The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 873 Interfering in Tianlan

"What's the matter? Didn't you say that you can absorb as much as you can? I'm still far from reaching the limit now?" Zhong Yuan, of course, doesn't know that there are so many twists and turns in the middle, so he doesn't stop at all and goes back casually.

What Zhong Yuan said is not casually perfunctory, but the truth. His six incarnations are extremely powerful in nature. Now they have just started a head, and they can't even have a big meal. The distance is perfect, and I don't know how much distance it is. At least, this water in the fairy pool is not enough.

The introduction made the ancient style try its best to calm down, and then the details were told out with the method of passing the sound into the secret. Zhong Daoyou, although you have a special status, this basic rule can't be bad. Otherwise, not only I will be unlucky, but you may also be in big trouble.

"These sects are really too shameless. The emperor's court gave it a gift, and it's just that they are not grateful. Now, they take it for granted."

As soon as Zhong Yuan's words came out, the ancient style increasingly regarded Zhong Yuan's Tongtian Sect as a branch of the secret force of the Southern Red Emperor. At present, he hurriedly said, "Zhong Daoyou, no matter how angry you are, there is nothing you can do. This situation has been formed. Unless your majesty breaks through the top of the golden fairy and reaches the realm of Daluo, it is difficult to fundamentally change this situation. At most, it is a little longer.

You have excellent qualifications and special status. Even if you leave here, you will definitely get the opportunity to wash the fairy pool again. Don't care so much here. After your future and great cultivation, if you want to clean up the Tianlan faction, isn't it a casual companion?

I have to say that what the ancient style said is very reasonable. Zhong Yuan, if it is really the identity that the ancient style thinks, he will definitely obey if he hears this. After all, it is normal to bow your head slightly in the face of this situation. However, Zhong Yuan is not.

Zhong Yuan's current knowledge of the spiritual and empty fairy world is still learned from the mouth of the ancient style of the envoy. In the future, where can he find the opportunity to get the washing of the fairy pond and change the qualification? Therefore, for him, the one-time benefit is naturally to get as much as he can.

However, Zhong Yuan is not that kind of ungrateful person, which leads to the ancient style. Although the cause of his friendliness is not so pure, in the end, he has a lot of kindness to him, which also made him get a lot of benefits. If you ignore his life and death, it seems a little unkind.

At this moment, Zhong Yuan temporarily stopped absorbing the water from the Dixian Pool, flew to the shore, came to the receptionist Gu Feng, and asked, "Gu Taoist friends, listen to what you just said. Although this Tianlan School is the largest school in the Tianlan Mountains, it is not a real big school. The ancestors in the door have not

"Yes, but there is a great hope of success!" The introduction made the ancient style stable here for many years, and it was not in vain. As soon as I heard Zhong Yuan's question like this, I felt that the signs were not good, and I replied solemnly. Zhong Daoyou, you don't want to fight with the Tianlan faction now, do you? Don't be so impulsive!"

With the introduction of the ancient style, there is another sentence in my heart that I want to say, but I dare not say it, that is, it doesn't matter if you impulsively take your own life, but it also implicated me.

Zhong Yuan did not answer directly to the words of the ancient style, but continued to ask, "Now, in the Tianlan School, how many masters are the top of the immortals, and how many are the high-level masters of the immortals?"

Listening to this, Gu Feng naturally confirmed the conjecture in his heart and did not answer. However, at this time, Zhong Yuan's eyes suddenly burst out a brilliant brilliance. The brilliance instantly shocked Gu Feng's mind, making him involuntarily tell the situation.

"There are two masters at the top of the immortals. In addition to Xuanxuan Zhenren, the elder who closed the customs and attacked the realm of the golden immortals, there is also his brother Xuanwei Zhenren. Xuanwei Zhenren has stepped into the top of the immortals for more than 400 years, and the realm is stable.

There are five high-level masters of Tianxian. In addition to the head of Chongxu Zhenren, the four elders of examination, law enforcement, transmission and protection are also high-level masters of Tianxian. Among them, the elder of Dharma protection has the highest cultivation and has entered the high level of immortals for 800 years. It is only one line away from the immortals, while the elders of the transmission of merit is the weakest, but they have just stepped in.

There are 17 middle-level masters of immortals, which are:..."

After the introduction of the ancient style, after involuntarily opening his mouth, he knew that it was meaningless to hide anything else. Therefore, after talking about the top and high-level masters of the immortals, he also listed the middle-level and early-level masters of the immortals, so that Zhong Yuan could fully understand.

"So it's like this. In this case, this Tianlan School is not very powerful!" Zhong Yuan said to himself.

In fact, Zhong Yuan could have said it without saying it, but he said so on purpose, in order to reassure the ancient style. Sure enough, after hearing this sentence, there was much less eas in Gu Feng's heart. Although he still knew nothing about Zhong Yuan's situation, he learned from it that Zhong Yuan, even now, did not have no power to fight back.

In this way, the thought of the ancient style has come to life a lot, and I feel that my good luck seems to start now.

"Although the Tianlan Mountains are respected by the Tianlan School, there should be many other sects!" At this time, Zhong Yuan opened his mouth again and asked.

The so-called hearing the string song and knowing the elegance, which led the ancient style in an instant, made clear the calculation in Zhong Yuan's heart. At that time, he directly replied, "There are many large and small sects, no less than 200 schools. Of course, these sects do not have mastered the Feisheng Pavilion and the Dixianchi

However, their strength cannot be completely ignored.

Among them, there are three sects, all of which are high-level masters of immortals, among which Yunxiao School is even more! The elder of the immortals, but this elder has entered the top of the immortals, but for decades, the realm has not been completely stable!"

Hearing this, Zhong Yuan smiled and said, "Enough, with the help of these forces, it's enough to compete with the Tianlan faction. Over the years, the Tianlan School has enjoyed too many gifts. Since you don't know how to be grateful and have other thoughts, take them all back!"