The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 879 The Attitude of the Cloud School

Tianlongzi, the head of the Yunxiao School, heard the confident words of the ancient style, but he couldn't help muttering in his heart.

The Yunxiao faction does not belong to the imperial court. Therefore, they have not been familiar with the soaring immortals here for a long time. Sometimes, they even have entangled because of some interests. Although it is not deep, the relationship is not good in any case. Today, the introduction of the ancient style suddenly came to the door, but it surprised him, and now, it is even more shocking. Because, in any case, he didn't expect that there would be any great benefits in the Tianlan Mountains. He could say it from the mouth of the ancient style, and slip out of the mouth of the Tianlan School and fall into their mouths.

He has the intention to put on airs and drive away the ancient style, but he is worried about what he really missed. After all, he is equally clear that the relationship between the ancient style and the Tianlan faction is even worse. If you can't keep it, what secrets will you have? You can't get it because you don't have enough strength.

Although Tianlongzi thought about it over and over again, it took only a blink of an eye. That is, in time, Tianlongzi changed into another face, with a faint smile, and said, "Ancient style, I, Yunxiao School, am not the kind of person who does not eat fireworks. Naturally, I will not regard it as a floating cloud, but I will not look at the idle interests. There is no problem if you want the elders of this school to come out, but how can you convince me that what you can provide is worth the appearance of the elders of this school? It should be known that the elder of this school, Tianfeng Zhenren, has not been in the world for hundreds of years. He has been closed for many years and understands the golden fairy road, which can not be disturbed casually.

After the ancient style, I naturally understand the meaning of Tianlongzi, which is to let him reveal some first, which is a little guaranteed. However, how can this ancient style easily agree? In his opinion, this matter must be dominated by Zhong Yuan, otherwise, he is just an dispensable person, not to mention the division of interests after success.

Although, he was also nervous about whether he could win the final victory. However, in front of these sects, he must maintain absolute confidence!

Because of this, the ancient style did not hesitate at all. That is, time, he shook his head and said, "Tianlong Master, there is no benefit in this world. It can be bought for nothing, and there is no benefit, and it can be paid without paying the price. If the head of Tianlong wants to get that big benefit without taking a little risk, how can it work?

If the head of Tianlong is unwilling to take such a little risk and such a small sacrifice, how can it make me believe that your faction can bear greater risks and greater responsibilities?

"Well, I think you are a false and pompous liar. Master, I don't think we need to waste time with this person here. Just kick him out!"

"That is, Uncle Tianfeng is the only hope for me to quickly achieve the real big school. If there is no big thing, it can never be disturbed at all!"

"Yes! What can a great secret of a powerless little man who is powerless and oppressed by the Tianlan faction? I think it's just that he is great. In our eyes, it may not be the case!"


The eight elders of Yunxiao sent their mouths in turn, and they attacked the ancient style. The leader Tianlongzi did not stop it in time. He wanted to have a look and lead to the ancient reaction.

Tianlongzi thought that he had to put up with the ancient style, and only by listening to his own opinions would he make a new decision. After all, in today's Tianlan Mountains, except for the Tianlan faction, the most powerful ones are the Yunxiao faction. If the ancient style has really found some great secrets and needs to find someone to cooperate with, then there is no doubt that their Yunxiao School is the best choice.

However, he didn't expect that after listening to the performance of the eight elders with an unusually disdainful expression, he didn't wait for a moment, that is, time, and then turned around and left.

When it was, there was no reason, and Tianlongzi was in a panic. Wait a minute!"

The sound is loud and shakes the roof tiles!

"What's the matter, the head of Tianlong can't take the risk, and he doesn't allow me to find another house. Do you want to detain me here?" The introduction completely reduced the smile on the face of the ancient style, and replaced it with an abnormal seriousness. This seriousness also derived an alternative majesty.

"The ancient Taoist friend misunderstood. How can I be this kind of person?" Tianlongzi, the head of the Yunxiao School, stood up from the throne and arched his hand and said, "I think what the ancient Taoist friend said is very reasonable, so I have decided to invite Uncle Tianfeng to go out of the customs and come to listen to the big secret of the ancient Taoist friend. I hope that the ancient Taoist friend can give us

"That's right!" When the ancient customs heard this, he immediately smiled and said. However, he didn't wait for a group of elders to send a group of elders to look at him angrily. In an instant, he could also change another face and said solemnly, "I can guarantee that Tianfeng Zhenren will never regret this exit. Tianlong Zhangmen will not regret this decision!"

"Is it? Then I'll wait and see!" Tianlongzi replied with a smile.

"Of course, in fact, I insist on letting Tianfeng Zhenren out of the test. In fact, the next big thing I want to talk about is inseparable from the support of Tianfeng Zhenren. If there is no Tianfeng Zhenren's action, the chance of success will decline a lot. That's why I insisted on this. I'm just right. My attitude is a little bad. Please forgive me, the head of Tianlong and all the elders!" At present, the introduction makes the ancient wind return at an extremely high speed.

