The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 818 Thunderstorm, a picture to receive

Sancai Qingning Circle is the most precious treasure taken out by Zhong Yuan from the treasure house of Ai Zhenzi in Jinshixia. After many years, it is naturally clear about its effect. He has used this means to simulate the natural power of heaven and earth many times. His power is extraordinary, but compared with the present, it is one in the sky and the other in the ground.

Zhong Yuan actually knows that Zhibao should be in the hands of Jin Xian to be able to play omnipotent. However, even so, he did not expect that in the Sancai Qingning circle, there would be such a magic power just by imagining a circle of celestial phenomena. This is simply equivalent to the master of this world, one thought to create, one thought to destroy the world.


In the sky, the golden disaster cloud and the purple disaster cloud have long been mixed together, and some of them are with each other. Among them, the golden thunder and the purple thunder are the same. They are entangled and bombarded with each other. The fine electric light formed after breaking, in the void, interweaves a huge thunder grid.

As soon as the Thunder Power Grid was formed, it was broken, and then it was regenerated. If it goes back and forth, the cycle will not stop.

At this moment, high in the sky, the destruction machine released by the purple thunder is no longer as terrible as before, and it looks very faint. However, Zhong Yuan is extremely clear that the power of those thunder has not been weakened much because of this. At this moment, among the people present, except for him, the old man Kuzhu and Lu Yu, the rest of the immortals went up to die.

At this moment, looking at the thunder and lightning of high-altitude gold and purple, Zhong Yuan's heart, without the slightest fear, is full of coveting, that's right, it's coveting!

Zhong Yuanqiang's body is largely strengthened in the confrontation with the thunderstorm. However, now his body is so strong that the ordinary fairy disaster can't threaten him at all, so he no longer helps him wash his body and enhance the effect of his body.

In front of us, this golden purple thunder electric light, especially the purple thunder electric light, which represents the disaster of the golden fairy, has no doubt that it has an unparalleled effect on the tempering of his body. Unfortunately, he can't rush into it and "enjoy" it to his heart's content. Because the Jinxian doom is far beyond his control.

In case, as a result, Li Jingxu, the real person of Bliss, finally fails to cross the disaster, then he will be guilty!

So, Zhong Yuan, who is there, can only look at it so eagerly, look at it,...

Time, a minute and a second passed, and soon more than half an hour passed.

After such a long time, in the high-altitude clouds, the thunder and lightning, which is thicker than one person's hug, has become extremely rare. With the capture of the naked eye alone, it can be counted clearly.

At this time, Li Jingxu, the real person of Bliss, took action again.

I only heard it, and he shouted, "Mountains and rivers appear, rivers come out, and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are like pictures!" That is, time, in the three-color light wheel behind its mind, a great mountain rushed out one after another. Rivers flowed vastly, but in an instant, tens of millions of mountains and rivers rushed out, connecting with each other, and immediately, formed a picture.

This picture of the country was under a trick of Li Jingxu, a real person of Bliss. At that time, as soon as it was collected and released, it was like a curtain rolled upside down. In an instant, thousands of golden purple clouds and golden purple thunder were all involved in it.

After the clouds and thunder and lightning were included in the picture of the country, the golden clouds and thunder fell down. They were very obedient, just like the background of high mountains and mountains, hovering on it. However, the purple cloud and the power of thunder are still violent, constantly releasing the powerful power of destruction, smashing countless mountains and steaming countless rivers.

The power of purple clouds and thunder is shattered very fast. However, no matter how fast it is, it has also become rootless duckweed in this country map. Those mountains and rivers cooperate with each other, just like extremely huge grinding discs, forming a strong and powerful power of destruction, grinding the purple clouds and thunder into powder.

At the same time, behind Li Jingxu's mind, in the three-color golden wheel, the mountain river is still surging far away, adding to the picture of the country.

In just a moment, the purple cloud and the power of thunder seemed to be imprisoned, and it was difficult to show any power.

At this time, another trick came out of Li Jingxu's hand, that is, time, the huge picture of the country stretching for thousands of miles was really like a picture axis, slowly closing up.

"Cqueak, creak, creak, "?

The picture of the country between [true] and illusory, like a real and substantial painting axis, there is a fine sound between the scrolls.

