The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 664 The gold is present, and the treasure is busy

The seven treasures are in this holy spring lake.

For a moment, the quietness of Qinglianyu was even better than before, because everyone unconsciously suppressed their lives, as if it would scare the seven treasures and gold.

In this silence, I don't know how long it has been. Suddenly, a breeze rose from the lake. In an instant, the fragrance was everywhere. The dense fog over the green lotus Valley closed, leaving only auspicious clouds. Under the shining sunlight, the golden glow was shining.

After a while, when the wind stopped, a faint fragrant light floated on the lake, followed by a very soft and bright auspicious fog, like a piece of endless colorful ice, covering the whole lake.

Under the fog, thousands of clear waves surged together. The waves were not high, but they were very neat. The sound of the waves was faintly heard, and the sound was like a spring, which made people feel at peace of mind. Everyone was on the bank of the Holy Spring and Linghu Lake, and felt the nature was quite deep. Suddenly, the tip of the nose smells a strange smell of sandalwood, which is different from the fragrance in the timely fragrance. At the same time, a few clear voices came from afar, followed by a few Sanskrit songs intermittently. Soon, the voice of Brahma's singing was complatentious, and the upper and lower sides were in harmony.

This Sanskrit song is very strange. At first glance, it was still far away or near, as if there seemed to be nothing. Soon, it was like the roar of thunder, and the sea was surging in the bottom of my heart. When listening carefully, the voice was slightly distant and seemed to be gone. When he stayed inadvertently, he reappeared himself and poured straight into the sea of his heart, as if there was something important to pass on, which made people feel itchy through the boots.

At this time, hula, countless monks knelt to the ground, put their hands together, and worshipped the Holy Spring Lake devoutly, as if they had some special understanding.

Among them, it is not only those sidelines and scattered sects, but also the Orthodox Church, even the Emei School is no exception. Of course, Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming, Miaoyi's wife Xun Lanyin and the fairy Tan Wuchen did not kneel down, but were still quite straight. However, the young disciples they brought were all bowing to the ground.

Among them, Zhong Yuan pays special attention to a pair of sisters in it.

Because Zhong Yuan knew very well that they were the two daughters of Xiandu, Xie Yu and Xie Lin, who were predestined to be the seven treasures in the memory of their previous life, and successfully collected it.

Although, because of my own intervention, the world is very different from my memory. However, for Zhong Yuan, it is always good to be careful.

In this kind of Sanskrit singing, there are only two families, with a large number of monks standing still, one is the Demon Sect, and the other is the Tongtian League. The two families have done this kind of behavior. At this time, it is really outstanding, and it is difficult not to let people pay attention to it. Those monks who are full of piety and seek opportunities are fine, but those who are a little crooked are difficult to calm down. Instead, they glance at the past and want to see if the opportunity has come. Although their halm sense is clear that everything is still clear, and there is no change, but they are still worried.

About a quarter of an hour, another clear rock sounded. At that time, the sound was exhausted, the colorful fog was all closed, and the auspicious light in front of him was shining brightly. The clear waves of the lake suddenly turned into a lotus world, but the hu leaf is very different from ordinary. Each lotus leaf has a size of ten feet, and the color is as white as silver.

There is a golden stem standing at the bottom of the leaf, but it is pure green, about a foot, all of which are still budding, and the number is difficult to calculate.

Gold stems, silver leaves, green calyx and blue waves intersect, form an infinite auspicious haze, which is magnificent.

At this time, under the big sandalwood tree, the great wisdom Zen master, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes, and the divine light flashed violently, like two golden swords, splitting through the sky. He put his hands together and recited the Buddha's name, and a circle of Buddha light above his head suddenly soared hundreds of feet in size, shining in all directions.

Although a group of monks did not dare to ignore the change of the Holy Spring Linghu for a moment, at this moment, they couldn't help glancing at the Great Wisdom Zen Master to see what he wanted to do. After a while, the great wisdom Zen master suddenly shouted, "The one who sees the Buddha is the predestined person of the seven treasures!" All Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have already shown their precious appearances in front of them. Can anyone see them? While the great wisdom Zen master spoke, the fragrance was even stronger, and the lake and the big green lotus opened together.

Hearing this, the monks naturally looked at the lotus in the lake with all their best. However, no matter how hard they tried, they could not see any Buddhas and treasures. Zhong Yuan was no exception, and he also tried, and there was no vision manifestation at all.

Suddenly, Zhong Yuan found that those who knelt on the ground were all at ease, with a happy face, which was very different from the confusion, anger and great magic power of the standing people. Naturally, this situation was soon discovered by those standing monks who could not find a way. At that time, many monks who were not willing to kneel down like those young disciples because of their own cultivation and their own cultivation were self-represented. They were just respectful. Now they couldn't care a lot, that is, time, and they fell to the ground.

