The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 704 Next City

"Ha ha, I knew that ascetic Taoist friends must be reasonable!" Zhong Yuan saw this, but he smiled unabashedly.

Looking at this, the painstaking heart was naturally a little depressed. However, even if Zhong Yuan got these benefits, he finally fell into the hub of his own calculation. The depression was slightly reduced at that time.

"Now, Master Zhong has nothing to say!"

The head of ascetic work is time, and it is necessary to confirm the three sword fights. However, how could Zhong Yuan let the ascetic be so easy. At that time, he opened his mouth again and waved his hand and said, "Ascetic Taoist friend, slow down, slow down!"

Hearing the familiar words again, he was a ascetic, and he no longer cared about the identity of his monk. When he raised his eyebrows, he seemed to turn his face, "Master Zhong, you must be contented, and you must not get an inch. I give up this step because your faction has also made a step, not that my Emei faction is afraid of you. You have to understand this!"

"I understand, of course I understand! As the largest school in the world recognized by the world, the Emei faction will naturally not be afraid of any sect in the world!" Zhong Yuan was not shocked by the performance of the ascetic head. He was still relaxed and very happy. He said, "It's just that there is a little bit that the ascetic Taoist may have made a mistake."

"What point?" Hearing this, the words couldn't help but blurt out. At the same time, his brain also recalled the scene just now like a flash, but he still had no impression at all.

"The concessions made by our Tongtian League are not just one step, but two steps!" Zhong Yuan had a calm and calm smile on his face and said calmly.

"Where did the two steps come from? It's obviously one step!" The ascetic said again. However, this time, as soon as he said something, he suddenly thought of something. At that time, he couldn't help but be a little lower.

Zhong Yuan's eyes, so keen, suddenly found this point. At that time, the smile on his face was even brighter. It seems that ascetic Taoist friends have already thought of it. That's right, it's the expansion of the three swords!..."

"How can this be regarded as a concession? Master Zhong Meng obviously agreed at once!" Before Zhong Yuan finished speaking, the ascetic head interrupted again, "It's too far-fetched to talk about it like this!"

"Abitter, you're wrong. It's not far-fetched at all!" The smile on Zhong Yuan's face did not diminish at all, and said, "There is a reason for the expansion of these three swords, but it is Emei who unilaterally agreed without authorization. Although, because this is for the future of our entire monastic world, our Tongtian League does not oppose it, from the perspective of the three swords itself, our Tongtian League has indeed made concessions.

"Master Zhong, if you say so, we, the Emei faction, have also made concessions!" The ascetic head also immediately returned.

"That's right, I admit it!" Zhong Yuan still smiled and said, "However, your concession did not get our consent at the first time, but made the decision without authorization. Whether it should be or not, this is always what the Emei faction did wrong. Therefore, the Emei faction must compensate us!"

"Lord Zhong, now, I really doubt whether you really care about the future of the world's monks!" The ascetic head also felt a headache for Zhong Yuan's clever tongue. For a moment, he couldn't find a suitable tone to refute, and could only reply with a questioning attitude.

"Ha ha, at this point, ascetic Taoist friends don't have to worry! Because words can deceive people, but real actions can't deceive people. I believe that what I have done is enough to convince the monks in the world!" Zhong Yuan was still smiling, but at this moment, there was a touch of sarcasm in his smile.

"If you really care about the future of the monks in the world, you won't care about such a small thing. You should know that our Emei faction, but when the monks fell in love, they responded at the first time, and there was no bargaining at all!" The ascetic head was not willing to show weakness at this time, and said ironically.

"There is a reason to care about it!" At this time, Zhong Yuan suddenly put away the smile on his face and said, "I believe that any monk in the world does not want anything to happen to his family when he cares about the safety of the monks in the world!" Therefore, I believe that all monks in the world will understand this point.

If the ascetic Taoist friend can't understand this, you might as well give it to Miao Yiyou. If Miao Yiyou can't understand it, then it can be publicized to the world, and let the monks in the world choose by themselves, whether they understand it or not! If the monks in the world really don't understand, I will admit my mistake and apologize to the monks in the world!"

Kill, another kill!

Zhong Yuan's words are as sharp as ever, just like a peerless flying sword. As soon as the sharpness appears, it points directly to the point.

That's right, asceticism is impossible to make this kind of thing public to the world, waiting for the monks in the world to choose by themselves. No matter what the result is, he feels that it is a big trouble in terms of such time. It's not that he or the Emei faction can't afford to wait, but that they don't want to wait.

Because the waiting time, for Tongtianmeng, not only will the reputation not be reduced at all, but it will continue to increase. It may even be a surge. In this case, it is too late for the Emei faction to suppress it. How can it be allowed to appear?

At present, after thinking about it, he could only respond helplessly again, "Well, this time, what concessions do Master Zhong want us to make to make?"

"It's very simple. There is no loss to the Emei School itself. I just hope that these three sword fights can be held in three months. In this way, we can complete the basic preparations. Correspondingly, three sword fights can also take more people and achieve greater influence!" Zhong Yuan is the time.

"No, three months is too much. The contradictions between many Taoist friends are already imminent. We can't wait that long!" At that time, the ascetic waved his hand and said, "Ten days at most!"

"Ten days is too few, at least two months." Zhong Yuan shook his head and said, "I Tongtian League is a big alliance. There are many elders who are retreating in other places. It takes a lot of time to wake them up one by one. Not to mention, there are many other things to deal with."

"That's half a month. Why did it take so much time for us monks to deal with the problem?

"A month and a half!" Zhong Yuan became more and more determined.

"One month!"

"It's okay, for the sake of the monks in the world, I made this sacrifice!"

Hearing this, there is an impulse to spit blood. ( To be continued)