The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 472 Appointment

Zhong Yuan naturally understands that such a big deal should be decided by himself.

However, the reason why he is also quite heo-wheling in his heart is very simple. He has memories of his previous life and knows too many things.

If you force it, whether it is to capture Mrs. Miao's Xun Lan or kill them, it will be easy and will not consume much power. However, he knows the real foundation of the Emei faction. At this moment, he is far from ready to go to war with the Emei faction. In case a real person goes crazy and does not hesitate to make trouble, even if the Emei faction itself has suffered heavy losses and makes wedding clothes for others, his family will also perish.

However, if you don't do it, it's not appropriate for Mrs. Ren Miao's Xun Lan to come and go. Because among them, there are two people who have a great fate with the return of Sheng Gu Jiayin, one is Master Li Ning and the other is Yi Jing. With them, in this fantasy wave pool, the opportunity and luck will definitely be greatly deflected towards them. In that case, it is possible that the tiger's head and snake's big action will end.

You know, this time the shape of the magic wave pool, after all, is the last axe for the establishment of Tongtian League, and it is the most outstanding time for Tongtian League for a long time. If the lottery is not made this time, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of trouble during the period when the Tongtian League is dormant.

If someone encounters such a situation, they may compromise and choose a balance point. They will not kill or capture people, nor let these people move in the magic wave pool, but expel them.

However, Zhong Yuan is very clear that it is absolutely impossible to do so. The degree of failure to do so is even far greater than the direct capture or killing. Because for a big school, especially the Emei School, which has been passed down for thousands of years, the problem of face is often more important than life and death.

However, it can be seen that the Emei School will get out of the whirlpool of the five-colored galaxy built by themselves, but Zhong Yuan can't think about it for a long time.

Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration in Zhong Yuan's head, thinking of the words of Bai Guyi, who chased Yun, and the situation of his own family. At that time, the wandering in my heart swept away the empty surface, and a smile also appeared.

"Master, have you figured out the countermeasures?" Xu Feiniang, the most meticulous observation, was that time she discovered the change of Zhong Yuan's expression, so she was the first to ask.

"That's good!" Zhong Yuan nodded and replied resolutely.

"I don't know what the trick is?" Then, Si Kong Zhan, the Venerable of Mohe, also asked.

"Yes, what's the trick of the alliance leader? Say it and share it with us!"

In an instant, he attracted a large number of elders of the Tongtian League to ask questions. In response, Zhong Yuan smiled faintly and said, "Don't worry. You will understand later!"

After so many things, coupled with the fact that they have already got on the thief ship of Zhong Yuan, they can't get off at all, so they also understand that what Zhong Yuan has decided will definitely not be changed. Therefore, it didn't take much effort to wait quietly to see what kind of means Zhong Yuan would use. Zhong Yuan was not in a hurry and waved his hand. The vast five-colored galaxy vortex disintegraned instantly, and condensed into a marble-sized magic mud, flew into the Guangcheng gold ship and fell into his hands.

Then, Zhong Yuan waved a light of magic and broke into the control center of the Guangcheng gold ship. In an instant, the bow of the Guangcheng gold ship rose again with the appearance of an ancient strange beast. He opened his mouth and spit it out, like a heavenly river, and also like a seven rainbow bridge. The void crossed, and quickly came to the front of Mrs. Miaoyi Xun Lanyin and his party.

"Mrs. Miaoyi, Zhong Yuan of the poor road to the Heavenly League, please get on the boat!" Zhong Yuan's voice not only did not have the slightest hatred of the enemy, but even the hegemony of one party was not revealed, which seemed to be particularly gentle and peaceful, as if the two families were not opposite sects at all, but the good of the whole family.

"Madam, you can't go up! Guangcheng Golden Ship is the most precious treasure of the emperor. There are countless arrays and prohibitions inside. Once the other party has a bad heart, I'm afraid we don't even have the ability to resist at all!" Hearing this, that is, time, Mrs. Miaoyi Xun Lan, the only male master Li Ning in the line, secretly preached the voice.

Immediately after him, Master Shixia's voice also resounded in the ears of Mrs. Miaoyi Xun Lanyin, "Sister, Guangcheng Golden Boat, we must not enter. If we don't enter, we still have a certain right to take the initiative and a glimmer of life. If we go in, all the initiative will be handed over. Our lives are all handed over to each other. Life and death are not decided by ourselves, but by the people of the Tongtian League.

Xun Lanyin, Mrs. Miaoyi, naturally understands that what Master Li Ning and Master Shixia said is golden and jade good words. However, she has been following Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming for many years, but it is very clear that she may not be able to hear all the good words. Sometimes, when you hear Jin Yu's good words, there are often bad things.

Sometimes it is difficult to say for sure, the most certain thing is when the opponent's mind is unpredictable and reciting incomparable.

And Zhong Yuan, in the view of Mrs. Miaoyi Xun Lanyin, is such a person. Listening to Zhong Yuan's tone, there should be no malice. If he refuses so directly and can't say it, it will cause the dissatisfaction of many elders in the Tongtian League. In her opinion, even the leader of the alliance cannot do whatever he wants. In many cases, the voice of his subordinates must be heard, otherwise, he will face centrifugal virtue.

In this case, Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming has encountered this situation.

In normal times, Mrs. Miaoyi Xun Lan naturally hoped that Zhong Yuan could encounter this matter more. Because, in this way, it means that it is difficult to form the joint force of Yue Da. It can't be said that it will greatly affect the combat effectiveness because of the demolition of each other. However, at this time, she didn't want this, because in this heavenly alliance, the sea of elders who had a deep hatred with the Emei faction had gone. If Zhong Yuan couldn't suppress it, then their party would be overthrown at this moment.

If the group of them died at this time, even if the Emei faction avenged them afterwards, what's the point?

So, at this time, Mrs. Miaoyi, Xun Lan, turned a deaf ear to the words of Master Li Ning and Master Xixia. She only paused a little, adjusted her mood, and then said back, "It turned out to be Zhong Mengzhu and his party. Since we have such a grand invitation, it's better to obey!"