The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 661 Qinglianyu Treasure

Time is like running water, rolling forward. Unconsciously, the time of the switch lecture of the Great Wisdom Zen Master Yijiazi is coming.

The switch lecture of the great wisdom Zen master is different from that of other predecessors. It is not only the monks who have no systematic inheritance to participate. The decent disciples of the famous sect will also go. All this is because you have to touch an opportunity to see if you can take the treasure of Buddhism, the seven treasures, in your hand.

This time, it is the last time for the great wisdom Zen master to switch. After this time, he will fly to the fairyland. If the Seven Treasures Gold Building still does not meet the predestined person, the Great Wisdom Zen Master will bring it back to the spiritual and empty fairyland. Therefore, invisibly, the number of monks who went to participate in the Dharma Association increased a lot this time.

Moreover, because this time, the magic monks who have never been allowed to participate will also go, which makes the originally relatively peaceful atmosphere look much more solemn.

Because no one thinks that it is almost inevitable that the magic monk will strictly follow the rules of the great wisdom Zen master to touch that opportunity and rob it. After all, the most precious treasure of the Seven Treasures is too big a threat to the devil.

And this situation is an excellent opportunity for many monks, especially those who are not weak but have encountered many opportunities and have not gained nothing. A considerable number of the soaring monks are like this.

Tongtian Small World, Tongtianfeng, Tongtian Hall.

"This Qinglianyu switch is definitely a battle between dragons and tigers. With our current strength, if we grab it, it will definitely be sure. In my opinion, it's better for us to work hard.

"Now, our strength should not be exposed so early! If this is the case now, what's the point of crossing the peak in the Three Gorges that day?

"We can be invisible in the Guangcheng gold ship as before, led by the leader of the alliance, and only take action with the Guangcheng gold ship. In this way, as long as we deliberately control it, others can't pry into our real root!"

"I don't think it's a problem at all whether to work hard or not. After all, this can be decided on the right time. In my opinion, whether to participate in the competition for the Seven Treasures is a question. Now, the focus of the competition for the seven treasures is on the two families of the Demon Sect and the Emei School. The fierce competition between the two families, no matter who wins or loses, is undoubtedly beneficial to our Tongtian League.

Is it really necessary for us to give up the opportunity to profit and participate in it because of such a magic weapon?

"Yes, I think so too. Participate in the competition for the seven treasures. If you don't get it, that's fine. If you get it, I'm afraid that the relationship between us and the magic religion will come to an end. Because the magic religion will definitely be very wary of us!"

"If we don't take the seven treasures, will the magic religion be wary of us? Besides, in this way, it is more conducive to establishing our dominant position in the cooperation between the two families!"

"That is, the seven treasures of gold in hand, it is an extremely important weight. Even if it is not used and returned to the demon religion, we must be able to get a lot of benefits!"


After Zhong Yuan signaled to speak freely, many elders of the Tongtian League opened their mouths one after another to express their opinions. In just a moment, the Tongtian Hall became a vegetable market in the world, which was extremely noisy.

In this regard, Zhong Yuan did not stop, but listened quietly. All the elders expressed their opinions. After the silence, he just said, "The opinions of the elders are very good. They are all for the sake of the Tongtian League, but they also have their own disadvantages.

There is nothing perfect in the world, but we can be as perfect as possible. Based on the opinions of the elders, I have decided to go to Qinglianyu to participate in the Dharma meeting this time, and we will set the expected goal as triple.

The first, and also the first, is to meet the opportunity. This is a must-have before it really breaks the face. If our people can encounter such an opportunity, everything will be fine.

The second priority is to assist the demon religion to seize the treasure. The seven treasures are powerful, but with such a magic weapon, let's give up the opportunity to be a fisherman. It's really not worth the loss. Therefore, we choose assistance first, and in this process, our strength should not be exposed as much as possible.

The third weight is to seize the seven treasures by itself. This should be based on the premise of assisting the magic religion to seize the treasure without success. At this time, our strength can be properly exposed, but we still can't do more. After all, this treasure has little influence on us.

What do you elders think?

Hearing Zhong Yuan say this, the people present nodded one after another and made peace. Among them, although those monks who belong to the devil are slightly slow, none of them objected. The reason is very simple. Since Yuanjiang took the treasure and the magic wave pool took the treasure, they have each been divided into a lot of treasures. Now they have regarded the sacrifice of magic weapons as their most powerful ability. As for the original gods and demons, they have been hit to the second line. Therefore, the influence of the seven treasures, for them, It's really not very effective.

