The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 447 Vientiane Screen

This mirror is naturally the world's top treasure one by one Haotian treasure.

Haotian Baojian was practiced by Zhong Yuan with Chiyou's secret skill. At this time, although it is far from the point of achieving the external incarnation, the spirituality is also remarkable.

Haotian Baojian entered the magic wave pool. In a sense, it means that Zhong Yuan entered the magic wave pool.

Zhong Yuan determined the location of Wan Miao Xian Gu Xu Fei Niang and others. Whether it is safe or not depends on the connection between him and Haotian Baojian.

Haotian Baojian, known as breaking the ban, ignores all laws. After Wanmiao Xiangu used it, that is, time, she was separated from the vast ocean formed by the terrible power of lotus huā.

Suspended in the void, Wan Miao Xian Gu Xu Fei Niang and others observed their place.

High in the sky, the sky is clear, and there are no clouds. Under your feet, there are fresh huā everywhere, and the grass is green. In the distance, there are green mountains and green willows. Everything in front of us is not like a palace at all, but like a complete world.

"Is this an illusion? But why can't I feel the existence of any mana?

"Yes, this hallucination is too [true]!"

"This is not an illusion, this is in the central treasure Wanxiang screen of the magic wave pool!" Suddenly, Xu Feiniang, the aunt of Wan Miaoxian, opened her mouth.

As soon as she opened her mouth, she was sure that it was very. Because she is very clear that even if it is so far beyond the existence of ordinary immortals, it is impossible to open up small worlds one by one.

According to the news he learned from Zhong Yuan, the only small world in the Aoki Palace is in the Vientiane screen.

Vientiane screen is the key for Aoki Palace to dominate the innate prohibition of the five elements. In the whole magic wave pool, all the power can be dispatched and manifested in this small world.

After confirming that she was in the Vientiane screen, Xu Feiniang, Wanmiaoxian, did not dare to delay at all." Because she knew that if the delay continued, it would only be all the forces of the innate law of the Big Five elements would pour out here. At that time, I'm afraid that even if they had Haotian Bao Long time.

When it comes to this, at that time, the immortal aunt Xu Feiniang immediately dominated the auspicious cloud and rushed into the waves again.

That is, time, the power of the lotus huā turned into disaster, and it invaded them again.

In this regard, although the rest of the earth immortal masters of Tongtian League had doubts, they all chose to believe in Xu Feiniang in an instant. After all, they are shrewd, famous, and Zhong Yuan's secret teaching, which is definitely better than them.

Sure enough, at this time, Wan Miaoxian's aunt Xu Feiniang sacrificed Haotian Baojian again, a thick blue light column of dozens of feet, shining straight to the bottom of the water.

In an instant, a huge channel appeared.

Wan Miao Xian Gu Xu Fei Niang led the crowd and flew down quickly.

In the Aoki Palace.

The clouds of smoke wrapped around the stone chamber.

On the front, a huge wooden screen more than 20 feet long is standing there.

On the screen, there are blue sky and white sun, high mountains and rivers. There are trees and forests, green grass, and palaces and palaces. In a word, everything in the world can be found in it.

In front of this screen stands a tall barbarian. This person, of course, was ordered by the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying to preside over the forbidden law of the Aoki Palace.

"I thought how powerful the people of Tongtian League were." It turned out that they were so vulnerable! It's really too easy. Alas, I hope those men can be a little like, don't let me, even use the basic prohibition law completely!"

Just as the Red Feather God sighed, suddenly, a dull sound sounded. Then, on the Vientiane screen, a small lake suddenly expanded, as if it was going to be virtualized. Then, a streamer shot out of it and fell to the ground. After showing its shape, the figure of Wan Miao Xian Gu Xu Fei Niang and his party was revealed.

"You actually broke away from the Vientiane screen?" Hongyu Shenjun saw this, but his words couldn't help blurt out.

It's not his fault, because his original idea was to let the Tongtian League and the Emei faction meet in the Vientiane screen, fight and lose both sides.

Wan Miao Xian Gu Xu Fei Niang naturally had no time to answer the question of Hongyu Shenjun. As soon as she came out, she saw the wooden screen in front of her.

At a glance, Xu Feiniang, the immortal aunt, was deeply attracted by this screen.

In fact, this screen, except for the good-looking appearance, has nothing to be outstanding, and even the basic air machine fluctuation that the magic weapon should have. However, Xu Feiniang, the aunt of Wanmiaoxian, is an insider. She knows that the Vientiane screen in front of her is the central treasure of the innate prohibition of the five elements.

This penguin doesn't count. In her mind, there is also the general picture of the magic wave pool described by Zhong Yuan, so for the first time, she saw its essence from the thunderous mountain and river map of the Vientiane screen.

In this picture of mountains and rivers of heaven and earth, there are more than 500 places in Linlin, all of which are branded with a kind of rune. These runes are generally similar, but they are different.

And the place of this rune is exactly the scene of the magic wave pool, which should be forbidden.

Seeing this, Xu Feiniang, the immortal aunt, is also an extremely conceited person, and she can't help but produce a police uniform for the means of returning Sheng Gu Jiayin.

However, Xu Feiniang, the aunt of Wanmiaoxian, also knows that now is not the time to sigh. Therefore, as soon as possible, she pulled herself out of that emotion, and then, with the help of the one-yuan magic array, she extracted the strength of everyone and sent out a sword with all her strength.

What Xu Feiniang used by Wanmiao Xian was her own treasure magic sword at the bottom of the box.

Although the Heavenly Demon Jade Immortal Sword is a magic sword, the black sword light has no evil spirit at all. It is crystal clear, and even emits a holy light. The dark object must return to the same way.

This sword, the emperor, is the most powerful, awe-inspiring, and there is an innocible power.

After all, Hongyu Shenjun is the master of the peak of the earth fairy. Although he was stunned for a moment and made him a little passive, he still reacted very quickly.

He knows very well that such a strong and domineering sword is not something he can take at all. If he doesn't die, he will be seriously injured. Therefore, he did not hesitate to pinch the formula and hit it back.

At that time, the red feather god was like a small stone thrown into the river, disappearing in an instant, leaving only a little ripple on the screen.

At this time, the sword of Wanmiao immortal aunt Xu Feiniang was just cut to the point, and the straight stab was directly into the core of the ripple. The magnificent sword power, like a mud cow entering the sea, was taken away without any sound.