The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 616 Zunsheng Zen Master

He has left the world before he finished! Liu Jie and James couldn't help crying loudly. At this time, they couldn't take care of it. What kind of man can't shed tears! And they just want to cry happily at this time!

"Brothers, let's avenge the Corden brothers! Go, kill such a beast!" Aiken gritted his teeth.

"This, this generation, in my life, I, I haven't, I haven't made any friends! And you, you are, my best friends! I cherish it very much!" He forced a smile at Liu Jie and others, "Hope, hope in the next life, we, we are still friends..."

Of course, when charging, it is inevitable that some unlucky people will be hit. This bullet is not a joke. It is possible to be injured or even killed!

The helicopter gunship turned into a pile of scrap metal and burned on the ground. Don't think about it, everyone on the plane must be killed!

"I'm fine!"

They followed this guy named Crace and walked for several kilometers before they came to the grass not far from the wolf base!


After all, helicopter gunships are flying, so they are the first to enter the battlefield and shoot at the target!

Next to Liu Jie are James and the three guys. At this time, he saw a lot of vampires knocked to the ground, and some vampires fell to the ground. I'm afraid they were seriously injured or hung up!



Their group of vampires didn't say anything when they heard this, that is, they had no objection, but just nodded. Seeing this, Rex waved his hand to the front. Then more than a dozen soldiers in front of them all picked up the rocket launchers and fired at the front!

Suddenly, I heard a few screams. More than ten meters away from Liu Jie's left, several unlucky vampires were blown up. Another guy was torn apart by a shot, and his internal organs were blown out! It can be said that he died on the spot!

As long as you avoid the attack range of the laser cannon, the chance of survival is greatly increased for their vampires! After all, those ordinary werewolves are not opponents of these vampires! After all, tonight is not a full moon night! And those pure-blooded werewolves have a big burden on their shoulders, so they usually don't come to attack these ordinary vampires!

At this time, Liu Jie saw a lot of strange guns aimed at them on the roof of some tall buildings of the wolf military base. I heard from James and others before that this kind of thing should be a laser cannon! I heard that this kind of laser cannon is extremely powerful. Even if a pure-blooded vampire is hit, it is also seriously injured! And for those vampires, this is like a nightmare! At this time, Liu Jie couldn't help feeling that his heart beat faster. This was not a joke! It's not impossible to be smashed to pieces by this guy!

Seeing this, Liu Jie couldn't help crying, and his voice suddenly became choked! Although I haven't known Corden for a long time, they are good brothers! After all, it's not easy to have one or two good bosom friends in this place of the law of the jungle!

A pure-blooded werewolf, almost five meters tall, shouted at the pure-blooded werewolf next to him! Then he jumped, jumped more than ten meters high, and then grabbed a window next to him, jumped again, and jumped on the roof of the oval building!

They rushed forward like three crazy people at this time!

"Dah, Dah..."

However, this laser gun consumes a huge capacity, and the firing speed is very slow. It can only fire two shots in a minute! This is also a drawback of it!

"Okay, come with me!" ( English translation)


"Fuck, what is that!"

At this time, more than a dozen armed helicopters in the air flew towards the war zone, and then the armored soldiers on standby in the grass also entered the war zone with them!

At this time, all the vampires quickly got up and rushed forward, muttering loudly, "Go, kill such a beast!" ( English translation)


At this time, Liu Jie's mind kept flashing with the picture of getting along with Corden. At this time, his body began to tremble inexplicably, which was anger! It's even more uncomfortable in my heart!

"You, why don't you talk? I'm not dead yet, am I? Come on, give it to my brother, laugh, laugh!"

Seeing this, the vampire expected to retreat. But I saw this pure-blooded werewolf rushing over! Pounce this pure-blooded vampire from the air more than 20 meters high!

A huge white light mass bombarded Liu Jie three or four meters away. If he hadn't reacted faster and jumped over just now, I'm afraid it would have been himself who hit him just now! At this time, the huge shock wave quickly hit Liu Jie and almost rushed him up!

