The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1104 Atonement Plan

Guangming City.

is the second echelon of the human city in the whole Nanfengyuan battlefield. The scale is not too large, but the reputation is not small. All this is because the true king of the Yanshen Sect, who used to be bright, fell here.

And the name of Guangming City was also changed according to the Guangming Zhenjun. Because the Guangming Zhenjun, who hit the strong with weakness, dragged the three golden immortals of the Shura clan to Huangquan together.

This is also the base camp of Yan Shenzong in the whole Nanfengyuan battlefield. Because the lord of this Guangming City has always been served by the elders of Yanshen Sect. So far, there have been seven terms without exception.

The current owner of Guangming City, named Jiuyao Zhenjun, is well-deserved. On the battlefield of Nanfengyuan, he is the highest head of Yanshen Sect. When Lingkong Zhenjun saw him, he had to call his uncle. However, most of the time, he is just a symbol and a deterrent. When he really takes action or handles affairs, it is very rare, and most of them are replaced by Lingkong Zhenjun. Because of this, the main house of Guangming City has not been here for many years, and it is extremely deserted.

On this day, a monk rarely came in front of the lord's mansion of Guangming City. The monk, without any pause, came straight to the gate of the city lord's house and suddenly knocked.

In a short time, the door opened, and a slightly rickety monk with an old face came out. When he saw someone, he had a kind smile on his face and asked, "This little Taoist friend, what do you want to find the city owner?" If it's not a big deal, you don't have to report it to the city owner. Just go directly to Lingkong Zhenjun!"

"There are too many people there, so it's inconvenient. Please invite this senior. It's convenient!" When someone was talking, a black token suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, shaking towards the old man.

At present, in the old man's eyes. The fine light burst, spit out only three feet, and the turbulent void sneered, as if the sword spirit roared through the air.

"You are..."

Before the old man finished speaking, someone nodded. And waved his hand to interrupt it and said, "Senior, be careful. It's a matter of great importance, and it's not appropriate to be known to outsiders now!"

At this point, the man paused for a moment, and then. He continued, "Now, the senior should allow me to see the city owner!"

"Yes, you can come in with me!" The old man didn't object at all. That is, time, the man was put in, and then the gate of the city's mansion was closed again.


The main house of the city, the secret hall.

On the throne in front of you. A tall, but gentle middle-aged monk sat up and down. The ripples seem to have nothing, and the light is as warm as water. When people see it, they can't help but feel close to each other.

At the bottom left, there is also a throne, above. As another middle-aged monk. This middle-aged monk also has a faint brilliance. However, the brilliance on his body is not one of the slightest warmth. He looks fierce and domineering, as if he is ready to kill the enemy at any time.

Then, on both sides, there are dozens of young disciples, one by one, the essence is contained, the divine is restrained, obviously, all of them are not ordinary monks.

And in the center of the hall, the monk who had just arrived knelt on the ground.

"Lv Zhengyang, why are you back again? Didn't you run away in fear of sin?"

The first person to speak is the person above the throne below. This person is not someone else, but the No. 2 figure of Yan Shenzong here - Lingkong Zhenjun.

Lingkong Zhenjun, he still has a little blood relative with Lv Zhengyang. Although it is not too close, it is enough to make him rely on his confidant. Because of this, after Lv Zhengyang made a mistake and caused great loss to Yan Shenzong, he was also the saddest and most angry.

"Uncle, my disciple has never run away in fear of sin, but has been healing and healing!" Lv Zhengyang did not hesitate at all, that is, time replied, "I know that the disciple was so selfish that the master suffered a heavy loss. Now when he comes back, he is here to atone for his sins!"

"Do you think your sins can still be redeemed?" The look on the fungus's face did not change at all because of Lv Zhengyang's words. He was still cold and asked.

"I don't know, but I'm willing to do my best!" Lu Zhengyang hurriedly said again.

At this time, among the disciples standing on the left, there was a cold snort and said, "Lv Zhengyang, do you really want to atone for yourself? How do I think you seem to use atonement as an excuse to save your life! You should be very clear that your sins are enough to make the master punish you with capital punishment!"

"Fourteenth brother, what you said, I know very well. If the master really punishes me like this, I won't complain at all!" Lv Zhengyang did not hesitate for a moment, that is, time said, "However, I hope you seniors and fellows can listen to me finish my atonement plan.

