The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1054 The method of taking the sword, the battle of scheming

Hearing the words of the God, Zhong Yuan naturally would not deliberately be pretentious. At that time, the mind gushed out like a tide and leaned towards the jade slip in his hand.

On the jade slip, there is no other prohibition or trap. Zhong Yuan's mind is very easy to penetrate into it and begin to measure the information inside.

The more you read, the more you admire the understanding of the true king. Not long after, Zhong Yuan measured the last method of taking the sword.

When reading these four words, Zhong Yuan knew that the Lord was coming.

At the moment, concentrate more on watching. After a moment, it was completely clear.

It turns out that there is a rule in the Demon Slayer City, that is, the supervisor can have a Taichu invisible sword, and if the power of the Taichu invisible sword initially obtained does not match the cultivation after his promotion, he can apply, re-enter the killing array, and replace one.

However, after entering, whether it can be successfully replaced, and whether the replacement of the Taichu invisible sword is really better than the original one, it depends on each person's ability. If you have the ability and eyesight, you can naturally get good things, and if you don't have enough ability or eyesight, it is inevitable to suffer losses.

Over the years, I don't know how many people want to get the real Taichu invisible sword because of this rule, the favor of Taichu's first killing opportunity, so as to have it. However, it has never been successful. So much so that such a rule was gradually forgotten by many supervisors.

What is recorded in this method of taking the sword is to use the Taichu invisible sword in your hand to sense the real Taichu invisible sword and communicate with it to obtain its recognition.

Although it has not been tested, after Zhong Yuan saw the method, he was 80% or 90% sure of it. At that time, his face was full of smiles.

I can't help it. No matter who encounters such a situation, he will be happy. You know, this is a treasure, and it is also a top treasure.

The clock is ringing, and the sound of the sky is vast.

The endless world of killing completely disappeared in an instant, leaving Wu Lunshan alone, quietly standing on the narrow mountain road.

At this moment, Wu Lunshan's eyes are still blood red, and his whole body is constantly trembling. This is not just fatigue, but also an instinct, the instinct of killing.

His trembling seems ordinary, but as long as he wants, he can make eight deadly moves in an instant.

Looking at the twisted mountain road ahead and the killing palace that seemed to be reachable in front of him, Wu Lunshan's heart finally calmed down. He knew that the third level was full of endless killing, and he finally persisted.

Wu Lunshan was not in a hurry to climb up, but, just like this, standing in place and adjusting his state * sailing text *. After a while, he trembled unconsciously, and all of them were restrained. At no time, he began to step towards the top of the mountain.

It didn't take long for Wu Lunshan to step on the top of the mountain and came to the killing palace.

Before Wu Lunshan approached, a voice suddenly sounded, like thunder, and exploded in his ear. Wu Lunshan, stop!"

Wu Lunshan is really familiar with this voice. Because this voice is the root of its pain. His mind trembled. Looking at the killing palace in front of him, he still chose to stop, turned his body and said, "I've seen Lord Lu!"

"Wu Lunshan, you are very good! I really didn't expect that you would surpass my brother Lie Tianyang, and the second one to accept the inheritance before coming to this killing palace. It seems that I don't know you well enough!"

The biggest reason why Lu Zhengyang hid was Zhong Yuan and Lie Tianyang. Because he is not completely sure to control these two. That's why he wanted to use the means of sneak attack. However, Wu Lunshan is different. Wu Lunshan has a handle in his hands. It can be said that he was pinched to death by him, so he no longer hides and came out directly.

"Lord Lu is flattered. I'm just lucky. How dare I compare with Lord Lie Tianyang?" Wu Lunshan heard this, but he didn't know it. He made a taboo. At the moment, he hurriedly said.

"All that, don't say more of these empty words!" Lv Zhengyang's face was impatient. He waved his hand and said, "Now, let me ask you, do you want your parents to get rid of my control and live a safe and carefree life from now on?"

"This... When Wu Lunshan heard this, his heart was shocked, and his face was also shocked. However, then, he returned to normal and said, "I dare not!"

"Dare not?! You are telling the truth!" Lv Zhengyang laughed and said, "After all, who is willing to let his relatives die? Now, I can give you a chance to realize your thoughts. Whether you can grasp it or not is up to you!"

