The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1024 Supervisor, Three Holy Laws

Chapter 10 24 Supervision Envoy, the Three Holy Laws As for the reward for Zhong Yuan, is the remaining one, the black octagonal token.

A token looks a little shabby, but it's not. This black octagonal token, called the Supervision Order, is the seal of the supervisor.

The supervisor is a special position in the Shura battlefield.

The supervisor can monitor, capture and punish the behavior of a monk of the human race in the whole battlefield of Shura. If necessary, he can also kill directly without paying any responsibility. Even if it is finally proved to be wrong, it is the same. Unless the impact and damage caused by the mistake is too great. But even so, it only takes back the supervision order and there will be no additional punishment.

This is internal and external, and the supervisor can form a team on its own, develop forces at will, and will not be subject to any interference. Moreover, during the war, in response to the situation, you can act completely according to your own will, and you don't need to listen to the restraint of any other forces.

These benefits alone are enough for countless monks to seize this position for supervision. However, this is not over. As a supervisor, the real advantage for himself is that he can decide to explore, search and strategy anywhere in the battlefield of Shura, and even decide to enter the Asura world by himself, but he needs to report it.

A monk who has not been to the Shura battlefield may wonder, what is the benefit of this? If you don't like it, it's just a hard job! However, after staying on the battlefield of Shura for a while, the monks will understand that this is the biggest reason why they envy and eventually attach to it.

Because the Shura battlefield has existed for a very long time, always. There are countless predecessors of the two golden immortals who have fallen here, and each fallen golden fairy represents a great secret, find one, not to mention climbing to the sky in one step. The rapid jump is normal.

The monks who have always practiced on the battlefield of Shura finally stood out and were famous. The people who returned to their hometown got the inheritance of one or several fallen golden immortals here.

But. With the passage of time, the fallen golden fairy within the sphere of influence of his own control has almost been found, so the remaining positions of the fallen golden fairy obtained through research have been obtained through research, which are all within the opponent's sphere of influence. This. If you want to take action, you either have to report to the lords of each city and let them take action, or you have to find a supervisor. Led by the supervisor to explore.

Compared with the two compartments, there is no doubt that it is much simpler to find a supervisor. Because, no matter which city lord's house you go to. In the end, there will be no good goods in your own hands. And in the team of supervisors, as long as they succeed. But there is still a lot of hope to get good things.

In this way, the supervisor has naturally obtained countless benefits.

Supervision makes this position not only for the human race, but also for the Shura family, but. They are not called supervisors, but hunters.

The name is different. The meaning is exactly the same.

It can be said that since he got this supervision order, there have been countless monks on the battlefield of Shura, pinning their hopes of changing their lives on him.

Of course, at the same time, many monks began to hit him with crooked ideas. Because the monitoring order is not incomparable. According to the regulations, if the supervisor is killed by the Asura clan, then the person who avenges for him can inherit this supervision order.

As the saying goes, if it is a rule, there will be loopholes. Zhong Yuan, although it is the first time to come to this Shura battlefield, he can confidently affirm that in the past, there must have been monks who have become supervisors by taking advantage of this loophole.

Because of this, after clarifying the true meaning of supervision, Zhong Yuan became more and more cautious while being happy.

After passing all the information in his mind, Zhong Yuan walked directly to the North District of Tumo City.

The North District is very different from the prosperity of other places in the Demon Slayer City. It is desolate and looks around. Except for the black soil in the yellow, there is no other scenery, not even the grass seedlings.

Zhong Yuan was not surprised by this, because this is specially prepared for the newcomers who came to the battlefield of Shura.

In the battlefield of Shura, the five emperors don't care about anything. If you want to enjoy it, you must pay the bill with the value of merit. If not, don't say anything about enjoyment, even the cheapest inn can't stay.

This is also the reason why Zhong Yuan came here directly. At this moment, there is no merit in his nameplate.

According to the price he knows, the cheapest inn in the Demon Slayer City needs ten merits in a night, and the cheapest dish also needs three merits. That's all right. For monks, it's not a big deal not to eat, drink or sleep. The key is that in the battlefield of Shura, each human city still has a rule that they must earn a certain amount of merit every month, otherwise, they can only wander in the wild.

The first-level monk of the immortals is a meritorious value every month.

The middle-level monks of immortals have ten merits every month.

The high-level monks of immortals have a hundred merits every month.