Zhong Yuan saw this. At that time, he stroked his palm and said, "OK, that's it. Everyone went to prepare and brought the most proud disciples of each family to go to Qinglianyu together. Opportunities often have greater opportunities for young disciples with ambition, qualifications, perseverance and conduct.

If any of the disciples bump into this opportunity, I will give you a heavy reward here. I won't talk about the specific rewards, but there is no shortage of skills, elixirs and magic weapons, so you should choose candidates!"

Hearing this, the elders of all the veins present were refreshed. After the ceremony, they left quickly.


The next day, early in the morning, Zhong Yuan took more than a hundred young disciples from the Tongtian League to Qinglianyu on the auspicious cloud.

Qinglianyu, one of the six holy places of Buddhism, is hidden under the most secret tburaffle of the snowy mountain, more than 197,000 feet away from each other, which is more remote and difficult to find than Emei Ningbi Cliff. In addition to the trace on the day of the switch, there is usually covered with ice and snow, and there are auspicious clouds under the blockade. Not to mention going in, you can't even find the exit.

However, Zhong Yuan did not worry about this at all, because as long as he got to the snowy mountain and the time to switch, he could always see it.

The snowy mountains, as the name implies, are full of icebergs and snow walls. Here, most of the peaks are thousands of feet high and tower into the clouds. Of course, not all real peaks are like this. Most of them are piled up of ice and snow. Because here, it is quiet and easy to see no atmosphere at all. It's just cold and cold. Therefore, these peaks are quite stable.

However, many of the peaks here are not really solid, but just soft ice and snow accumulation, so I can't help shaking too much. Sometimes, the roar of humans and beasts can make the whole snow peak collapse. Therefore, not to mention ordinary people, even idle monks are unwilling to come here, because with a little carelessness, they may be buried in an avalanche.

What kind of person Zhong Yuan is? Naturally, he will not be afraid of this avalanche, but he still carefully restrains the aftermath of his flight. Because he didn't come here alone this time, and many monks were here. Even if he makes a little noise, it's a disgrace.

Along the way, I came to the snowy mountain smoothly and steadily. Zhong Yuan stopped on a ridge piled up with ice and snow. Although this mountain is very high, it is extremely vast and stable, and it is not bad.

If Zhong Yuan wants to show off his own strength, he can naturally choose a dangerous mountain peak. However, in that way, in the eyes of the real sect and monks, there is no doubt that it is a kind of stupid act. Zhong Yuan, of course it won't be like this.

The Qinglianyu switch was at noon. At this time, it was still early, but Zhong Yuan was a disciple of the family and browsed around. After all, the scenery of the snowy mountains is unique, and there are also many specialties, which are of great benefit to practice. As for whether you can find it or not, it depends on your personal opportunity.

Zhong Yuan stood on the snow peak and looked around and found that some figures could be seen on each mountain, more or less. However, he did not see the shadow of the Emei School and the Demon Sect.

He naturally understands that this is a show, but he doesn't care about it.

While wandering around, abruptly, several sword lights broke through the air, tearing the atmosphere and making a powerful roar.

In this case, it attracted the attention of countless people present at that time. Yes, they even cursed.

"Where did the ignorant things come from? How can you fly so randomly in the snowy mountains?

"Damn, it's really unlucky!"


At the same time, many peaks are shining with extremely strong brilliance, colorful, draped on the surface of the peak, as if covered with a layer of makeup.

Zhong Yuan is very clear that this is not for good-looking, but to protect the snow peaks at his feet, so as not to collapse and shameful situations.

The monks of each peak have different cultivation. Naturally, there are fast and slow, and it's better to go up. Those slow ones, before they really stabilized the peak, they heard a rumble, and a thunderous sound, and then the whole mountain under their feet collapsed. At that time, the snow and dust were surging and the ice and rain were flying.

Such a landslide-like sound naturally shocked the surrounding peaks. The magic power was insufficient, but it could not be maintained, which made the peaks at his feet collapse.

In the snow and fog, countless monks flew up and rushed to the sky. However, there is no momentum, but it is quite embarrassing.