"If you work hard, we can escape from this dangerous location!" James urged.


Seeing this, Kress nodded with satisfaction, and then shouted at the group of vampires. After saying that, he turned around and walked forward with the vampire...

James got up from the grass with a gray face! Seeing this, Liu Jie couldn't help but breathe a sigh.

At this time, many werewolves carried bazookas and bombarded into the air!

At this time, Liu Jie suddenly felt a huge white light coming, which may be the reason why his sixth sense is too strong! He hurriedly said, "Get down!" After saying that, he quickly hugged his head, and then jumped forward, lying on the grass in front of him!

At this time, these werewolves seemed to realize this and hurriedly adjusted the barrel! But it's too late, and many pure-blooded vampires have flown over!

At this time, almost a few hundred of them were hiding here, while the wolf base was five or six hundred meters ahead.

"I, I'm fine!" Corden suddenly woke up and said in his weak voice.


The laser cannon just now was hitting Corden's feet. He was blown up at an altitude of almost more than ten meters and rotated rapidly in the air, just like a cross dart!

At the wolf base not far away, there were bursts of gunfire from the watchtower. This kind of gun is so powerful that it can only shoot one bullet at a time, just like a pistol! So the possibility of hitting is not very high!

In the sky, more than a dozen pure-blooded vampires flew quickly. At this time, the laser cannon was aimed at the ground, so I didn't notice it in the sky!

Hearing this, Liu Jie hurriedly wiped his tears, and then nodded solemnly! Then he pulled out the dagger from his waist and roared, "Go, avenge your brother!"

Hearing this, Liu Jie and James hugged him tightly, expected to give him a little warmth.

On the laser cannon, there are all some ordinary werewolves, so it will soon give pure-blooded vampires an advantage! It is also doomed that many laser cannons are occupied by pure-blooded vampires!

At this time, Liu Jie finally saw the barbed wire in front of him. They didn't want to work hard for a while, just like seeing a life-saving channel! As long as they improve their military bases, the casualties will be greatly reduced! After all, on their own territory, the two dare not attack them with laser cannons! If you hurt your own people, you will lose more than you gain!


"It's really funny, it's really ugly!" He smiled, but his face became paler and paler, and his voice became more and more stammering and weak. "I, I'm so cold!"

The distance of their charge of five or six hundred meters, not to mention very far, they are frightened! From time to time, vampires fell to the ground on the way, and some were blown up! It can also be said that the distance of five or six hundred meters is the way to die. At least a quarter of their vampires fell to the ground along the way!

"Come on, get the laser cannon back!" ( English translation)

When they heard it, they felt more and more uncomfortable! Liu Jie couldn't help coming forward and hugging him. The tears in his eyes seemed to drip like rain!

"I'm good, too!" Aiken giggled.

The barbed wire in front of him was blown open with dozens of mouths. Rex shouted at us at this time, "My soldiers, it's time for you to show your magic power. Go!" ( English translation)

Seeing this, Liu Jie and James couldn't help taking a deep breath!

But it hasn't been a long time since Corden's voice came! The three of them couldn't help but be stunned and looked at each other. They seemed to know that something was wrong! I quickly searched everywhere.

There is a fierce battle here at this time! He rushed over and directly attacked two unprepared pure-blooded vampires!

This officer named Crace looked at their group of vampires with a smile. Then he laughed and said, "Shoot those hateful vampires in the air! Hurry up!" ( English translation)

These vampires did not contradict him. After all, Carl is in front of him, and what this guy said is not unreasonable!

Liu Jie nodded and tried to squeeze out a smile, but he still couldn't help crying!


Then he fell to the ground heavily!

Suddenly, a huge white light mass flew over quickly. The speed was so fast that it was scary. In the blink of an eye, it was hundreds of meters away!

"Fuck, this damn thing is so fucking perverted! I heard from others before, but I still didn't believe it. Today, when I saw it, I knew that this damn thing was really similar to what others said!" James muttered.

