The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 456 One Heart

In the Vientiane screen, dozens of figures suddenly appeared.

As soon as these figures appeared, they walked in groups of three or five and burst out in one direction.

The speed was so fast that it tore up the clouds and stirred up a strong void explosion.

Fortunately, there are no other creatures in this Vientiane screen, otherwise, it must be a mess.

The black-handed fairy Zhang Li and the two monks who made friends with him flew to the west. In an instant, they stopped and landed on a huge peak that was tens of thousands of feet high and went straight into the sky.

This huge peak is different from ordinary peaks. It is neither piled up by soil or cast by stone. The whole body is bright and exudes a dazzling metallic luster.

The reason for this is that this huge peak is formed by the condensation of pure innate Gengjin, and in the core of the mountain, it condenses into the essence of Gengjin. Its value is immeasurable. At least, if a sect has it, there is no need to worry about the flying sword materials of the disciples. Moreover, the flying sword practiced is absolutely not bad, and it can be ranked high-quality.

Here, it was not the first time that the black-handed Xianlang Zhang Li and others came here, but they all came one by one as if they had come for the first time, with a touch of intoxication on their faces. I can't help it. Such a huge treasure mountain is under my feet. It's a monk who can't help himself.

Fortunately, for them, the treasure is not as good as the beauty. The order issued by the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying had a greater influence on them, so this kind of intoxication did not last long. It was just a moment, and then it returned to normal.

After recovery, the three of them looked at each other, shook their bodies, and stood according to the direction of the three talents. At the same time, they pinched the formula.

As soon as the first trick came out, that is, time, the whole Gengjin Mountain shook "as if an ancient giant came to life. At the same time, an invisible and intangible, but can make people "see" the breath, like a cloud of smoke, like a fog, ripples in all directions.

In a moment, the whole western boundary of the Vientiane screen permeated.

At this time, in the Gengjin Palace of the magic wave pool, on a not very high legal platform, a handful of golden ge floating in the void shook gently.

Then, the whole Gengjin Palace, as if there was a spirit, shook violently. With this vibration, an invisible, inexplicable breath emanated, like millions of long snakes, breaking through the ground and stones, quickly came to the Aoki Palace, wrapped around the trembling Vientiane screen.

Just a line slower than this, the three palaces of Guishui Palace, Lihuo Palace and Shutu Palace also vibrated, releasing thousands of silk threads, crossed all the invisible and tangible obstacles, and came to the Aoki Palace, which was wrapped around the Vientiane screen.

In the Aoki Palace.

The broken magic light of Haotian Baojian is like a pillar of heaven, crushing everything and firmly covering the Vientiane screen.

The heaven and earth net alchemy of Guangcheng Golden Ship has formed a thunder power grid, constantly impacting towards the forbidden core of the Vientiane screen. "I want to clean up the life of Cui Ying's body.

And Jiu Ni Ding Ding opened a huge mouth of the meal, like a black hole, sending out a strong wind that could not help collapsing and depression in the space, and sucking at the Vientiane screen.

Zhong Yuan, under the strength of the three treasures, the Vientiane screen threw it step by step into the huge mouth of the nine tripods.

Seeing that Vientiane's screen is next to the giant mouth of Jiuyiding, and the next moment, it will be swallowed up. At this time, there was a sudden mutation. The Vientiane screen was like a giant bell, trembling and making a powerful explosion. Then, the Vientiane screen seems to have incarnated into the ancient divine mountain, which is extremely important.


With a loud noise, the void under the Vientiane screen cracked, and cracks appeared, like long rivers, spreading towards the barren void.

Then, the Vientiane screen also "falled" into the void turbulence behind the crack.

, "It's not good!"

Seeing such a drastic change, Zhong Yuan couldn't help exclaiming. At the same time, the mana in the [body] gushed out like the roar of the sea, using this as an introduction to dispatch the mana of more than a hundred immortal masters in the Guangcheng gold boat, which converged into a huge torrent and poured into the Guangcheng gold ship.

Guangcheng Golden Ship is originally a warship prepared for Jinxian. All they have to consider is how to instill more mana. There is no need to worry about whether the magic weapon will be blown up.

At this moment, such a magnificent power is poured into it, that is, time. The Thunder Power Grid, which was transformed by the alchemy of the Luodi network that day, was a hundred times thicker, forming a substantial thunder chain, firmly locking the Vientiane screen. Then, he pulled out his strength and abruptly dragged the falling momentum of the Vientiane screen and suspended it in the void.

