The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 816 Bliss One Sleeve Heaven and Earth Clear

Chapter 86 Bliss One Sleeve Heaven and Earth Clear


The thunder rolled like a tide, shaking the world. The cloud, which has completely changed from red to black, has completely submerged the world, and the world is dark. Even with Zhong Yuan's yin and yang eyes, it can't be seen through.

At this moment, everyone can't help but feel that they are imprisoned in a cage, as if they may be crushed into pieces by the heavenly power from heaven at any time.

In the vast darkness of the four fields, only the black flash across the sky like a meteor shower can make people see some of the surrounding situation clearly.

At this moment, Ni Fangxian, the flower fairy, and Xun, the descendant of the five lucky immortals, are no longer the two magic weapons. There are more than a dozen magic weapons floating around everyone's body, constantly showing their powerful power, blocking the falling black thunder and lightning.

There is no doubt that those magic weapons are the best treasures. However, their treasures can only shine on the places around them. No matter how far away they are, they can't reach them.

At this moment, Zhong Yuan was deliberately to test the situation of a few treasures in his hand. However, he finally gave up. Because he didn't want to divide the gods of Ni Fangxian, the hundred flower fairies, and the descendants of the five blessing immortals, because of such a little situation made by his family, so that they crossed the disaster and appeared in the pool.

Time, a minute and a second.

Gradually, the rumbling sound of thunder not only did not grow louder, but also became weaker and weaker. In the end, it disappeared completely. However, the disappearance of thunder did not make the thunder disappear. On the contrary, the thunder is becoming more and more powerful, like the sword of the god, crossing the sky from time to time.

In this darkness, although there is not such a powerful vision, Zhong Yuan was able to meet each other from the magic weapon promoted by Ni Fangxian, the hundred flower fairies, and the descendants of the Wufu immortals. What kind of situation did they get?

Suddenly, a huge shock shocked the people who had just adapted to the silent world at that time.

After checking, I just found that it was a magic weapon of the hundred flower fairy Ni Fangxian, which was broken.

At this moment, Qin Yu, who has always seemed to be the most calm, couldn't help but be nervous. He was not worried about the safety of the two masters. What he was worried about was that it was difficult for the two masters to complete the disaster by themselves. In the end, his master Li Jingxu took action to help him cross the disaster.

The rest of the people, including Zhong Yuan, and even the old man Kuzhu and Lu Yu, are the same. Now, for them, Li Jingxu is not only as simple as a benefactor, but also a hope in their hearts. Because only when Li Jingxu, the real person of Bliss, succeeds in crossing the disaster and jumps to prove the golden fairy, can they also strengthen this road.

If even Li Jingxu, the real man of Bliss, fails, no matter what the reason is, then they have no confidence to take this road. It's not that their own beliefs are not strong enough to pin their own path on outsiders. In fact, Li Jingxu, the real person of Bliss, is a legend in the world. They all think that they are not as good as the real person of Bliss.

In their eager hope, the truth is counterproductive. Not long after, the two magic weapons were broken one after another, and it was obvious that they did not take the initiative to break them, but were abruptly smashed by the thunder that fell from the sky.

Fortunately, this kind of domineering thunder is only a very small number in the meteor shower-like thunder, otherwise, everyone will directly give up hope.

"Bong, Bang, Bang... The broken magic weapon is like fried beans. In the next half of the hour, it kept popping. Soon, there was only one magic weapon left in the hands of Ni Fangxian, the flower fairy, and the descendants of the five lucky immortals.

In the hands of the Hundred Flowers Fairy Ni Fangxian, it is the Zhu Lingqi of the Nine Palaces, and in the hands of the descendants of the Five Blessed Immortals, it is the Tianxin Yang Ring.

At this moment, the thunder and lightning still flew down like a meteor shower, and there was no tendency to weaken at all. Ni Fangxian, the flower fairy, and Xun, the descendant of the five blessing immortals, obviously had a lot of effort to resist. In the intermittent flash, they could even see the sparkling water on their faces.

There is no doubt that this is sweat!

It is absolutely impossible for the monk to sweat under normal circumstances, even if it is a little fairy. It can be imagined how much pressure they are under, how much they consume, and even the basic physical condition can no longer be loaded.

After another moment, the sky suddenly became dark again. In the already dark situation, it's like the sky collapsing and falling down.

At this moment, except for the strong and courageous people such as the old man withered bamboo, Lu Yu and Zhong Yuan, the rest of the monks inevitably trembled. Yes, even the body trembled unconsciously.

At this moment, the huge thunderballs as big as a bucket, like a comet, dragged a long tail, fell down, and the target was Ni Fangxian, the flower fairy, and the descendants of the five blessing immortals.

At this time, everyone understood that Ni Fangxian, the flower fairy, and Xun, the descendant of the five lucky immortals, must be unable to resist these thunderbolts. Even if they took the initiative to self-explod the nine palace Zhu Lingqi and Tianxin Yanghuan, it was impossible. Therefore, at this moment, everyone's eyes naturally flowed to Li Jingxu, a real man of bliss, not far from the two people.

Because they understand that Li Jingxu, the real person of Bliss, must be going to take action.

At this moment, their eyes were wide open, and even the old man withered bamboo and the predecessors such as Lu Yu were no exception. Because they all want to see what it will be like when Li Jingxu really fights.

Before, they had not seen Li Jingxu's action, but at that time, Li Jingxu's action was solved by understatement. This moment is different. They believe that Li Jingxu, the real person of Bliss, will definitely attach great importance to it, so from it, they must be able to peep out a scale and half a claw.

Li Jingxu, the real person of Bliss, as they expected, moved at this moment.

Only to see that he got up unhurriedly, and then the sleeve of his right robe suddenly shook towards the sky.

There is no flash of light, and there is no vision manifestation. However, in such a swing, the sky is bright, showing the stars in the sky, dots, and it is very beautiful. Things such as robbing clouds and thunder are completely gone, as if they had never existed in the first place.

For this, there are no other emotions left in everyone's hearts, leaving only four words: Gaoshan Yangzhi... RQ