During this healing period, I also learned a lot about this sect. After thinking about it, I came up with a good idea that can strengthen the reputation of my Yanshen Sect.

"Oh? What's the idea? Tell me about it!" In the meantime, the fungus opens its mouth.

Hearing this, the fourteenth brother said again, "Uncle Lingkong, don't be selfish because of Lv Zhengyang's little blood relative with you! In that case, it will be a great disadvantage to your reputation!"

"You don't have to worry about this!" Lingkong Zhenjun snorted coldly and said, "It's okay for you to do your job well." There are some things that you can't worry about now!"

Hearing this, the fourteenth brother's face changed a little at that time, and he seemed to be quite angry, but after all, he endured and did not burst out. However, his two eyes are dripping around. Obviously, there are still some calculations in his heart.

At this time, Lingkong Zhenjun opened his mouth again, swept over the many immortal disciples present, and said, "Although you are all the proud sons of heaven, you are still true after all. You should know that the fallen proud son is no longer the proud son, but worse than shit. Therefore, I hope that in the future, you will firmly remember your identity and understand the bottom line of your actions. Don't be greedy like Lv Zhengyang for a while, and as a result, he lost his reputation, understand?"


A group of disciples also know that their home is just a fire in the city gate, which affects the fish in the pond, but they are happy to watch the fun. Therefore, all of them responded very neatly.

"That's good! Lu Zhengyang, now, you can talk about your plan!"

Hearing this, Lv Zhengyang did not delay for a moment and immediately said, "My plan is very simple, which is to fake the illusion that I have been killed by the Shura clan, and then, inadvertently, was detected by a team of monks of my human race. In this way, the supervision order on me will not be invalidated. At that time, the Demon Slayer City will definitely have an order to kill Shura and get the supervision order, and he will be automatically promoted to a new supervisor.

At that time, as long as one of the brothers present killed a master of the Shura clan, and then appeared with the supervision order, naturally, this supervision position would return to the hands of our Yanshen Sect.

While talking, Lv Zhengyang wiped the void of his right hand, and a dark token was manifested in his hand, and then he held it in both hands and presented it respectfully.

Lingkong Zhenjun was not polite. He made a casual move to supervise the order, and then it was in his hands.

On the secret hall, dozens of the proud sons of the Yanshen Sect all looked at the supervision order in the hands of Lingkong Zhenjun with burning eyes, and their eyes were full of hot breath. If not, the material of the supervision order itself is also extremely special. If it is a general token, I'm afraid that at this moment, the token will be melted by the hot eyes.

For these people, Lingkong Zhenjun seemed to be unconscious and played with himself. At the same time, he asked Lv Zhengyang, "Do you think any of your brothers are the most suitable to be this supervisor?"

"Disciple doesn't know!" Lv Zhengyang shook his head and replied, "This, the uncle must have his own decision!"

Speaking of this, Lv Zhengyang paused, and then looked at the fourteenth brother with a smile and said, "However, I know who is not suitable to be this new supervisor!"

As long as the people present are not blind, they naturally understand the meaning implied in Lv Zhengyang's words. Those who have nothing to do with themselves are naturally full of open faces and watching the play, while the fourteenth brother is full of anger. At that time, he said, "What, does Brother Lv think I'm not suitable?"

Hearing this, Lv Zhengyang smiled faintly and said, "Fourteenth brother, you are too impatient. I don't mean that. I mean, there is at least one thing that the new supervisor must have, that is, the incomparable strength. I am ashamed of the teacher because of my lack of strength, so we, Yanshen Sect, can no longer shame the teacher because of this. In that case, our Yanshen Sect will really become a laughing stock among the major schools of Nantian.

So, for those who are not strong enough, I don't think it's necessary to compete for the position of new supervisor.

Speaking of this, Lv Zhengyang paused again, and then continued, "And this inspection standard, I think I am the most suitable for myself. Because I am a defeated general under Zhong Yuan!

If any of the brothers present is not as strong as me, I think that even if it is really a struggle, it is inevitable to be ashamed of the teacher. Therefore, it is better to quit in advance and give up this position to those who have real strength and can bring glory to our school!"