The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 831 Deliberate Failure

Miaoyi real person Qi Shuming and other three people took turns to monitor day after day.

Just like monitoring Jian Bing at the beginning, the sense of expectation in their hearts will increase by one point every day. Correspondingly, when monitoring, they will also be careful and cautious. However, in this way, day by day, the results they see are still the same without any change.

Originally, they thought that they had experienced a psychological change, and their ability to withstand this kind of thing should be much stronger, and they would not be so impetuous. Unexpectedly, it was not strong enough to go. The irritability was still, even more!

However, while being irritable, Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming and other three people still do not dare to slack off at all. They must maintain a more focused and cautious monitoring force, because the further back, the more likely it is that something special will happen. Because of this, it seemed that they were just watching Jian Bingru's actions there without any effort, but they all felt that it was more tiring than going out for a war.

After three rounds and nine days, even the most patient ascetic is a little regretful of his original advice. Because if the three of them are watching together, they can still walk around from time to time and practice one or two. After all, the other two people are staring there, and they don't worry about missing anything. However, now, they are staring alone every day. Once they miss something, it is a real miss.

This kind of psychological fatigue is really tormenting. However, at this time, he can't go back on his word. After all, it's too shameful.

So, he can only hold on like this.

Fortunately, such a surveillance action did not last for a long time. On the first day of the fifth round, when Xuan Zhenzi was responsible for monitoring, he finally found that the burning, incomparable primordial spirit flame showed signs of attenuation. At this time, he couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief and said secretly, "It's finally over!"

Xuan Zhenzi's eyes stared at the light and shadow on the treasure mirror in an instant, but in his mouth, he launched a secret voice, calling out Miao Yi Zhenren Qi Shuming and Gu Xing Toutuo.

When Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming and Ascetic Head came, he saw the dimness of the flame light of the Yuanshen Spirit, and the fatigue of many days was swept away in an instant. In particular, Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming, even more excited when he could finally know the result.

For him, the fourth brother, Jian Bing, is loyal and treacherous, whether it is good or bad, whether he is dedicated to the sect, or has a different mind, everything can be seen.

If it is the former, the Emei School can be said to be a real unity of unity, which can be regarded as a big good thing. If it is the latter, if you find a dissident in advance, you can get rid of them as soon as possible, so as to avoid future troubles, which is also a big thing.

The three of them unconsciously held their breath, as if they were not monitoring Jian Bingru through the treasure mirror, but were really not far away from Jian Bingru, which could be found at any time.

Jian Bing is like a quiet room.

Jian Bingru, when the essence flame of the yuan spirit faded to half, he opened his eyes and stopped the brand of the sword rune in his hand.

At this moment, Jane Bingru's mood is unparalleled comfort. It's not because the flying sword is about to be practiced, but because he has completely played the real person twice.

That's right, it's twice.

This time, the real sacrifice to practice the flying sword, in fact, it doesn't take so many days. If you really do it with all your strength, two days is enough. However, he dragged on for thirteen days. Naturally, the purpose is not just to play the real person Qi Shuming. Through this, he wants to make the real person Qi Shuming completely lose patience and relax, so that he can do whatever he wants in the next action and not worry about being discovered by others.

Some people may wonder that Jian Bingru is so sure that Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming will monitor it. If the real person of Miaoyi has done this, isn't all this a waste of effort and a waste of time!

That's right, Jian Bingru is indeed unable to fully determine the surveillance of Miaoyi real person Qi Shuming, because the Emei School has a lot of monitoring methods, which makes it difficult to detect at all.

However, Jian Bing doesn't care whether Qi Shuming will monitor it or not, but there is a possibility that he will do it like this. Maybe it will be useless, but there is no doubt that he has ensured everything. There is no way. What he wants to do is too unbelievable for the Emei faction, so it can never be revealed at all. Otherwise, his own life will be small, and the future of the real Emei faction will be a big loss.

In addition to this, Jian Bing deliberately prolonged the time to thirteen days. Another purpose is to make the sacrifice of the flying sword finally fail, and it is difficult to succeed.

It's not wrong, that's because the yuan god of the snow mountain religion is his goal. He will never succeed until he doesn't get this goal. In this way, although there may be some damage to his own flying sword, he can't care so much.

After Jian Bingru stopped with his two-handed sword formula, after a few breath movements, he suddenly spit out, and the vast mana torrent exhaled out of his mouth, like a Heavenly River, surging, rushing straight to the four-foot green front in the flame of the essence of the Yuanshen.

The four-foot green front got the help of this mana. At that time, the sword spirit was full of fire, and the endless fine sword spirit was shot. In an instant, the flame of the spirit of the spirit that tempered it was divided into countless Mars. Then, on the four-foot green front of the sword body, the endless sword formula runes flashed, and they were connected to each other into a huge whirlpool. Suddenly, those scattered sparks were absorbed into the body of the sword, and there was nothing left.

At this time, Jian Bingru's yuan god rose from the heavenly spirit, and he also opened his mouth and sprayed. A flame stained with purple gas rushed out, covering the four-foot green front in it.

After a while, the four-foot green front is ringing, which is much better than in the past. Just as Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming and others also thought that when Jian Bing was about to become like a sword, suddenly, a dull sound of "Puyi" sounded. Then, the sword spirit shook, and the purple flame was shattered. Jian Bing, like his own mouth, also spewed out a mouthful of red blood.