The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 851 Incompetent luck

Taiyuan's secret room.

After Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming responded, he turned his eyes to the center of the high platform. The power that was constantly dissipating outward resisting the murderous light falling from the flag of the ancient fierce star Chiyou.

"If there is nothing else, it is possible to get it again. Only this innate one is too clear charm, and this is the only one in the world, but it can't be left, so that the Tongtian League can get it. In that case, our future will be even more hopeless! Therefore, this innate breath is too clear a charm, we must take it away.

Hearing the words of a wonderful real person, when it was right, Li Yuanhua frowned and said, "However, we now rely on the two ** dust array to take most of the fierce light of Chiyou's flag. If we take off the innate Qi Taiqing charm, the power of the two ** dust array can be greatly reduced. I'm afraid The support time is shorter, and the hope of escape is even lower.

"Yes! I can't bear to part with the child, and I can't trap the wolf!" Immediately after that, the drunken Taoist also said, "The root of my Emei School is not any external magic weapon, but people. As long as we are still there, there is hope. Although the innate Qiqing charm is powerful, it is just an external object after all. If it hurts people because of external things, it is really stupid!"

After saying this, several elders of the Tongtian League opened their mouths to agree.

Hearing this, that is, time, Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming said again, "Several brothers, I don't know what you said, but since ancient times, how many people have established their own cultivation? And how many people rely on the strength of Qiyuan to prove their career?

At the beginning, with the graceful posture of a benefactor and the weather, it was also after getting the double swords of Lingcui Peak and Ziqing, and it rose rapidly and was out of control, right?

Speaking of this, Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming paused for a moment, and then continued, "What you are worried about, I have already worried about resisting the fierce light of the flag of the ancient star Chiyou. Now, we use the two ** dust array diagrams to extract the aura of the earth veins to stimulate the evolution of the innate Yiqi Taiqing Shenfu. Now, we can turn around and use the innate breath of too clear charm to stimulate the underground dragon vein, so that the gas of the dragon vein can be released quickly, all of which are added to the two ** dust arrays.

In this way, although the dust array of the two instruments cannot last, in a short period of time, the power is not much inferior to the current one. There should be no problem in achieving our expected goals!"

"Since the leader has already considered it like this, I have no problem!" Li Yuanhua is the way of time.

"I have no problem either!"

"I agree!"


Soon, a group of elders of the Emei School became a consensus.

At this time, the ascetic head throws another question, "It is not difficult to stimulate the innate Yiqi Taiqing Shenfu to stimulate the Qi of the dragon vein, but after we take the innate Yiqi Taiqing Shenfu, who will take it away?"

"Do you still need to ask about this? Naturally, it's the head of Qi!" At the beginning of the time, Master Stubborn Stone will come back.

"Yes, Brother Qi is still the leader now. He is a great treasure of my Emei School, and he should be responsible for keeping it!" Immediately after that, the water mirror Taoist also nodded and echoed.

Most of the rest of the people also showed this kind of expression, and seemed to feel that it was a little superfluous to ask each other like this. However, the ascetic head did not stop there, but with a solemn face, shook his head and said, "No, it absolutely not!" It is precisely because Brother Qi is the leader that the innate spirit is too clear to be placed on him.

Because Brother Qi must be the focus of those masters of Tongtian League. There are ten **, and he will be trapped. One is not good, I can't say, it's really stuck in it. Even if we try our best to help each other, it is difficult to guarantee everything.

"Brother ascetic is right!" Hearing this, that is, time, Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming immediately replied, "I'm really not suitable. Let's choose someone else!"

"Brother ascetic, do you have any opinion?" Xuan Zhenzi said at this time.

"That's good!" The ascetic head did not hesitate at all, that is, the time said, "I think it is the safest to put the innate Qi Taiqing charm on the water mirror brother's body."

"I, how can I do it? I am the worst person with the worst cultivation, and my qualifications are not good. I should stay at the mountain gate and do my last distraction for the sect!" When the water mirror Taoist heard this, he didn't think about it at all and said it directly.

"Brother Shuijing, it is because of this that I chose you, because with your cultivation, the elders of Tongtian League who have higher eyes than the top will definitely not take you seriously. Although there will definitely be interceptions and pursuits, the strength is definitely the weakest.

We, each of us will give you some more powerful magic weapons. Don't be too attached to war. If you can hide, you will hide. If you can't hide, you will directly detonated the magic weapon. I believe that you will definitely escape the pursuit and successfully escape. The ascetic head is full of confidence, and his eyes are shining.

Speaking of this, the ascetic head paused a little, and then turned to Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming and said, "Brother Qi, what do you think?"

"I think it's feasible! In this way, it should be safer!" Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming immediately replied, "Brother Water Mirror, don't stay behind and leave together!"

"Yes!" The water mirror Taoist has no choice but to look like this. However, in his heart, it was inevitable that there was a little bit of joy and a little bit of joy.

Those are doomed to stay. If you fight with the monks of the Tongtian League, you can't help feeling a little sour and even extremely angry. Because, among the 17 disciples of Changmei Zhenren, the water mirror Taoist can be said to be the worst, and his vein is also the most useless. Unexpectedly, at this moment of life and death, he gained vitality because of this. How can this make them comfortable?

However, there is nothing I can do if I feel uncomfortable. No matter what, I can't appeal to this feeling in my heart. In that way, they will not only bury their lives, but also have their last bit of dignity, so they can only be silent.

This kind of subtle mood, although Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming and other escapers, although they can't experience it in person, they can also want to see one or two. However, they can't solve this problem. They can only pray silently in their hearts and pray that these brothers can successfully turn the disaster and enter the Taoist door again!