Hearing this, Wu Lunshan's heart has faintly understood what Lv Zhengyang is going to say. "Please tell me! I will definitely do it!"

"Very good!" Lv Zhengyang nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "Come on, you should have guessed it. Although I broke through the barrier before you, I didn't really get the inheritance of killing the real king. I only got one treasure. You are the second person, and you also have considerable hope to get the inheritance of the killing path.

As long as you can get the inheritance of the killing road of the true king, and transfer the inheritance of the killing way to me, I will not only let your parents and relatives go, let you return [from], but also give you a treasure as compensation. How to go?"

"Lord Lu, where are the seven Taoist friends under you?" Wu Lunshan did not answer directly, but asked again.

Hearing this, Lv Zhengyang deliberately showed a trace of displeasure and said, "They have not made their due contribution to me. Naturally, they can't get out. If they have the same opportunity as you in the future, I will definitely give them the same choice!"

Some people may wonder how Lv Zhengyang could care so much about the joints of using people like this, and he has no concept of the overall situation. However, this is not the case. In this way, it is the result of Lv Zhengyang's careful calculation. Because, in his opinion, only in this way can Wu Lunshan think that what he said is the truth, not a lie to coax him. If Wu Lunshan has any requirements, he will do it. In that case, he will bow Wu Lunshan's suspicion, which makes Wu Lunshan think that he has the intention to silence him, so all conditions don't matter and can be agreed.

Lv Zhengyang's tact seemed to have played a role. Sure enough, Wu Lunshan did not continue to entangle above, but immediately made a helpless look, nodded, and said, "I will do my best to get the inheritance of God's Killing Zhenjun for Lord Lv."

"All right, you go!" Lu Zhengyang nodded, waved his hand and said.

Smelled this, Wu Lunshan immediately turned around and walked towards the Killing Palace after bowing again. However, as soon as the footsteps were raised, they didn't even really take the first step, so they were stopped by Lv Zhengyang.

"Slow down!"

At this moment, Wu Lunshan's heart almost jumped out. Because his heart is not as moved by Lv Zhengyang's "belief" conditions, and he wants to get the inheritance of the killing of the true king. His purpose is to get the inheritance of killing, so that he really have the strength and the right of autonomy, and save his friends and the father of his friends. Mother. .

Therefore, entering the Killing Palace is a crucial step. At this moment, in his heart, what he was most worried about was that Lv Zhengyang repented and prevented him from entering the killing palace. In that case, there is nothing he can do in his heart. Because he knows very well that for Lv Zhengyang, even this distance can make it an insurmountable gap for him.

Wu Lunshan tried his best to calm down, let himself maintain a humble and respectful posture, turned around, bowed deeply to Lv Zhengyang again, and said, "What else does Lord Lu have to do?"

Lv Zhengyang paused for a moment, and then said, "If you really can't get the inheritance of killing, don't be too stubborn. Just find a way to pick a good one among those treasures. Of course, this will not allow me to let go of all your relatives, but I can also release part of it according to the value of the treasure.

At this point, Lv Zhengyang deliberately paused, and after *departure text*, he continued to say, "In a word, leave the green mountains there, and you are not afraid that there is no firewood! As long as you can keep making contributions to me, I will definitely report. In the future, it is not impossible for you to be a disciple of the Yanshen Sect.

"Lord Lu, don't worry, I can save it!" Hearing that what Lv Zhengyang said was not what he said, Wu Lunshan's heart finally let go. In a hurry, he said perfunctory, and then, after another salute, he walked towards the Killing Palace again.

This time, Lv Zhengyang didn't stop drinking. However, just in case, Wu Lunshan deliberately walked very slowly and was not impatient.

It's like this, all the way! Wu Lunshan easily crossed the Shanmen archway and walked into the killing palace.

Looking at this scene, unconsciously, Lv Zhengyang wanted to try again. As a result, he naturally ate a closed door again. The gray barrier made it suffer a little loss again.

With this second lesson, Lv Zhengyang knew that it was impossible for his real body to have an organic relationship, so he waited outside honestly. In his heart, he said secretly, "If you can't do it this time, just next time. If you don't do this time, I'll find another monk. I don't believe that you can resist me as a living person?"