As soon as this was said, the whole Yunxiao faction felt much happier. Even those elders have quite changed their attitude towards the ancient style of the introduction, and they are no longer as opposed as before.

Tianlongzi, the head of Yunxiao School, made a decision, but it was very fast to do things. In a short time, a handsome young man dressed in a gossip cloud light fairy robe, with loose long hair and a ruddy face, like a baby, came in.

The young man entered in one line, that is, time, in the hall, including the head of Tianlongzi, all the people bowed to him.

"Okay, okay, I've already said that these clichéd gifts don't work. You just don't listen and worship me for the elderly!" The young man saw that the ancient style also had the meaning of bowing to worship. He set the time and hurriedly waved his hand.

After connecting the ancient style, it is naturally understood that this is the mainstay of the Yunxiao School - Tianfeng Zhenren. As for the situation of this Tianfeng real person, Gu Feng has also heard of it. As a person of the Yunxiao School, it is also the generous, powerful and majestic methods of the Yunxiao School. However, its own personality jumps away, like a monkey in the mountains and forests. It likes to play, so that the early practice is very slow, and even has the meaning of being given up by the head of the previous generation of Yunxiao. Unexpectedly, all the generations of the same family stopped walking to the high level of the immortals and ended up in a rut. Only he was the only one who later came to the top and stepped on the top of the immortals.

Understanding this, the ancient style will naturally not insist on saluting, and it will take the opportunity to get up. However, he still said, "I've seen Tianfeng Zhenren!"

"Well, I already know your situation, so don't delay. If there is anything that is of great benefit to our Yunxiao faction, just say it quickly. If it is feasible, don't waste more time. The benefits still need to be recovered before counting. If it doesn't work, we can't help it. You can only find another smart one!" Tianfeng Zhenren did not hesitate at all and went straight back.

However, when he spoke, Tianlongzi and the rest of the Yunxiao elders looked a little unnatural. Obviously, he was not used to such a straightforward statement. However, it was their elders who spoke, and naturally they had no choice but to suffer.

"Good, the wind is so fast that I won't hide it!" The introduction of the ancient style stroked his palm and said proudly, "Real person, I don't know, are you interested in the Flying Dragon Valley?"

As soon as the ancient style was said, even a person with such a character as Tianfeng Zhenren couldn't help but be stunned. However, he soon came to his senses, narrowed his eyes and smiled happily, "That Flying Dragon Valley, I naturally mean it. Anyway, who is not in the Tianlan Mountains? However, I still have a little self-knowledge. Not to mention Xuanxuan's old man, even Xuanwei's old man, I'm not an opponent, so I can only do nothing!"

After really sighing, Tianfeng asked, "Why, Gufeng little friend, do you have any way to let me, an old man, taste my long-cherished wish?"

As soon as this statement came out, the clouds and the top and bottom of the clouds stared closely at the ancient style. There is nothing we can do. The huge mountain of the Tianlan School has been on the head of the Yunxiao School for too many years. Their hearts have long suppressed their endless anger, but because they know that their strength is not enough, they can only endure and restrain themselves.

"I, I don't have this ability!" The introduction made the ancient style hesitate for a moment, that is, time shook his head, but then the words turned around and said, "However, I didn't, the imperial court, but there is!"

"What? Could it be that the imperial court is already dissatisfied with the Tianlan faction? Hearing this, Tianlongzi, the head of the Yunxiao School, couldn't help trembling and excited at that time.

"Of course!" The introduction made the ancient style harden his scalp.

"You should also know that after Xuanxuan's retreated and attacked the Jinxian, the arrogance of the Tianlan faction became more and more arrogant. Although he was still respectful to the imperial court on the surface, he secretly had a clue of disrespect. Humph--, they don't think about how many golden immortals are loyal to the imperial court and serve His Majesty the Red Emperor. He, a sect that has not yet achieved golden immortals, dares to do so. This is purely because he is looking for death.

What the ancient style said was really a matter, but Tianfeng Zhenren, Tianlongzi and others listened to the left ear in and the right ear out, because this kind of thing is really normal.

Now in the spiritual fairy world, there is no Daluo level. The golden fairy is the peak. No matter who becomes such a giant, no matter what the center it was before, he can't help but have other ideas.

The reason why the current Wufang Emperor's Court can still suppress the endless faction with the posture of a peerless hegemon is that it is not relying on the personal majesty of the Wufang Tiandi, but on the common support of many golden immortal giants. In a sense, the rights of the imperial court no longer completely belong to the emperor of heaven.

Of course, all of this is a new law that has been formed for a long time. It can be understood, but it cannot be spread. Therefore, Tianfeng Zhenren and others can only listen patiently.


In view of this, the imperial court has sent an envoy, Lord Zhong Yuan, to liquidate the Tianlan faction! However, after all, the Tianlan faction did not have any disrespect on the surface of the imperial court. It was inappropriate to raise a large number of troops. Therefore, Lord Zhong Yuan did not bring other people here. He planned to..."

