others. However, the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying not only can't, but also, when it is in control, it is quite not smooth, and it seems that the dominant power is being robbed by others. Therefore, she has to spend more time.

Although the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying did not leave home, with such a group of "adorers" as him, he is still very clear about the situation of monks in the world. After knowing the identity of Mrs. Miaoyi Xun Lanyin, Cui Ying, a gorgeous corpse, understood that it was really troublesome. Next, there must be a bigger battle.

Because of this, she is always ready, even when she warms up her body.

Hearing the news, Cui Ying, a gorgeous corpse, immediately got up, got out of bed, and walked out of the glow.

The swaying posture, graceful curves, and beautiful posture made this group of "adorers" stop breathing in an instant, forgetting everything, leaving only dullness.

However, they were dull, and the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying was not sluggish. With a wave of his hand, a blue water flow flew out of a pool of blue waves outside, and the void condensed into a round mirror.

After the round mirror flashed, the figure of Zhong Yuan and others appeared.

"Oh, no, this is not the well people of the Emei School, but the people of Tongtian League!" Among the "adorers" of the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying, it was the shortest and ugliest middle-aged man who came to his senses first.

This person, named Zhang Li, is known as the black-handed Xianlang, is the leader of the two-body religion in the East China Sea, and is a first-class figure in today's world. Unfortunately, the sect was destroyed, and the fellow disciples were destroyed. At present, there is only one bare pole left.

The original intention of the black-handed Xianlang Zhang Li to enter the magic wave pool was to get some powerful magic weapons for revenge. However, after seeing the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying, he could not hold himself. Under the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying's "ecstasy soup", he also fell under the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying's pomegranate skirt and was willing to be driven by it.

"Tongtian League?! It turned out to be an old neighbor!" Cui Ying, a gorgeous corpse, was also quite surprised, "It seems that they can't stand the ** of my magic wave pool, and they are going to rob it. Fortunately, I thought that they were a little different from the Emei School. It turned out that they were just a dragonfly!"

"Palace Lord, the Tongtian League has committed a big crime, but it is not as small as the previous Emei faction. We have to deal with it carefully. Otherwise, I'm afraid we won't stay in this magic wave pool for a long time!"