The monks at the top of the immortals are worth thousands of merits every month.

Jin Xianzhenjun, in order to protect the foundation of the city, there is no need to deliberately earn merit.

These merits seem to be not much, but in fact, they are not small.

Because, according to the regulations, the head of a immortal first-level Shura is a meritorious service; the head of a immortal middle-level Shura is ten meritorious deeds; a head of a immortal high-level Shura is a hundred meritorious deeds; and a head of an immortal top Shura is a thousand meritorious deeds. That is to say, every celebrity monk must kill at least one Shura of the same class every month to ensure that he has the opportunity to stay in the city.

If it is not completed for three consecutive months, there will not even be a chance to wander in the wild and will be directly expelled from the Shura battlefield.

Zhong Yuan, because he is a newcomer, he has a month of buffer time. Otherwise, the first thing he has to do now is to leave the city, go to the sphere of influence of the Shura clan, and kill a high-level immortal Shura.

Zhong Yuan knew the truth that sharpening the knife does not miss the woodcutter, so he was not impatient. With the help of the buffer of the first month, he wanted to give the three holy methods of the lion and camel given by Master Yuan Rongtian to the good students to study, so as to lay the foundation for a better fight in the future.

The North District is full of wilderness, and it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad. Zhong Yuan casually chose a place. His body shook, his robe flew up, restored the two ** dust arrays, and fell down. The resulting white fog expanded rapidly, and soon the circle occupied a radius of land.

In this place, Zhong Yuan planned to use it as his temporary residence for this period of time.

Born in the endless white fog, Zhong Yuan's casual point, standing time, a magnificent palace, was transformed into a hallucination. Ordinary monks can't see the slightest clue at all.

At this time, Zhong Yuan no longer took out the dragon skin and began to read it carefully.

Zhong Yuan was the first to watch. Naturally, it was the Holy Law of the Green Lion.

The Holy Method of Swallowing Heaven, Zhong Yuan had a remnant before. With this help, he will achieve his current cultivation in a short time. However, with the perfection of the swallowing space, he just felt that there were many omissions and points that had not been able to be bridged. Now, as soon as I saw this complete product, I suddenly realized the feeling that the grass was suddenly opened.

While watching, Zhong Yuan unconsciously urged the heavenly holy method again. Although the sky-eating space that was cut by the invisible sword of Taichu has been closed again, the secret dark sores are still there. However, at this moment, at the urging of Zhong Yuanxin's understanding of the method, the laws blended with each other, and the traces of dark sores in the space slowly disappeared.

Moreover, the barrier is stronger than the previous space.

"It's a complete method! With only a little understanding, most of the previous dark sores were cured!" With the harvest, the spirit of Zhong Yuan's research is naturally higher. Unconsciously, the Holy Law of Swallowing Heaven has been completely studied.

Immediately after that, Zhong Yuan opened the second chapter, inheriting the confession of the Great Sage - the Holy Law of War.

The white elephant sage is born with divine power, so the holy method of fighting the sky is a method of combining magic and martial arts, which is mainly based on close combat. Compared with the holy law of swallowing heaven and fighting the holy law of heaven, it is more in line with Zhong Yuan's own way. Because he himself is also the way of combining law and martial arts and fighting close to the body.

Maybe it's the combination of nature, or maybe it's good luck. Zhong Yuan's understanding of the holy method of war is more relaxed than swallowing the holy method of swallowing the holy method of heaven. In less than a day's work, Zhong Yuan felt that his own combat strength has improved a lot.

After reading it, Zhong Yuan kept reading for a moment, and then turned to the last article, Jinpeng Dasheng's Jinpeng vertical and horizontal method. Jinpeng Dasheng dominates time with speed. According to legend, when Jinpeng Dasheng's wings shake, it is a void of 90,000 miles, and there is no time to cross to the alien space, which is completely complete in the original world.

Such a speed is really incredible.

Because of this, when watching Jinpeng's vertical and horizontal method, Zhong Yuan first focused on the method of speed. After a little understanding, I also felt that I had benefited a lot.

The leisure time is always short! Zhong Yuan is concentrating on the three holy laws. Suddenly, a voice, across the barrier of the white fog, resounded directly in Zhong Yuan's ear.

"Where is Emperor Zhong Yuan? In the scorching sun of Xiayan Shenzong, I'm here to visit you!"

With this sound, a red firelight flew in, like a meteor, with amazing momentum.