The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 734 One Gasification and Three Clearings

"Bow! Bb!"

There are two whispers again.

This time, the Li brothers hit the invisible prohibition on the edge of the ring.

Above the ring, there is an invisible forbidden barrier. The purpose is to limit the monks of sword fighting to the scope of the ring. Of course, this invisible power of prohibition is not powerful. As long as you are a scattered immortal, you can break it as long as you try your best. However, after breaking, if you fall under the ring, then the sword fight is also a loss.

If this time, it's an ordinary sword fight, and if you lose, you will lose. It's just that you lose some of the conditions agreed in advance. However, the battle between life and death is different. The fight between life and death must be the death of one party before it can be regarded as the end. If that side falls under the ring, then it is a loss, and the price of losing is unconditional self-judling.

The Li brothers do not hesitate to give up their reputation. One-to-two is for victory, just to kill each other. How can they be willing to die? Therefore, when they got the obstruction of the invisible prohibition of the ring, they also sang the mana in their bodies one after another, forcibly reversed their flying momentum, turned back and fell on the edge of the ring.

The two of them, at this moment, although they successfully stayed on the ring and avoided the worry of self-cution, they were sha unrified and could not hide their bodies. There are countless wounds, large and small, on the body. Although they are not so serious, they look particularly miserable.


"Master Zheng, this Qinghe Island owner seems to use the secret thunder of the noble religion! What, is it possible that the owner of Qinghe Island has anything to do with Guijiao? Seeing this scene, Zhong Yuan, the master of the Tongtian League, couldn't help opening his mouth and asked Zheng Yin, the blood god beside him.

Shenlei, all factions in the world have secrets. However, the most famous ones in the world are the two families, and they are all from the magic religion. One family is the Jiulie God of Jiuhua Mountain; the other family is the old monster Ma Xuanyuan.

The reason why the two families are famous is that the power of the divine thunder is so great; the second is their divine thunder, which is dedicated to the low-grade natural disaster; third, the divine thunder they refine is not limited to the sect. Anyone can use it with a little sacrifice, and the power will not be reduced at all.

It is also because of this that even the monks in the Orthodox Church are also very eager to get Jiulie Yin Lei and the secret demon thunder. However, these two families are famous for their stingyness, so outsiders rarely get it.

It was also because of this that Zhong Yuan was surprised by the appearance of the secret demon thunder of the Kongtong faction in the hands of Hong Zhenwu, the owner of Qinghe Island.

"How is this possible? If it doesn't matter, then we will definitely not let it use the secret demon thunder. What a good secret son!" Zheng Yin, the blood god, immediately replied, "However, Hong Zhenwu, the owner of Qinghe Island, got the secret demon god thunder. Because I paid attention to the three swords, I specially investigated it, so I really know it."

Speaking of this, Zheng Yin, the god of blood, paused for a moment, and then continued, "Hong Zhenwu, the owner of Qinghe Island, has a concubine named Xiao Baoniang, known as the Five-baht Lady. Xiao Baoniang has been with Hong Zhenwu for more than ten years. Although her cultivation has improved a lot, magic weapons are very scarce, because Hong Zhenwu, the owner of Qinghe Island, is not rich.

So, later, he met Liu Du, the disciple of Xuanyuan Dharma King, and became his concubine. Liu Du is the eldest disciple of the King of Xuanyuan Law. He has suffered a lot. Therefore, his family is rich, so he gave a lot of treasures to Xiao Baoniang. This secret demon thunder is also one of them. Unfortunately, Xiao Baoniang was quite unlucky. When she went out, she met Hong Zhenwu again. As a result, she was killed by the furious Hong Zhenwu, and everything she got fell into Hong Zhenwu's pocket.

"So it is, so it seems that this time, the Li brothers are in danger!" Zhong Yuandao, the master of Tongtian League.

"Yes, it's not a good start, but it's not a good omen!" Zheng Yin, the god of blood, also said immediately.


"I really didn't expect that Hong Zhenwu was so insidious that he had Kong Kong's secret demon thunder in his hand, but he kept hiding it. It didn't break out until the last minute. However, he should only have these two, otherwise, he will definitely not give us a chance to fight again.

"It's okay that there is a fire spirit, which restrains his power. Otherwise, I'm afraid we really have to judge ourselves!"

The Li brothers were happy, with a pair of eyes, and rushed to Hong Zhenwu, the owner of Qinghe Island, again.

At this moment, the fire spirit and Hong Zhenwu, the owner of Qinghe Island, are fighting fiercely. The cold air and fire are bursting at each other, as if two hells are on the world.