In the sky, a pure-blooded vampire rushed to another laser gun. Unfortunately, among several werewolves in this laser cannon, there is a pure-blooded werewolf! The werewolf suddenly turned into a guy more than four meters tall!

After the shock wave, Liu Jie hurriedly turned around and looked at it, but he saw many people lying on the ground. He frowned and shouted, "James, Aiken, Corden, how are you?"

With a loud noise, a helicopter gunship was bombarded, and some werewolves and vampires below quickly avoided it. It's not fun to be hit by this thing! Even if you don't die, you have to drag the skin! So these werewolves and vampires are not fools, and they avoided this guy at the same time!


"Very good, I know you have never been disciplined by human officers before!" Then he suddenly said harshly, "But now that I am your officer, you will obey the order!" You are soldiers now, so soldiers must obey orders as their duty! Even if your officer is a dog, you have to absolutely obey it!" English translation)

"S shoot down the helicopter! Come on, shoot down the helicopter!" A werewolf shouted!

"The air force and armored soldiers will enter the war zone immediately!" ( English translation)

"Okay, we will carry out a grenade attack first, and then you **, so that they were caught off guard! Don't worry, we will support you soon!" Rex whispered to them. English translation)

At this time, Liu Jie finally found the dying Corden lying in the grass! James and Aiken ran over quickly! At this time, Corden's legs had been blown up and he was lying in the purple-black pool of blood!


Since the opening of the magic religion, the situation in the field of practice has been turned around. Yuanguang, Tongtian League is afraid of many allies, and Dujing has defected one after another and become a vassal of the Demon Sect.

In particular, Zhong Yuan, the master of the Tongtian League, did not care about this. After that, he seemed to realize that such things became more and more intense. There are even rumors that the Tongtian League is no longer enough to become the leader of the monks of the Emei School. It is more suitable to replace it with a demon religion.

"The limelight has been robbed by the Demon Sect. Now, my Tongtian League is said to be no different from a shrinking turtle. Alliance leader, do you want us to make some moves? Destroy the dust and spread the channel through the sound transmission card.

"No, this is exactly what we expect. How can we mess it up by ourselves!"

Zhong Yuan immediately shook his head and replied.

"However, the Emei School is used to pick and pinch the persimmon first. If they really regard us as soft persimmons and deal with us first, won't we become the cannon fodder of the magic religion?"

The dust extinguisher said again.

"No, those people of the Emei faction are all too shrewd. How can they be so stupid?" Zhong Yuan still shook his head and said, "In addition, I have secretly played with the Emei faction before. I believe that it is enough to deter the Emei faction."

At this point, Zhong Yuan paused for a moment, and then continued, "Of course, we can't be completely silent, but for this period of time, there is no need to worry. Let the Emei faction get used to the voice of the demon religion and identify them as big enemies first.


The third day of the opening of the Demon Sect. The Lazy Mountain School was merged into the Demon Sect.

On the fourth day, the two demons of Kusongling, Qianshidong and Shuangfengshan were merged into the Demon Sect.

On the fifth day, the White Bone God of Lushan God Cave joined the Demon Sect and became an elder.

The sixth day,...

The end of the day,...

"These days, there are a lot of magic moves. It's really a big heart!"

"Yes, it's a pity. The action of the magic religion is still too small. How nice it would have been if we had launched a war against the Emei faction earlier!"

"Yes! These big factions are both invincible, and we small factions will never come out!"

"Well, I think it should be soon. The establishment of the Demon Sect is obviously aggressive. If it is a tiger's head and a snake's tail, I'm afraid that the Demon Sect will no longer have a chance to rise. They certainly dare not let it go like this.

"It's better that the Emei faction has dominated the world for too long. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid no one will dare to fight against the Emei Party in the future. In the future, I'm afraid that all the good things in the world will become Emei, and we don't even have a chance.

Gao Ligong Mountain.