"Master, it seems that the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying has intervened. Otherwise, it is impossible to suddenly grow the traction power of such a magnificent air machine, which is almost manifested into substance."

, "That's right. In this way, I'm afraid this Vientiane screen is rare for a while. We might as well give up for the time being and destroy other palaces with the power of a golden ship. As long as this concubine's palace is destroyed, this big five wells are innately forbidden, and the foundation will be lost, and the Vientiane screen will be useless accordingly!"

, "Yes, alliance leader, I think we might as well give up the Vientiane screen for the time being! We can't say such a sudden change. On the contrary, we can catch each other off guard!"

"Fantasy wave pool, when men enter, the power of the innate law of the five elements is bound to increase significantly. Now, we don't feel that this happens. It can be imagined that it must be the other party's conspiracy. We can't delay too much time on this Vientiane screen. Otherwise, I'm afraid we will It is even more difficult to attack the magic wave pool.

Many elders of the Tongtian League can open their mouths, tell various reasons, and admonish Zhong Yuan.

In this regard, Zhong Yuan's expression has not changed at all, as before, as if the words of these people are the breeze that blows through the ears.

Such an attitude naturally made these elders of Tongtianmeng quite unhappy. When they were about to open their mouths again, Zhong Yuan opened their mouths.

, "The gorgeous corpse Cui Ying didn't intervene at all!"

As soon as Zhong Yuan said this sentence, at that time, all the elders of the Tongtian League, including the Moha Venerable Si Kongzhan, were shocked.

"How is this possible? Without the urging of the original owner, the traction force of the air machine can soar soar. If the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying takes action, how far will the traction force of the air machine be?

, "The innate prohibition of the big five elements of this magic wave pool is too perverted!"

, "That's not the point!" Just as the shocked words of the elders couldn't help blurting out, Si Kongzhan, the master of Maha, came to his senses and said coldly, "The point is, what did the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying do? Is it true that she is so reassured with her subordinates and regards our Tongtian League as a local chicken and tile dog?

As soon as this statement comes out, the time, the center of Guangcheng Golden Ship is all silent.

They all know that this is definitely impossible. Then, the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying left at such a critical moment, and there must be more important things to do if she doesn't take back the Wanxiang screen, which is extremely important for the magic wave pool and the safety of her life. Or, it is necessary to launch a more powerful attack.

Thinking of such a long time, the magic wave pool has not been because of so many men coming in, and has greatly strengthened the power of the forbidden law. In an instant, all the people are sure. Cui Ying, a gorgeous corpse, must be preparing for a more powerful attack, and may even be a killing move.

Understanding this, all the elders, one by one, couldn't help sighing again.

"It's still the alliance leader who is thoughtful. We almost made a big mistake!"

"Yes, in this situation, it is safer to control the Vientiane screen in your hand. At least, with it, it is not so easy for the gorgeous corpse Cui Ying to launch any final move."

, "The Vientiane screen is the central magic weapon of the innate law of the five elements of the magic wave pool. With it, we can counter the innate law prohibition of the five elements. In this way, it is indeedible that Cui Ying's hard work will be put into the flowing water!" It's still the hero of the alliance!"

The elders of Tongtian League, who changed their faces faster than turning over books, did not lead to the slightest change in Zhong Yuan's expression. At this moment, he only said lightly, "All of you Taoist friends are kind-hearted,

In the future, such suggestions need to be mentioned more. After all, one person counts short, two count long, I can't say, I have some omissions!"

Although Zhong Yuan's words are extremely stable and there is no fluctuation, I don't know if it is an illusion, including Si Kongzhan, the Venerable of Maha, all feel that the word suggestion is emphasized and means something.

However, they also ate this. At the moment, they secretly warned themselves to remember their identities.

Next, Zhong Yuan did not say much, but found that when dispatching the mana of these elders of the Tongtian League through the one-yuan magic circle, the original resistance more or less disappeared.

If not, he could clearly feel that the unique breath of these people was still there. He almost thought that they were all dead, and now those standing here are all his own. I can't help it. The scheduling of mana is too smooth. It's really the same as scheduling your own mana.

"This is the real heart! I didn't expect to achieve it in such a situation. It seems that in the future, I will have to change the imperial skills and often beat them!" This kind of state like an arm's finger really made Zhong Yuan too intoxicated. He couldn't help but move the idea that he had been following all the time.