The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 721 Reversal, Kill the Holy Aunt

"One by one, one by one, one, one by one, one by one, one by one...,

Yigu Jiayin's eyes were slightly closed, and his face was full of devoutness, he pinched the magic handprints and recited the secret spells.

Between the flow of the formula, it is colorful: between the recitation of spells, the thunder is rolling. However, there is nothing else to give up. In the eyes of a group of old demons, it feels like the thunder is loud and the rain is small, as if it is doing useless work.

When it was, some old demons couldn't hold back their nature and began to speak sarcasm, which was extremely sarcastic! Among them, especially the heart-piercing monk is the most important.

However, he returned to Saint Gugain, but he was not moved at all. He still consolidated himself and continued to persist. There is no intention to take care of the protective golden lotus that may collapse at any time above the head.

According to the return of Sheng Gujiayin, it is naturally not a person who has blind self-confidence and puts his own destiny on the road of luck. The reason why she is like this is that she can clearly feel that the void hidden method has begun to be successfully implemented.

At this moment, above the sky of the nine heavens, an inexplicable air machine suddenly surges, like the river like the sea, surging, with the location of the seven secret demons of the stars in the sky as the center, sweeping away in all directions.

It turns out that the void hidden method is different from other methods. It is a direct connection between the laws of heaven and earth and plays a wonderful role, so it often thunders in silence! The most unexpected is that it can't be prevented!

Although the Void Tibetan Dafa took effect, the return of Sheng Gu Jiayin did not immediately begin to cut off the heavens and the earth and swallow the stars of the heavens, because he didn't want to disturb these old demons of the demon religion so quickly, and he wanted to achieve success in one stroke!

After a while, Sheng Gu Jiayin finally finished the last trick and read the last spell. At that time, he shouted: "The two worlds are separated, everything is empty, and the hiding of the void is separated from heaven and earth!"

In an instant, above the sky, an invisible force was like the sea. There was a storm out of thin air and suddenly became violent. Between the waves and surges, all the stars falling from the Taixu universe were swallowed into it. If the mud cattle entered the sea, not to mention the trace, there was no movement. .

At this time, the guardian Jinlian, who was about to be broken, also turned to safety because of the weakness of the successor of Taixu and Fire.

In my eyes, victory is coming, but at this moment, there is such a curtain. For an old demon of the demon religion, it is naturally quite a heavy blow. However, they were also old for the world for a moment, and they put aside this emotion and began to do their best to stimulate their own strength. With the help of nihilistic imprisonment, they suppressed the return of Sheng Gu Jiayin, making it difficult for her to escape.

At the same time, in the void, a person stands in the void and looks up at the sky. In his eyes, the divine light seems to be able to penetrate everything.

This person, with a short figure, white face and high nose, and a pair of red eyes, can't be said to be ugly, but it definitely has nothing to do with good-looking.

If there is a disciple of the Emei School here at this time, he will definitely be able to recognize his identity as Qiu Lin.

However, they never thought that he had another identity, that is, the split of Zheng Yin, the god of blood.

Zheng Yin, the god of blood, chose Qiu Lin as the dark son and placed a split in the Emei faction, which was originally to destroy the dust array of Liangyi Liuhe and lay the foundation for a real confrontation in the future. But I didn't expect that at this moment, it had become my own way to save my life. Without such a split of divine eyes as Qiu Lin, the blood god Zheng Yin would really die and could not die again.

However, since he still has such a distraction, his cultivation is nothing to him at all, as long as he devours the magic gods of other families. And this is the horror of Blood Nerve.

When he first sensed that he was dead, the divine eye Qiu Lin instinctively awakened in an instant. After awakening, Zheng Yin, the blood god, also wandered in his heart. After all, he continued to lurk here, trying to find the opportunity to destroy the Liangyi Liuhe dust array, or return to the magic religion and seize his hard-won right to get his hand.

After some thought, Zheng Yin, the god of blood, finally decided to give up the lurking plan of the Emei School and return to the Demon Sect.

Perhaps, this choice is not appropriate for the great cause of the whole demon religion.

However, for Zheng Yin himself, the god of blood, it is the right choice.

Because the devil has never had the habit of giving way. Once you lose it, you can think about it again. The price you need to pay must be bloody.

And return, it's not enough for people to go back. After all, his current strength has plummeted, which is just the level of the earth fairy. Even with the support of the father-in-law's blood god, it is not without problems.

If everything goes well without any moth, you must make enough achievements.

There is no doubt that it is the best choice to destroy the Holy Gugain. Moreover, this also takes into account personal enmity.