The introduction of the ancient style said this point, but it was interrupted by Tianfeng Zhenren, "This Lord Zhong Yuan is going to use us to deal with the Tianlan faction!"

"That's good!" The introduction of the ancient style did not get angry because of this, but said extremely solemnly, "If this change of Tianlan is just a private fight between the factions of the Tianlan Mountains, it will have no impact on the reputation of the imperial court."

The introduction of the ancient style also saw the change in the face of Tianfeng Zhenren and others, so he then said, "Of course, the imperial court will not treat those sects who are loyal to the imperial court. This time, as long as the rebellious faction of the Tianlan faction, falls, then not only everything in their sect belongs to the dealing All, the three ascending pavilions and three fairy pools given by the emperor's court were also given to the sect of this contribution.

As for the specific allocation problem, it depends on the size of the output of each sect. However, I think that with the strength of the Yunxiao faction, as long as you participate, the biggest share will definitely belong to the Yunxiao faction.

As soon as he said this, Tianfeng Zhenren and Tianlongzi, the two real masters of the Tianlong School, were silent for a moment. However, among the eight elders, one of the eight elders said dissatisfiedly, "Okay, it turns out that you didn't plan to cooperate with our Yunxiao family from the beginning. Just now, you were pretentious. Isn't it a little shameless!"

"Elder Wang, I also want to cooperate with your Yunxiao faction. After all, it is more secretive and safer. However, ask yourself, with your Yunxiao faction alone, even if the big event is successful and monopolized everything of the Tianlan faction, how long can you keep it?

You should know that what our imperial court needs is a real subordinate who stabilizes the order around the Tianlan Mountains for us, not the children who need the imperial court to take care of all the time!"


Elder Wang just spit out a breath, but he was interrupted by Tianfeng Zhenren and said, "Well, what the ancient style friend said is very much. With our family alone, even if the Tianlan faction has no resistance at all, we can't eat it, so it is necessary to unite with other sects."

"Tianfeng Zhenren is really reasonable! That's right!" Gu Feng bowed slightly and nodded, "So, did Tianfeng really agree?"

"No!" Tianfeng Zhenren did not hesitate at all, that is, time returned. This answer was to make the ancient style, who thought that he was holding all the big picture, was stunned and couldn't help asking, "Why?"

"It's very simple. This big cake drawn by ancient friends for us is really powerful, and we are also looking forward to it. Unfortunately, we are not sure whether we really have the ability to eat cake. After all, the cake is too big to crush people to death!" The wind is real.

"What, Tianfeng Zhenren doesn't even believe in the strength of the imperial court?" The introduction of the ancient style is the time rhetorical question.

"We naturally believe in the strength of the imperial court, but it's hard to say that we are alone. After all, Lord Zhong Yuan who came this time will definitely not be a Jinxian, otherwise, he won't have to lobby you! Right, right!" Tianfeng Zhenren hasn't opened his mouth yet. Yunxiao sent the head of Tianlongzi to open his mouth.

"If it's not Jin Xian, can't you do big things?" Hearing this, the ancient style also had a little lack of confidence in his heart, but his face was still calm, and he held the scene and said, "If it is a golden fairy, do you still use it?"

"Ancient Taoist friend, you misunderstood!" Tianlongzi, the head of the Yunxiao School, smiled and said, "We don't mean to disrespect Lord Zhong Yuan at all. However, the strength of the Tianlan School is obvious. If we don't even know how much strength we have, even if we are reluctant to take action, the result may not be as expected."

"So, are you not going to accept the goodwill of the imperial court?" The introduction made the ancient style look cold in an instant.

"No, we Yunxiao faction, dream of working for the imperial court, but if it is an obvious mission to die, we can't accept it!" Tianlongzi, the head of Yunxiao School, shook his head and said, "So, please invite Lord Zhong Yuan to us, so that we can better serve the imperial court."

"I'm afraid this won't work!" The introduction makes the ancient style stand on the way of time.

"Why?" Tianfeng Zhenren said. In fact, his heart has long been attracted by the huge interests of Flying Dragon Valley. At this moment, it is difficult to calm down.

"Because Lord Zhong Yuan has sneaked into the Tianlan faction alone, making a layout for the masters of the Tianlan faction, and striving to kill in one fell swoop without leaving future troubles!"

As soon as the ancient style said this, that is, time, all the people of the Yunxiao faction, including Tianfeng Zhenren, showed a disdainful look. Tianlongzi, the head of the Yunxiao School, said, "Ancient Taoist friends, we have been open and honest, but you cover it up like this. Don't talk about us, do you believe it yourself?"

"That's right, you won't treat everyone in the world except you as a fool!"

"I'm afraid a fool won't have this idea!"


The ancient style listened to the sarcasm of the Yunxiao School. For a moment, there was nothing to refute, and he could only support his posture.