Fire spirit, although his character is violent, he is extremely loyal. Once he recognizes the Lord, he will never change. Before that, he saw that his two directors had been seriously damaged, but the tyrannical factor in his bones completely broke out in an instant, and his whole body shot out a huge fire, as bright as blood.

The fire spirit, relying on the advantages of its own height, strength and infinite strength, is tightly attached to the three feet of Hong Zhenwu, the owner of Qinghe Island, rampaging and rushing. Although Hong Zhenwu, the owner of Qinghe Island, also responded very well. Tianyi Xuanbing Sword danced tens of millions of heavy sword shadows, like flowers blooming, firmly guarding his whole body, and did not let the fire spirit break through at all, but he had no time to take care of it.


"This Hong Zhenwu, don't you think he has such a little ability! Only two thunderbolts to support the facade. Without the thunderbolt, even a beast was so powerless!"

"Yes, this is too shameful for our Orthodox monks! I don't know what did Master Qi like about him?"

"Will he have any other cards that he hasn't taken out?"

Next to

, a monk just said something different, and immediately was despised by many monks around him. You're stupid. If Hong Zhenwu still has a card, why don't you take advantage of the secret demon god Lei to make a contribution? In that case, isn't the sword fight long over? Moreover, it can also make the opponent self-cut, won't it be more happy and more relieving hatred?

"That's true!"


Everyone's discussion, Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming naturally heard it clearly and clearly. However, he did not express any comments on this, but just watched quietly. However, the corners of his mouth were unstoppable, with a smile.

For this first sword fight, Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming is a hundred times more confident. Because he knows best what kind of adventure Hong Zhenwu, the owner of Qinghe Island, got.


Although the Li brothers are very confident that Hong Zhenwu, the owner of Qinghe Island, no longer has the secret demon thunder in his hands, the previous situation has inevitably caused a shadow on their psychology. Therefore, when the action is made, it seems to be much more conservative.

They stopped quite far away from Hong Zhenwu, the owner of Qinghe Island, and shook the seven evil flags, roaring out countless black evil spirit, and made a fierce impact on Hong Zhenwu, the owner of Qinghe Island.

"You coward!"

Seeing this, Hong Zhenwu, the owner of Qinghe Island, shouted these three words rudely. Then he said, "I thought I could play a few more times. I didn't expect that you didn't have the courage to be so frustrated once, and you didn't dare to attack. That's all, since you are such a loser, you don't deserve to continue to fight with me. Now, I'll send you directly to hell!"

While speaking, the sky spirit on the head of Hong Zhenwu, the owner of Qinghe Island, suddenly opened. Between the inspiration, a purple divine light rose to the sky. In the air, it suddenly diverged and turned into three channels. One rushed to the elder brother Li Cheng, and two rushed to his brother Li Shao.

The three purple divine lights showed the true shape when the Li brothers were nearby. Each of them was similar to Hong Zhenwu, the owner of Qinghe Island, but there was an obvious difference, which seemed quite strange.

"What is this, the incarnation of the body, or the three corpses?"

"Master of the Right Way, do you still need to use the method of our magic?"


"Brother Qi, is this the supreme learning of our Taiqing vein - one gasification and three Qing?" Miao Yizhen was beside him, and Xuan Zhenzi suddenly couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart and asked.

"That's good!" Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming nodded immediately, and the smile on his face became more and more prosperous. At the beginning, Hong Zhenwu's greatest adventure was not any magic weapon or elixir, but the remnant of the Taiqing Treasure Record. What is recorded in it, there is a gasification three-clear secret technique that Emei did not have.

Unfortunately, the "Taiqing Treasure Record" is a remnant. The recorded secret technique of Qihua Sanqing is also incomplete. Otherwise, the strength of our Emei School will definitely be greatly improved! However, even so, it should be of great benefit!"

"No wonder, you said that this sword fight may make us see a big surprise. That's what the surprise should be!" On the side, the ascetic head also inserted the channel.

"That's good!" Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming immediately replied, "We don't know what the effect of this part is and whether there will be any side effects. Therefore, Hong Zhenwu, the owner of Qinghe Island, is the best experimental product. From the situation of today's action, we can clearly see that if there is no future trouble, then we can practice at ease!"

"It's still my brother's thoughtful thinking!" At this time, the ascetic head was also full of smiles. He said again, "If I get the news, I'm afraid it will be practiced at the first time!"

"How is the effect of this remnant of the three secrets of gasification, and whether there are any future troubles, it depends on the performance of Hong Zhenwu, the owner of Qinghe Island. Let's wait and see! I hope he can really give us a big surprise!" Xuan Zhenzi also said with a smile on his face.