The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 854 Preset the divine network, no one can escape

Chapter 854 preset divine network, no one can escape

Scum, villain, treacherous sycophant, traitor... Countless new titles came out of the mouth of the captured Elder Emei Sect and crowned on Jian Bingru's head. However, Jian Bingru didn't care at all about this.

"Brother Jian, do you know where Qi Shuming and others fled?" The new suzerain of Emei should first open his mouth and ask.

As soon as he said this, the elders of Tongtian League looked at Jian Bingru's eyes, which became more and more intense.

Jian Bing smiled faintly and said, "Well, I don't know." Everyone's faces had just appeared to be disappointed, but Jian Bingru said again, "However, I have a way to let them all fall into the trap. As long as we arrange the ambush, those people of Qi Shuming will definitely be caught!"

"Really?" The way to destroy the dust.

The rest of the people were not so optimistic about Jian Bingru. They couldn't help but look suspicious.

Seeing this, Jian Bing said at that time, "Of course it's true, because their escape plan was carried out according to my plan."

Then, Jian Bingru briefly said the situation at that time.

After listening to it, everyone was excited, one by one, happy, as if they had won a complete victory. Of course, in fact, it's almost the same.

Next, a group of immortals divided into two halves, and half of the people left to help eliminate the Emei faction outside; half of the people stayed in the secret room to rescue the sealed Emei vassal sect, stopped the operation of the two ** dust arrays, and searched for the coordinates of Luo Miaoyi Qi Shuming and others. Where it is.

Some people may wonder that this is really a little superfluous. After all, Miao Yizhen Qi Shuming and others will definitely come back here. They just need to wait for the rabbit. However, for the people who destroy the dust and the immortal Xu Feiniang, it is not enough, because this is not a complete insurance.

Miaoyi Zhenren Qi Shuming, Xuan Zhenzi and Guxingtouduo are all extremely cunning people. Although there is a way out here, they may not really come back step by step. No one can guarantee that they have no other means to open up another channel and return to the human world. If this is the case, I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to complete their waiting.

So, they took the medicine and branded the coordinates to search out. With these coordinate imprints, the great master of the deducing way of Yi Zhou, the owner of the Xuangui Hall, can reverse the position of the person who is branded, so as to achieve the real killing without leaving future troubles... above the sky.

Zhong Yuan, the master of the Tongtian League, has seen that the operation of the two ** dust arrays has stopped, and with the joining of the immortal masters, the sweeping of the remnants of the Emei faction has become as easy as the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves. However, he still did not let the fourth incarnation stop attracting the fierce light of the flag of the ancient fierce star Chiyou.

The reason is very simple, and there is also a big head, which has not been cleaned.

The so-called big head is the Miaoyi real person who ran away, Qi Shuming and others.

Before that, when the power of the meteorite from the flag of Chiyou broke through the dust array, Zhong Yuan's first incarnation, Guangcheng Taoist, had quietly dived into the Ningbi Cliff.

With his own familiarity with the way of space and the "not strict" of the internal defense of Ningbi Cliff, Zhong Yuan quietly sneaked into the secret room of Taiyuan and listened to everyone's plan.

Although the ancient fierce star Chiyou's flag appears in the long sky, and the boundary of thousands of miles has been blocked by the power of evil, and the chaotic space is no exception. However, Zhong Yuan was very clear about this kind of ban. He could not continue indefinitely, so that is, time, Guangcheng Taoist went to cast the net according to the spatial channel he sensed.

This kind of matter of directly prohibiting countless channels in the mixed world, Guangcheng Taoist alone, naturally does not work, so it has been left in Zhong Yuan's hands as the finale of the old man withered bamboo, the owner of the turtle, Yi Zhou, Shenni Fentuo, Shenni Youtan, Jellyfish Ji Xuan, etc., The spiritual Taoist and the Xumi Taoist all rode the Guangcheng gold boat and rushed there.

Soon, in the void, a large net made of the divine chain of tangible space laws opened, blocking the end of each space channel.

Miaoyi real person Qi Shuming and others seemed to have gone to the chaos that no one could know, but in fact, they just fell into the encirclement involved in Zhong Yuan.

However, these masters, because they want to maintain the space divine network, can't capture or kill again, so Zhong Yuan can only wait and wait for the end of the battle on the Ningbi Cliff.

Zhong Yuan was not worried about whether he could catch up in time, because he knew that if Jian Bing did not fall into the encirclement, he must go back to make trouble and help. Sure enough, it didn't take long for everything to end the battle as expected.

At this time, Zhong Yuan naturally no longer has the slightest delay. After all, it is not an easy thing to maintain the existence of the ancient fierce star Chiyou's flag. Therefore, that is, time, beside Zhong Yuan, Ruyi Taoist, who has always served as the fourth incarnation of the task of protecting the Dharma, left and came to the secret room of Taiyuan.

Although Ruyi Taoist is just a split, everyone still dares not neglect at all, and hurried forward to see him.

"See the leader, I don't know what the leader has to do?"

"All right, the vulgar etiquette will be avoided. Now, your task is to catch up with those people, and either destroy them or capture them!" Ruyi Taoist said directly.

"Well, we are still looking for their coordinate imprints. As soon as we find it, it... Before the new patriarch of Emei finished his words, he was cut off by Zhong Yuan and said, "Don't look for it. They have been secretly surrounded by me in the chaotic world with the space divine network. I can give it to you immediately. Open the channel and take you there!"

"The leader of the alliance is worthy of being the leader of the alliance. It's really a plan! None of Qi Shuming's means can escape your eyes!"

"How can Qi Shuming compare with the leader, just like the bright moon in the sky and the insects on the ground... Hearing these words, Zhong Yuan stopped him in time, but he did not explain the origin of his prophet. Because he knows very well that as the master of an alliance, a little mystery is indispensable.

Zhong Yuan's eyes condensed, and he punched it out casually. At that time, the space was like glass, breaking into countless cracks. There are 17 cracks in total, no more, no less, just the number of people who escaped from the Emei faction.

After reading this, even if Jian Bing is a firm supporter of Emei, he can't help but have a deep admiration for Zhong Yuan... RQ