The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 888 Division of Interest

From the glory of Xuanxuan Zhenren to the fall of being completely blown up, the speed was so fast that Xuanwei Zhenren and Chongxu Zhenren, who rushed over, could not believe that it was true.

Xuanwei Zhenren, because he and Xuanxuan Zhenren are the direct brothers, so the sobriety of this matter is much better than Chongxu Zhenren, and he quickly recovered. At this time, he stretched out his hand and patted Chongxu Zhenren beside him. At that time, Chongxu Zhenren was restrained all over his body and could not move at all.

"Uncle, what are you going to do?" Chongxu's face was shocked by this.

Xuanwei Zhenren did not answer, but slapped him again. At that time, in all the pores of Zhenren's body, there was a brilliant auspicious light, shining through the heaven and earth, just like a god.

However, this situation did not last for a long time. It was just a moment, and the whole Chongxu Zhenren exploded, turned into thousands of sword lights, and cut to the Tianlongzi and others who rushed up.

These sword lights, above the original color, have a touch of blood, which looks very terrible.

Xuanwei Zhenren, just between the soaring of the bloody sword light, his body shook and turned into a wisp of breeze, invisible and disappeared.

Zhong Yuan has always been on the stand-by-side position, so he was the first to find the abnormal movement of Xuanwei Zhenren. When the Xuanwei Zhenren disappeared, he immediately opened his own eyes of life and death, and the light of life and death, like thunder and lightning, shot forward.

At the same time, he also used the unique trick of Chiyou Sanpanjing to destroy the world's divine claws, transformed into a giant claw of a hundred feet, and grabbed it towards one side of the space.

Xuanwei Zhenren is here. He fled for his life and made such a threat. The most concerned is that's what I see. He didn't mean to fight back at all. On the contrary, it ignites the internal essence and blood of the [body], stimulates the blood escape, and shoots forward at a speed five times stronger than before.

The claw of the god of the world was caught, but it was empty. Only one side of the void was blown up.

"What a pity!" Seeing this, Zhong Yuan couldn't help sighing.

And the rest of the monks. Because of those blood swords blocking, it was a step late when they broke through. Xuanwei real person. It has been gone for a long time.

After the battle here, Zhong Yuan stood here and no longer took action. After Tianlongzi, Tianfeng Zhenren and others sent their respects to Zhong Yuan, they all went to all sides. I went to support my elders. It didn't take long for the Tianlan faction. All the voices of resistance disappeared.

Although not all the disciples of the Tianlan School died, those people were either captured or chose to change the court and surrender to serve.

When Tianlongzi and others, the head of the Yunxiao School, came again and joined Zhong Yuan, everyone had a smile on their faces.

"Tianlan School, it was so destroyed!"

"Yes, it's not as strong as I thought!"

"The only shortcoming is to let Xuanwei run away!"

"It's okay to run away. He burns his blood and exerts the blood escape. His cultivation will definitely decline. Without decades of time, it's impossible to make up for it. It's not to worry at all!"


Zhong Yuan originally thought that Xuanwei Zhenren, such a monk in the realm of immortality, ran away, and there was a great hidden danger. Tianlongzi and others would definitely be worried. Unexpectedly, they were so relieved, but they were quite surprised. However, after all, they inherit and guard the Tianlan Mountains. They don't worry, and Zhong Yuan will naturally not worry too much. After all, for him, this is just a place to get the water of the fairy pool, not even a temporary place to stay.

When everyone came to Zhong Yuan, although they all changed into a calm and steady expression, the joy that came out of their bones could not be completely covered up no matter what.

"Your Honour, now that the overall situation has been decided, do you think it is a review of the achievements of all factions we have participated in the war?" Tianlongzi, the head of the Yunxiao School, was the first to speak.

Tianlongzi's tone was very careful, because from the battle just now, he really realized the horror of Zhong Yuan's combat power.

The mood of the rest of the people, in fact, is almost the same. They are all in the midst of [exhilaration], with a little nervousness. 〖 Xing] Fen is because of the differentiated interests after the war, which is the biggest gain for them to participate in the war. I'm worried about Zhong Yuan's specific character, which is not clear. I'm afraid that I will be blamed for being so eager.

Zhong Yuan's answer was beyond their expectation. "I will not participate in the specific division of interests of the Tianlan School. I think that which of you contributes more and who contributes less, everyone's eyes are clear at a glance, and naturally you can clearly understand.

However, I want to say that in the front, the three flying pavilions and three purification pools rewarded by the imperial court must be inherited by the forces that are loyal to the imperial court and are willing to take responsibility for the imperial court! Therefore, if any one is unwilling to continue to stay in the current alliance in the end, the interests of Dixianchi are not qualified to enjoy.

Speaking of this, Zhong Yuan paused for a moment, and then continued, "And, I'm going to share half of the water in the Dixian Pool accumulated over the past hundred years. You should have any problem!"

As soon as he said this, Tianlongzi and others were stunned, but soon, they all came to their senses and said, "No problem. The nobleman contributed the most. It's right to get half of the fairy pool water!"

"That's good. Next, you can discuss it by yourself!" After saying that, Zhong Yuan's body flashed and disappeared.

Zhong Yuan and his party left. At that time, on the cloud peak, the leaders of all factions were like exploding the pot, arguing, and it was extremely noisy. That mess, if mortals see it, they will definitely not think that they are a group of master people who have become immortals.

After a while, the situation is still the same. Not to mention the result, it doesn't even mean to calm down at all. At this time, the ancient style suddenly said, "Guys, how about listening to me? If such an argument continues, there will definitely be no result. Over time, it will definitely cause the discontent of the adults. Therefore, I think it's better for everyone to give me the specific power of distribution and let me deal with it!"

"How can you guarantee that you are not biased?"

"I can't guarantee, but after I don't make the same division, it will be judged by everyone present. If more than half of the people approve it, it will take effect. How about it?"

"I think so!"
