The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1041 Killing each other is really a care

Looking at this scene, Zhong Yuan was also dumbfounded for a moment, but then, he urged the Liuhe dust array map of Liangyi, which turned into a robe. At that time, the Liuhe dust array map of Liangyi expanded rapidly, and the endless white fog came out in confusion, like another sea, spreading out.

Vast, the vast sea composed of the power of killing poured down and disappeared into the white fog one after another. However, the Liuhe dust array map of the two instruments itself is not easy. The white fog has been erased 90%, and the body has been re-revealed.

At this time, the ocean spit out by the dragon's mouth not only did not weaken at all, but became more and more powerful. Not only that, after a short moment, it was originally swallowed up by the Liangyi Liuhe micro dust array, and the murderous ocean, which had calmed down, boiled again, like another dragon, turning over the river and shaking the Liangyi Liuhe micro dust array.

But in a moment, Zhong Yuan heard a "sneer", and there was another crack on the six-in-one dust array of the two instruments.

At this time, Zhong Yuan was about to get the six incarnations to take action, and Qiqi entered the Liangyi Liuhe dust array map, controlled it, and resisted the sea of mesh formed by the murderous air.

Suddenly, Zhong Yuan found a strange situation, that is, the holes on his fist were full of wounds, and except for a slight itching, there was no discomfort. Even, vaguely, there is a different kind of comfort and pleasure.

It's not only his fists, but also his eyes. At this moment, Zhong Yuan has found a hole in his eyes.

For such a situation, Zhong Yuan boldly made a judgment, that is, this murderous means of killing dragon is not to kill himself, but to help himself, remove impurities on his body, and eliminate the hidden dangers that may exist in the future.

In a word, these murderous atmospheres are very helpful to his practice.

In this regard, Zhong Yuan did not feel abrupt or strange, because he himself came in with Zhou Tianjian. It is also very common for God Killing Zhenjun to take care of the descendants of his own sect.

Of course, this kind of care is also a kind of test, but this test is nothing else, but the ability to bear help. Another way is to test a person's real potential.

There is no doubt that those who can accept more murderous training and attacks have the strongest background and the greatest potential. In the end, the higher the probability of obtaining the inheritance of the true king.

This method is the most intuitive and accurate. For those who are greedy and chewy, the result is only one, that is, self-destruction. In the past, this kind of tragic death due to too many benefits has been common.

With such a fixed plan in his heart, Zhong Yuan temporarily stopped the order to the six incarnations. A moving idea, in the void, the two six-in-one dust array map stretching through the clear sea shrank, and in an instant, it turned into a brocade and sank into his heavenly spirit. Zhong Yuan himself flew up to the pouring sea and rushed up.

However, Zhong Yuan was naturally not so stupid and directly relied on his own body to resist. He has a very clear understanding of this murderous power, so at the same time as he rushed up, the holy method of collapses the sky accumulates its power, and the white elephant fights against the sky with one punch.


A thunderous roar, the strength of the fist, the murderous ocean, the hit rushed up thirty feet, like a waterfall, flowing backwards.

There is no doubt that there are some more needles on Zhong Yuan's fists.

Then, the murderous ocean swept in all directions. Zhong Yuan gritted his teeth and did not move the magic weapon. As a matter of this, his body shook, and the holy law of the sky was moved again, which would attack him. It was impenetrable, and the tightly murderous ocean was broken into pieces. The broken water washed over his body. At that time, holes began to appear on his body one by one.

Obviously, his body is much worse than his fist. In addition to the needle eye, there are many large, some, and even the thickness of the little finger. It is dense and listed on him, which looks quite horrible.

However, Zhong Yuan has no sense of terror at all. On the contrary, his spirit is very excited. Because he has fully confirmed his own conjecture, this murderous spirit is indeed helping him wash his body and lay a solid foundation for him to move to a higher level.

All those who are killed and feel qualified are intact, and those who feel unqualified will be wiped out. Zhong Yuan has great confidence in his own body. This is not to say that the Chiyou Sanpanjing he practiced has no shortcomings, but that he has experienced two rebirths. The golden muscles and jade bones have become early, and there are few impurities in the body, so there is a limit that can be washed away.

Even if this is just a matter of his cognition, his physical problems are not small, and he firmly believes that he will never collapse. Because, through the comparison of many classics, his body at this time, compared with the invincible ancient witches in the same class, is not inferior, or even beyond.