Soon, the whole picture of the country was rolled together. At this time, Li Jingxu, the real person of Bliss, made a move, and the huge picture axis of the country immediately shrunk, turned into a small picture axis with a foot, and fell into the hands of Li Jingxu, the real person.

Li Jingxu, a real person of Bliss, held the drawing axis in his hand, which was very casual. The picture of the country was spread out again. This time, it is not as spectacular as a thousand miles. It's just a promise. However, the situation on the picture axis shocked everyone.

Because, on the map of the country, there are no mountains, confluences, clouds, thunder and lightning. The only thing left is a half-gray and not white, and sometimes, it flows into Taiji.

"Is it possible that Brother Bliss has the power of golden immortals?" The old man withered bamboo was stunned and muttered.

"Covering everything is chaos, which is not a human means at all!" Lu Yu didn't pay any attention to her brother's gaffe, because she herself was the same.

The two predecessors who are closest to Li Jingxu, the real person of Bliss, are still like this, and the rest of the people are naturally even worse. At this moment, Zhong Yuan felt that it was meaningless for him to think about the strength of Li Jingxu. Because there is no comparison between the two. It's better to honestly follow your own plan and carry out your own cultivation.

Bliss Real Man threw it casually at this time, and the powerful map of the country that swallowed the disaster of the Golden Immortals turned into countless fine swords and shot in all directions. In an instant, the black wind that had been impacting and confronting, seeking to invade the real person Li Jingxu of Bliss, was completely broken.

When it was, the whole world returned to normal.

However, no one thinks that Bliss Real has survived his golden fairy disaster. Even the immortal disaster has three waves, not to mention the golden fairy disaster?

In particular, when Li Jingxu, a real person of Bliss, collected the heavenly disaster with the map of the country, the void did not produce more and more powerful natural disasters to supplement it, which made everyone worried. Although that has achieved the supreme glory of Li Jingxu, the real man of Bliss, under such depression, next, when the heavenly disaster reappears, it will definitely be more crazy. At least, it won't make Li Jingxu so relaxed.

Li Jingxu and his wife naturally also know this point. Bliss real person Li Jingxu himself is better, but his eyebrows are slightly frowned, and his expression is still relaxed and not dignified. However, his two wives, Ni Fangxian, the Baihuā fairy, and the descendants of the Wufu fairy, were already as deep as water, and they could even feel a little embarrassed from it. Obviously, they are not calm and worried.

Time, like a brook, flows quietly, unconsciously, the night is also dark.

In the middle of night, the starlight is getting brighter and brighter, shining with endless silver light. The people watching unconsciously indulged in the quiet night sky. This feeling is ethereal and graceful, which makes people unwilling to wake up.

At this moment, suddenly, the endless stars in the starry sky seemed to have a wonderful feeling with people, and silver lights fell from the sky.

Most of them thought that their own opportunity had come. They were happy. Suddenly, a dazzling three-color strange light shone by before their eyes, making people unconsciously close their eyes. When they closed their eyes, everyone shook their minds and returned to normal. When they looked at the sky, there were no thousands of wisps of silver light. Instead, there were tens of millions of purple meteors, dragging their long tails and falling towards the earth, as if a sudden meteor shower had fallen.

However, the people who have completely recovered at this time really know that this is not a meteor shower, but a natural disaster that hinders the monks from witnessing the golden fairy. Those purple meteors are all the condensation of powerful purple thunder and lightning. Although it looks small, there is no problem in destroying hundreds of miles of mountains, rivers and rivers.

At this time, many people couldn't help but shud.

That's right, the heavenly disaster is aimed at people, and the rest of the people who watch the battle are generally not dangerous. However, this is not absolute. Because there is no danger. It's just that the heavenly disaster itself will not directly launch a substantial attack on the spectators, and if the spectators lose their mind and have a magic barrier, it is normal for this tragic death.

It is also because of this that watching the disaster is, generally speaking, a matter of monks of the same level. Those with low cultivation can't come at all without the protection of a master.

After understanding what kind of situation they were in just now, the monks couldn't help but cast grateful eyes at Li Jingxu, the real man of Bliss. Because, obviously, the three-color strange light that alerted them came from the Sancai Qingning circle behind Li Jingxu's mind.

Unfortunately, at this time, Li Jingxu, the real person of Bliss, had no time to pay attention to this. At this time, he was concentrating on the magic formula and casting spells to deal with the second wave of natural disasters.