In the depths, there are four cliffs that stand thousands of feet, thinking together about [in the middle] tilting. After the tops of the four cliffs are closed, there is only one opening only dozens of feet wide. From top to bottom, it looks like a huge deep well.

This valley is nameless, but it is a holy place in the minds of the monks of the world's Buddhism. Because Zunsheng Zen Master, one of the three great monks, lived in seclusion here and practiced the law.

At the bottom of the valley, there is a flat land of three or four mu. The vegetation does not grow, the stone color is like fire, and the scenery is very cold and gloomy. In the middle of this flat land, there is a broken futon, on which sits a short and thin middle-aged monk with a dark face.

On the body of the dead monk, a piece of clothes has long been withered, as if it had been aged for many years, hanging one piece in the east, one piece in the west, and wearing it on the body. Some places seem to have been blown away by the wind, revealing iron-like skin and thin bones, pinching a seal in the left hand and the orange knee in the right hand. Sitting in a stable and solemn state.

Around the dead monk, above the cliffs on all four sides, there are seven small holes that can only accommodate one person to sit up. There are seven futons on the ground in the cave, and there are seven people sitting on it, both long and small, fat and thin, and the costumes are also monks and Taoist, which are different.

These eight people are the world's famous Zunsheng Zen Master and his seven disciples Lishan Qiyou.

At this time, the seven friends of Lishan had stopped refining the method, and each of them looked closely at the Zunsheng Zen Master in the center of [Zhong], and they were quite nervous.

Because Zen Master Zunsheng is practicing Buddhism in retreat, which is a kind of great power.

This great universal Zen light has no effect on the real fighting. However, it can directly act on the depths of the monk's yuan god, arousing the monk's yearning for Buddhism, and making them naturalize the Buddhism. What's particularly powerful is that this great Purdue Zen light is not only effective for monks with lower cultivation than himself, but also for monks with higher cultivation than himself.

The key lies in hand, the monks who have been transformed, and whether their own spirit is firm.

Dapudu Zen Light also has a special effect, that is, after turning into a demon in the evil world and entering the Buddhist sect, it will get the blessing of a kind of merit in the underworld, so that its own cultivation will make rapid progress. The higher the cultivation of the magic head, the more powerful the evil it was in those years. The higher the merits and blessing after success, and the more refined the cultivation will be.

Because of this, Dapudu Zen Light is a Zen skill that almost every Buddhist monk who has been cultivated. However, such a wonderful Zen skill is naturally not easy to practice. In that case, there will be no longer any sects of Taoism, sideways and demons in the world, because all of them have become Buddhist disciples.

The Great Purdue Zen Light is recognized and the best way to get started, but it is the most difficult Zen skill to achieve.

The vast majority of Buddhist monks who practice Dapudu Zen light in the world can't even reach the realm of Xiaocheng.

However, even so, it can also save a lot of demons, demons, ghosts and monsters as guardians and show the majesty of Buddhism.

Zunsheng Zen Master is also practicing Dapudu Zenguang since he was a child. His understanding is extremely high, and he has cultivated it to the realm of Xiaocheng very early. It is also because of this that he can take the seven masters of Lishan Qiyou as apprentices and protect his own practice before he has not proved the immortal fruit position.

Zunsheng Zen master, practicing all the way, breaking through the customs and breaking through the disaster, these seven disciples really contributed a lot. Of course, he did not treat these seven disciples badly. Under the guidance of his authentic Buddhism, the seven of them also successfully achieved positive results and proved the throne of Luohan, which was not only the immortal mentioned by Taoism, but also achieved a legend in the world!

Originally, all eight of them could fly up early, but Zunsheng Zen Master was not willing to do this, but he wanted to break the fate of the top figure of the golden immortals for more than a thousand years. Therefore, for a long time, he has rarely been born in order to cultivate this great Zen light to a great success and turn a real demon. In this way, with the blessing of the merits and virtues in the underworld, he jumped to prove the golden immortal and achieved the bodhisattva's fruit position.