So, at this moment, when the murderous oceans rolled up again and invaded, he let go of all resistance and let the murderous ocean wash on his body.

"Sneer, sneer, sne,...?

Zhong Yuan felt as if hundreds of millions of swordsmen were shot at him at the same time, and most of them disintegrated without exerting any effect, as if he had exhausted his strength. In addition, he directly penetrated his body and dirty, leaving countless holes.

In this process, Zhong Yuan did not feel much pain. On the contrary, the feeling of relaxation and pleasure became thicker and stronger. For a moment, Zhong Yuan simply thought that he was going to rise again.

I don't know how long it has been, and the murderous atmosphere has no longer played a role in it. When Zhong Yuan was about to go out, he found that in the abrupt and murderous ocean, countless fist-sized, dark and shiny beads rushed towards him one after another.

"Why is this so similar to Lei Zhu? Is it possible that the murderous spirit can also be condensed into thunder? Is this a power improvement?

Zhong Yuan was thinking about it, and dozens of thunder beads exploded on his body.

At the moment, the skin cracked, the skin opened and the flesh, the blood flowed out, and it was instantly worn out invisibly.

"If so, it seems that such a level should be my limit. I can't take risks anymore!" Zhong Yuan, who had a fixed mind, immediately moved with the white elephant's battle fist, and abruptly made a passage in this vast ocean.

Then, Jinpeng's divine wings shook and walked out of this ocean in an instant.

At this time, Zhong Yuan was ready. As long as the murderous ocean swept over again, he would call out six incarnations to resist.

This murderous spirit is obviously the manifestation of the power of the golden fairy. Forcible to rush to the force that is not at the same level as yourself, it is not brave, but looking for death. In this regard, Zhong Yuan is extremely clear.

However, the murderous ocean did not continue to sweep like the sea, but the dragon's mouth sucked, like a hundred rivers and the sea, all of them did not return to the dragon's mouth.

In the blink of an eye, he was murderous and disappeared, as if he had never come out.

However, Zhong Yuan did not become light because of this, because, high in the sky, the huge killing dragon is still there.

Zhong Yuan looked up at the dragon. At this moment, he was no longer worried that the dragon would blind his eyes. At this moment, he clearly saw a smile on the face of the dragon.

He was interpreting the meaning of this smile in his heart. Suddenly, there was a soft bang, and the whole dragon disintegrated and turned into countless scale-like edges, suspended in the void.


With a sound of breaking the sky, a sling-like murderous front flew down and went straight to Zhong Yuan.

Zhong Yuan felt that this was the second test of God's killing of the real king, and naturally he did not dare to neglect it. At the moment, the white elephant Zhantianquan waved again and bombarded at the scales shot down.

However, this punch did not have any effect.

The sharpness of the scales that seemed to stare at the incomparable eyes, but when its fist was blown, it seemed to be an illusory, non-existent virtual body, which passed through and hit the empty place.

Zhong Yuan punched empty, but the scales shot on his head. However, his head did not suffer any damage, but directly broke through the heavenly barrier, entered the sea of heavenly knowledge, and went straight to the Heavenly God.

At this moment, Zhong Yuan suddenly suddenly said again, "It seems that this is a benefit to the original god!"

However, just in case, he still ordered the Haotian Taoist to shoot a broken magic light and fixed this piece of sharpness. Then, I kissed him and tried to be sharp.

As a result, as expected, the edge is weakened to a certain extent, but it is never fatal. At this moment, Zhong Yuan did not hesitate to let go of the ban, and let the scales cut towards his yuan god.

After one blow, the sharpness of the scales disappeared, and Zhong Yuan's Yuanshen magic drive was also an inch shorter.

Next, the scales are sharp, if the rainstorm pours down, and the continuous jī shoots down one after another, Zhong Yuan will not resist, let it pour into the sea of knowledge, and wash his original god.

Soon, nearly half of Zhong Yuan's shen's magic drive was cut off, leaving only half of the people.

Zhong Yuan was not unhappy about this. On the contrary, he was very happy. Because he obviously felt that his original god had condensed a lot and was much more powerful.

It is extremely easy to make up for the lost mana, but the strength of the essence is as difficult as the sky.

At this moment, Zhong Yuan even thought that even if he did not kill Lie Tianyang and others, his trip was worth it. ( To be continued