The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 552 Rare Worries

"Master, we are too restless. It's really a shame! ...

In this silence, Si Kongzhan, the highest master of Moding, looked at it. Now, I will go back to my cave, retreat and practice hard, and wait for the moment when we fly to the sky!"

"Good!" Zhong Yuan didn't say more words. He nodded faintly and answered.

Then, after the Venerable Si Kongzhan of Mohe saluted, he strode out of the Tongtian Hall.

Everyone was shocked by the decision of Master Moha Si Kongzhan. At this moment, they just felt that it was not in vain that others could have their own cultivation and surpass their status.

At this moment, they were all a little stunned. Zhong Yuan's voice sounded again, "Why are you still staying here? Is it possible that the speed of cultivation here is much faster than that of your own cave?

Zhong Yuan's words are not polite at all. However, at this moment, no one dared to respond to the last sentence, that is, time, salute one after another, and then left incomparable speed.

However, in an instant, the masters gathered in the Tongtian Hall were scattered, leaving only Zhong Yuan.

At this moment, Zhong Yuan's face has changed. He is no longer as cold as before, and he is no longer as calm as before, but he also shows a little sadness like the elders of the Tongtian League who have just left. However, compared with those people, Zhong Yuan's face is just a faint touch. If you don't observe it carefully, you can't see it at all.

"How to solve this crisis?"

Zhong Yuan's eyebrows clustered slightly.

That's right. In Zhong Yuan's mind, there is no good way to deal with the current situation.

After all, the action of the Emei faction is really too tough. Although the wings are cut off first, as soon as the action is done, it is half to pull the wings, which is not a shock, not a little bit.

Zhong Yuan, although the previously formulated plan does not need the help of any other monks at all. As long as his own Tongtianmeng family, Emei can be destroyed. However, it is based on having enough time to accumulate strength. However, at this time, it can't be completely controlled by him. It can even be said that the master's control is basically in the hands of the Emei faction.

As the saying goes, everything in the world is connected, and nothing can exist in isolation. At first glance, the Emei faction forced to land on Tongye Island, just cut off the beginning of the peripheral forces of the Tongtian League. It is still far from the real decisive battle. You can ignore it and work hard, waiting for the completion of the accumulation of your own strength.

In fact, it's not the case. As soon as the Emei School took action, it was thunderous and shocked the world. Its thoughts were much deeper. According to Zhong Yuan's conjecture, the Emei School wants to take this opportunity to collapse the powerful reputation that Tongtian League has finally established in the world. With this prestige, it is normal for those foreign allies of the Tongtian League to fall apart.

After all, following a power with no future and only infinite danger will only put your own family in danger. At that time, I'm afraid that those people should change their minds and turn to the door of the Emei School.

The strength has changed one after another. The Emei School has so many cannon fodder. If you can't say it, it will change its original idea and immediately launch an offensive to strangle the Tongtian League in the cradle. After all, the growing strength of Tongtian League is something that can be seen by fools, not to talk about those deep-minded people of the Emei School.

So, for Zhong Yuan, those peripheral forces can be eliminated one by one, but they must not collapse in one fell swoop.

Some people may say, why don't you take action again to persuade those factions to migrate to the small world. Anyway, the small world of Tongtian has a wide area, and it is not enough to accommodate so many people. Moreover, there is another advantage, that is, they are undoubtedly confirmed to be included in the scope of the strength of Tongtian League. In a sense, it is no longer a peripheral, but a real family.

This is also the growth of one's own strength.

However, if you think about it this way, such a good thing can't be successful just by thinking about it.

At this moment, the strength and weakness are clear at a glance. Since they are also other people's subordinates, why don't they look for the stronger Emei side? After all, they sided with Tongtian League before, not because of any deep friendship, but only for the huge possible interests in the future.

Of course, the interests are touching, but when the risk factor of getting benefits reaches a certain level, the vast majority of people in the world will change their minds. This is not only mortals, and monks are no exception.

Therefore, this method is absolutely not feasible. In less than a day, it can be seen that there are already three weak forces that have directly defected to Emei.

It was also because of this that Zhong Yuan pressed the sacrifice of Guangcheng Golden Boat as soon as he received the news and began to plan how to do it! However, in order to calm people's hearts, especially those foreign monks who have moved the sect into the small world of Tongtian, he had to pretend to be calm.

However, in a hurry, Zhong Yuan couldn't find a suitable way to respond. After all, Zhong Yuan's core principle of the strong response to the Emei faction cannot be changed, that is, to take the new suzerain of Emei as the core.

Destroy the dust, as a person of Emei's concubine who was "recognized" by Miaoyi Zhenren, he has enough identity and position to fight with the Emei faction, and at the same time, he will not be hard to destroy the Emei faction.

However, although the Emei New Sect of the Dust Destroyer is famous and has also been included in the ranks of the big faction, its strength is just a small faction, so what can be done is also very limited. There is only one way for them to deal with the Emei faction, that is: with skillful power, the sword finger is seven inches.

In fact, when Zhong Yuan was weak in Hongmuling, he dealt with the Emei faction to be invincible and let the Emei faction return. It was exactly such a road. However, at that time, because of the memory of his previous life, he had a lot of secrets, so when he acted, he was like a fish in water, and he was extremely relaxed.

However, now, the pattern of the world is very different, and it is very difficult to find the seven-inch land of the Emei School.