Although the strength of his current body is compared with that of Yi Huan Sheng Gu Jiain, one in the sky and the other in the ground are fundamentally different from clouds and mud. However, it is not without the power to shake Yi Huan Sheng Gu Jiain, which is arranged in the small ancient thorn Mountain in Western Kunlun to prepare for the killing of the E Recruit the seven secret demons of the stars in the sky.

The seven secret demons of the stars of the heavens, he still has two. Even if he consumes one, there is still one left, which is enough to deter.

Because of this, Zheng Yin, the god of blood, rushed back to the small ancient thorn mountain in West Kunlun as soon as possible.

However, he hid aside and did not appear, in order to issue the most critical blow at the most critical moment, thus casting the first achievement.

Zheng Yin, the blood god, can indeed be said to be wonderful to the top of the timing, and the sharp attack is also rare in the world. Originally, he thought that everything should be a fore conclusion, and there was no possibility of any change. Unexpectedly, with the return of Sheng Gu Jiayin, he actually had the secret magic ability that could cut off the stars of the heavens, and abruptly cut it by half.

Zheng Yin, the blood god, is not interested at all about this kind of peerless magic power that should not have appeared in the world and why it appeared in the world.

Now, there is only one thing he is interested in, that is, how to destroy the return of St. Gugain.

Zheng Yin, the blood god, on the one hand, issued an order to urge the power of the seven secret demons of the stars as much as possible, and bombarded the invisible power of the partition, hoping to reach his limit as soon as possible and burst it up. On the other hand, try your best to rack your brains and think about other available means.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he thought of a wonderful method. At that time, he couldn't help dancing. If this plan can be successful, then I will lose my cultivation"

"The King Kong Breaks the Boundary!"

He cut off the stars of the heavens, and returned to the Holy Gugain. His heart was extremely excited. He encouraged his remaining strength and raised a sword. In an instant, he divided the Taixu evil fire above his head into two halves, flowing down from both sides, and in the middle, there was a gap of several feet wide.

The threat of the front road is solved, and it is natural to deal with the back road because of the natural change of time. Outside its body, endless ropes crisscrossed around it, formed a dense net, making it difficult for it to escape.

Before that, Sheng Gu Jiayin could only use his power to cut them off one by one, but at this time, with the help of the little insight obtained by the method of using the void and hiding just now, he waved his hand to show the power of the void, devouring and eliminating the chains of the laws around him.

Although, it is much more difficult for the power of the void to deal with the power of these substantive laws than to deal with the spirit of the stars. However, compared with the previous methods, it is much easier.

According to the estimation of Saint Gujia, it only takes a quarter of an hour for her to break all the bans and rush out. However, she was not satisfied with this, because he knew that things in the world were changing rapidly. No one can guarantee what will happen the next moment.

Although the void hidden method is created by the void hidden bodhisattva, the real power still depends on the means of personal use. According to Sheng Gu Jiayin, he used this method for the first time. Although he was successful, he didn't even know how long he could last, so he couldn't take such a risk.

At present, I returned Sheng Gu Jiayin and reversed the blood again. This time, it was one twentieth, half less than the previous one, but he paid for it himself, which should be enough.

The magnificent mana is full of the body. According to the power of the void, it is getting smoother and smoother, and the power is getting bigger and bigger. In a short moment, all the laws around it are blocked, and 80% have been broken. That kind of invisible release, when it is right, makes it a feeling that the sky is high and the birds fly, and the sea is wide and the fish leaps.

Just as he continued to take action and was about to sweep away the obstacles, suddenly, a sword-like light like a long river came, like a road, straight to the front of St. Gugain.

At the end of the road, there is a five-short figure and two red-eyed ugly Taoist priests standing. Sister Sheng aunt, come with me and go to the secret place of Kunlun that I found in Emei to hide. The Blood God is not dead. He has moved his heart to kill and is launching the second seven secret demons of the stars of the heavens!" At a glance, I have seen the root and number of the ugly Taoist Emei School. I didn't want to receive its favor. However, as soon as I heard what the ugly Taoist priest said, there was no moment of hesitation, that is, time, on the light of the sword.

In an instant, the sword light was recovered, and the holy Gu Jiayin came to the side of the ugly Taoist priest.

"This time, I owe you a favor, and I will pay it back, but don't expect me to obey your orders!" According to the return of St. Gugain, it is time.

"Of course, Uncle Qi doesn't mean that either!" Are we going to a secret place in Ping? Hearing this, Sheng Gujia nodded, and then asked again.

"The Underworld!"


In the moment of Sheng Gu Jiayin's consterance, the ugly Taoist priest's body was a bloody light, and in an instant, it penetrated into her [body].