The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 637 The Purpose of the Star Lord

Fire Cloud Ridge, Sword Peak, Grand Asura Demon Palace.


"I, Zhong Yuan, swear to heaven today that this arbitration between the demon religion and the Emei faction will inevitably uphold the principle of justice. If there is a falsehood, the immortals in this life will be killed by heaven!" The loud sound sounded in the Great Asura Palace, and everyone couldn't help but be awe-inspiring. Especially the Emei faction, I thought that Zhong Yuan must be as perfunctory as possible, but I didn't expect that he would make such a heavy oath, which really surprised them.

"Zunsheng Zen Master, I don't know, my oath still makes you satisfied!" After a meal, Zhong Yuanton smiled and asked Zen Master Zunsheng.

"Amitabha, it is my great luck in the world that Lord Zhong Meng can have this heart!" Zunsheng Zen Master recited the Buddha's name and replied.

"All right!" Zhong Yuan was naturally impatient to listen to what Zen Master Zunsheng said, so he immediately said, "Since both sides have approved me to do this arbitration, now, both sides can tell their own principles!"

"The truth is obvious!" At the first time, the old man said, " Sit at home behind closed doors, disaster comes from the sky!" I thought this proverb was dedicated to mortals, but I didn't expect it, but I met it. Zunsheng old monk, I don't want to practice hard at home, but I want to take the shortcut that I take. It's really unbearable!

There is also the Emei School. As soon as they came, they had the idea of killing me. Compared with the old monk, it can be said that they are more than ten times more ruthless. There is no decent style. Obviously, it is a group of villains. No, the villains are not worthy. They are a group of traitors who are used

"Master of the corpse, please pay attention to your own wording. We are reasonable. Lust-like abuse and insults can't convince people, and they can't make sense!" After the old man's words stopped, that is, time, Zhong Yuan opened his mouth. His face is serious, and his tone is not as gentle as before, as if he is really bound by an oath. He should be selfless and completely fair.

After talking to the old man Shipi, Zhong Yuan turned his head slightly and said to Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming and Zen Master Zunsheng, "What do you have to refute what the owner of Shipi said!"

"Of course!" Zunsheng Zen Master immediately replied, "My Buddha and the two veins of the Tao are believed in and respected by the people of the world. The most core point is to guide people to the good. Ordinary people in the world are easy to persuade. However, magic monks, because of their own strength, are the most difficult to persuade. It can be said that magic monks are the biggest obstacle to the world from becoming a perfect world of truth, goodness and beauty.

Therefore, my Buddhist disciples have been determined to turn evil spirits all their lives, so that they can have a better future, and be an example for more evil spirits. There is no need for the old monk to say more about this kind of example. Everyone here must know a lot. This is also the reason why the old monk came to turn the body into a Taoist friend.

If it is also wrong to guide people to be good, and it is unreasonable, is there any reason in this world?

"Humph, it's worthy of being an old monk. Tongue Canlian's ability is awesome!" Immediately after that, in the demon religion, the star god said, "There is no basis for good and evil, and only people can name themselves! However, I don't know how many times this world has been talked about, and I don't argue with you about this. I just say that your so-called guide to kindness.

If it is true to guide people to kindness, it is naturally not wrong and very reasonable. However, if you act for your own self-interest just in the name of guiding people to good, it is not only unreasonable, but also more evil than the evil of some people. Yes.

Because, simple evil also has room for repentance, and this kind of evil in the name of good, unless introspection, there is no possibility of change.

I think there is no doubt that you belong to the latter!"

Before entering the Taoism, the Star God was a great Confucian and was unparalleled. On this road, he was no weaker than the Tongue of Buddhism, and even more than that of Buddhism. These words, like a sword of Taoism, came overwhelmingly towards the Zunsheng Zen Master. At this moment, Zen Master Zunsheng finally realized what it was like to be killed by the population.

Unconsciously, my heart is automatically nameless. However, at this moment, it is naturally impossible to show it. Therefore, Zen Master Zunsheng forcibly suppressed it and replied with a very calm and insipid posture, "The old monk belongs to the former or the latter, which is not something you can judge alone. As the saying goes, justice is in the hearts of the people, and the monks in the world naturally understand the heart of the old monk. If the star Taoist friend says that the world is drunk and he wakes up alone, I think that the star Taoist friend is completely enchanted, but the old monk is willing to cross the road for you and make you return to the right path!"

"The hearts of the world?! This is what you like most to use. Now, you still use this word to prevaricate. Do you really think that this is an omnipotent magic weapon, and can you overcome any difficulties with this? The star god said again.