This one bows down, standing time, on the face, a smile, showing great joy. Obviously, it is something to see.

The effect witnessed with your own eyes is naturally to let more monks devote themselves to the "great cause" of kneeling


. Seeing such a situation, Zhong Yuan couldn't help shaking his head secretly and sighing.

"Huā opened, where is the Buddha?"

"Do I really have no chance?"

"How can this be? I have the fate of a Buddha?" Soon, there were countless monks kneeling down, either whispering or roaring loudly.

At the same time, they are constantly observing the people around them to see which one has a strange performance.

Zhong Yuan, no one paid attention to it. He only unswervingly paid attention to the team of young disciples of the Emei School.

In his opinion, if, this time, a person with predestined law appears, nine out of ten, it will be the sisters Xie Ying and Xie Lin.

Zhong Yuan, the yin and yang eyes have been pushed to the peak state unconsciously. The two eyes, one black and one white, like a vortex rotating. Suddenly, he looks like a human-shaped Taiji map.

Suddenly, the sisters Xie Yi and Xie Lin, under the eyes of Yin and Yang, a circle of Zhanran Buddha light suddenly appeared on the top, which was very weak, but it was very crystal clear, like glass, flawless, but with twelve colors of gorgeous light.

Seeing such a situation, Zhong Yuan did not hesitate for a moment. He directly spread the secret voice and said to Zheng Yin, the blood god of the demon sect, "Zheng's main take the seven treasures of gold, so pay attention to the pair of sisters in the Emei School. Nine out of ten of them are the predestined people of the seven

If there is any abnormality, you can take action immediately, but sooner or later, maybe the seven treasures will directly choose the master!"

Hearing this, Zheng Yin's face, the god of blood, trembled at that time. After a while, he calmed down. He neither thanked Zhong Yuan nor deliberately observed the sisters Xie Yu and Xie Lin. Instead, after quietly telling the situation to the old man of the blood god, the red corpse god king, the sand god boy and so on, he stared at the changes in the lake and was ready to wait for the appearance of the seven treasures to seize it.

In the Holy Spring Lake, auspicious light is constantly emerging. Suddenly, the center of the lake made the sound of clear wave diversion. At this time, in the center of Shengquanling Lake, all kinds of visions disappeared, leaving only the green waves rolling and diversions, in which a deep water whirlpool about the size of a mu appeared. Seeing such a situation, the monks present did not know that the seven-treasure gold lot was about to appear. At that time, one by one, they all concentrated on themselves and looked at the center of the lake in an instant. Although they did not see the appearance of the Buddha, it did not prevent them from still coveted.

Because, with the magic religion, there is still a chance for everything. As for whether they will get revenge from the demon religion after success, they are not worried at all. They believe that before the great wisdom Zen master flew up,

There will definitely be shelter for them. In a flash, there was a fine light shot at the bottom of the water, and then turned into a ball of five-color auspicious light the size of a wine glass. In an instant, the five-color auspicious light spread out, followed by a surge of water and waves, and from the whirlpool in the center of the lake, a treasure building about one foot, six or seven feet long and seven feet round gushed out. The treasure building is like a flag, slightly like a canopy, divided into seven layers, with beads hanging on all sides, emitting infinite brilliance. There is a different form of treasure light on each layer: on the top layer, there are two series of treasure circles: the second floor is a Zhu wheel, surrounded by flames on all sides, burning: the third floor is a bowl: the fourth floor is a golden bell: the fifth floor is a wisdom sword: the sixth floor is a Fanling: the seventh floor is a treasure On the whole seven-treasure gold building, the treasure is exquisite, and the seven-layer seven-treasure is of the same color. All the light of the earth is combined, which is very strong and eye-catching, which is simply difficult to see.

All kinds of glows will melt into a colorful haze, solemn and magnificent, and the weather is endless. Anyone who looks at it will know that it must have supreme power. As soon as Qibao Jinzhu was born, Zhong Yuan found that the sisters Xie Ying and Xie Lin, who had been kneeling on the ground, also escaped a slight fluctuation. Although the fluctuation was weak, it was the same rhythm as the gorgeous glow of Qibao Jinzhuan.

Zhong Yuan was considering whether to remind Zheng Yin, the god of blood, again. Suddenly, a strange fluctuation was perceived by him. Then, countless people shouted, "I saw the Buddha, I'm a predestined person!"

With the shouts, their bodies also skimmed up quickly and rushed towards the Seven Treasures Gold Building.

For a while, the air was full of sword spirit and treasure light flying.

"How dare you disturb the law meeting like this?" At this time, Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming suddenly roared out, and his goal was to the blood god Zheng Yin and his party.

However, Zheng Yin, the blood god, and others didn't pay attention to this. They all shouted loudly and rushed to the seven treasures.