The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 579 Breaking the Cauldron and sinking the boat

"Master Zhong, give me a day to arrange everything, and then come to pick me up!" Zheng Yin, the god of blood, heard Zhong Yuan's words, and he was also very relieved.

"Yes, but I don't want to be seen by any outsiders when I answer your affairs. Therefore, you must make sure that your home is in a safe and hidden place, so that I will appear, otherwise, I will never show up. Zhong Yuan followed. "

"Yes!" Zheng Yin, the god of blood, did not hesitate at all, and immediately said, "What do you think of the aurora fire area?"

"That's good!" Zhong Yuan nodded slightly and said, "Now, the alliance relationship between you and me has not been exposed. Tianwai Shenshan is the overseas branch of my Tongtian Religion and the sworn enemy of the Forty-seven Islands Alliance. I'm afraid I don't expect that you will go there."

"Okay, since Master Zhong has approved it, let's set the pick-up location there!" Zheng Yin, the god of blood, said again.



Put away the sound transmission needle, but Zheng Yin, the god of blood, obviously found that these 47 island masters around him were very different one by one, which was much more energetic than when he had just fled. At present, he smiled faintly and said, "How's it going? Do you still feel that there is no future under my command?"

"Of course not, no, never!" That is, time, the owner of Yunlei Island will walk on the road.

"Yes! The leader of the alliance has been famous for nearly a thousand years, and we have been convinced for a long time!"


"Real is it?"

Listening to everyone's words, he knew that it was against his will, but Zheng Yin, the god of blood, was quite satisfied.

"Of course, of course!"

"Lord, it turns out that you have been an ally with the Middle-earth Heavenly League for a long time! No wonder you are so confident about entering Middle-earth!" At this time, Cui Jin, the four gods, said.

"You are wrong about this. My confidence in entering China and China comes from you, not from the Tongtian League. Although Tongtian League and we are allies, the only opportunity for us to unite is to deal with the Emei faction. Without this premise, we and Tongtianmeng are the two families, and even at some point, the disciples of Tongtianmeng will curb some of our actions like other righteous sects. So, don't estimate the situation too optimistically.

"We naturally understand this!" The four gods, Cui Jin, said again.

"Well, now, let's not talk about this. At present, our top priority is to empty all the valuable things on our respective islands. We will abandon this small Antarctic land forever!" Zheng Yin, the god of blood, said in a low voice.

On the side, the owner of the Ice Ocean Island heard this and immediately said, "There is no need to do this! That ascetic is not a fool. It does not eradicate us. Even if it destroys our mountain gate, it will not help. It can only increase hatred and let us find more trouble for them in the future.

So, I think the territory of our forty-seven islands can be completely preserved. Even if the center is really transferred to Middle-earth in the future, it can also be opened up as an overseas branch!"

"Yes, the leader!" Hearing this, that is, time, many monks echoed, "Each of our forty-seven islands has its own mysteries. These mysteries are basically difficult to find the same place. It's a pity to destroy them!"

"I don't know what you said?" Zheng Yin, the god of blood, heard this and immediately replied, "If possible, I don't want it to be like this, but there's nothing I can do.

You have also seen it before. In order to allow us to escape smoothly, I have stirred up those lung poison fire robbery. Coupled with the bursting momentum of the sea water pouring into the ground and lungs, under the combination of both of them, I'm afraid that there is no accurate score whether the two six-in-one dust arrays arranged by the Emei School can be connected. After all, what they brought with them can't be the array of Emeipai Zhenshan. It must be a copy.

Once the two six-in-one dust array is broken through, the toxicity of the lungs will quickly spread to the whole small Antarctic region with the sea. At that time, I'm afraid that if we have any reservations, it will be completely wasted.

"So, it's very possible!" The four gods nodded and said.

The rest of the forty-seven island monks also nodded one after another.

Seeing this, how can Zheng Yin, the god of blood, not know that it's time to strike while the iron is hot? At that moment, he continued, "Actually, the reason why I made the decision was not entirely because of this, but because of another consideration."

Zheng Yin, the god of blood, said this, a little bit, and then continued, "This time, although we went to Middle-earth in advance, in fact, going to Middle-earth is something we have been prepared for a long time. And for such a major event as marching into Middle-earth, if we don't even have the spirit to break the boat. I'm afraid the final result won't go there!"

"The leader is wise. In this case, we will spend more time. Even the dragon veins on the islands will be stripped and removed, leaving a real Jedi for the Emei faction." The four gods, Cui Jin, said again.

"That's good!" Zheng Yin, the god of blood, nodded in time, but he followed him and said, "However, we need to beware of the sneak attack of the Emei faction. Although we have come out of the two six-in-light dust array, we still can't relax our vigilance. After all, the Emei faction is very powerful. If they are allowed to sneak in while we take the treasure, I'm afraid the casualties will never be small.

"Well, the alliance leader's statement is reasonable! Therefore, we should make a quick decision. The longer it takes, the more unfavorable it will be to us!" The main road of Lelang Island.

"That's right, so our action must be fast. Everything, collecting the treasures of each island, one thing you must pay attention to is that everything is based on the value of the improvement of strength. The rest of the details can be thrown away. Zheng Yin, the god of blood, nodded and said.

At this point, Zheng Yin, the god of blood, saw that the monks around him agreed, but he also showed a smile on his face and said, "Since everyone has the same understanding, let's relocate Tuansha Island first."


"No problem!"


While Zheng Yin, the blood god, was busy spreading the message and arranging things, on the other side, the location of Qinghong Island, the ascetic head and his party were busy.

One by one, they all used their strength to breastfeed, trying their best to restrain the violent firepower and the ground and lungs, not to spread out. Moreover, use water mill to completely wipe it out, so that they will not have a little left, which will have an impact on the creatures of the Little Antarctic. RO