"Old monk, that's what I think!" Zunsheng Zen Master is tit-for-tat, rude, and calmly replied, "The direction of the people in the world is the place of reason, and the place of the way. With this, in this world, the old monk doesn't know what difficulties can't be overcome!

I'm sure Master Zhong also agrees with this point. If it hadn't been for this, Master Zhong wouldn't have done the right path in the name of the side door!"

Zhong Yuan nodded first, and then shook his head and said, "Zunsheng Zen Master is wrong to understand. What I agree with is pure Taoism and reason, which has nothing to do with the hearts of the world. However, most of the people's hearts of the world are in line with Tao and reason, so my actions, at first glance, are in line with the hearts of the world.

In fact, it is not true. After all, the hearts of the people in the world are not real Tao and reason. It is absolutely correct and unquestionable. Therefore, there will also be omissions and mistakes. If not, how could there be such injustices in the world?

Therefore, you can't be blind to conform to the hearts of the world. If you are blind, it is very likely to go into a misunderstanding. One of these words, I will give it to the Zen master and encourage him with the Zen master!"

Hearing this, the magic group of people couldn't help shouting loudly in their hearts. If not, they are all people with excellent cultivation and strong self-control ability. I'm afraid that these words will be blurted out.

Just then, Zhong Yuan opened his mouth again. The star god, the words of respecting the Zen master are inevitably biased, but you say that it is to do that evil in the name of good, but you have to say conclusive evidence. Otherwise, you can't do it just relying on your own speculation and speculation!"

Zhong Yuan and the two families beat at the same time, putting on the posture of the arbitrator and making a fair appearance. However, even so, Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming and others still didn't support themselves, and still felt that Zhong Yuan would not follow the rules like this, hide the evil heart, set a trap, and let his party take the initiative to jump in.

Therefore, while preparing the wording, Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming and others are also ready to escape, or leave. Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming, but the abacus is very good. Here, it's good to be able to take the reason and gain the upper hand, but it doesn't matter if you can't. Today, 90% of the monks are obedient to the Emei faction. With them, it is absolutely impossible to completely leave the Emei faction.

And for the Emei faction, it is never necessary to occupy a complete truth, just a little bit is enough. This is an unliteral rule forged by the inheritance of the Emei School for thousands of years and the strength of thousands of years. Although it is a little shaken now, it will not collapse.

"Master Zhong, what I just said is my guess in my heart, and I don't have any evidence to prove my guess!" The Star God, who heard Zhong Yuan's words, smiled on his face and said, "However, I have a way to determine on the spot. Is the old monk Zunsheng really a good idea, or just in the name of good thoughts? What's the result? You'd know as soon as you try!"

"In that case, it's easy to do!" Zhong Yuan smiled and said, "Zunsheng Zen Master, you must not be afraid of this test!"

"If it really makes sense and works, the old monk will naturally not hesitate to test it. However, if it is the result of hiding evil intentions, the old monk will not be fooled for nothing!" Zunsheng Zen Master immediately replied. The words are said that there is no leakage.

Zhong Yuan didn't say much. He motioned to the Star God King with his hand. The Star God King immediately said, "Zunsheng Zen Master, let me ask you, you said that you have turned into a corpse and Taoist friends this time, and you also want to set an example for other channels of my magic religion, but are you true

"This is natural!" Zen Master Zunsheng said directly without any hesitation.

"Well, I'll ask you again. You're single-minded about this, and you're not selfish at all?" The star god asked again.

"The old monk is still in the world and has not become a Buddha. How dare he say that he is not selfish at all? However, the old monk has tried his best to get rid of selfishness. The old monk has a clear conscience about this matter!" Zen Master Zunsheng replied again.

"What about now? After failure, is this heart still firm? The star god opened his mouth again.

"There is no doubt that! In those years, the old monk turned seven disciples, and their hardships were no different from the present. However, after all, they were still sensified by the old monk's piety, converted to our Buddha, and went to the right path! The old monk believes that one day, the Taoist friend will also wake up!" Zunsheng Zen Master's words were extremely righteous.

"Well, if I give you a chance now that you can 100% succeed, but you have to pay a huge price, are you willing to do it?"

There are a lot of foreshadowing, just in front of you. At this moment, the star god who asked this question was full of smiles. Although it is not complacent, it is also full of complacency.

In this place, everyone naturally understands that at present, all eyes are on Zunsheng Zen Master. The Great Asura Demon Palace can be heard by the silent needle again.