The ancestor of the gate next to Shushan

Chapter 1129 Take advantage of the power of heaven to kill the enemy

The exploded mando demon god did not disperse into a light and rain, but one by one, like a real flesh and blood.

And in the remnants of the body piece by piece, the part of the heart is the most [true], countless wounds, constantly squirming, self-recovery.

However, when the squirming, there was no blood appeared. On the contrary, a trace of dark red airflow gushed out, making the wound bridge at an extraordinary speed.

At this moment, Zhong Yuan didn't know that the powerful treasure comparable to the top treasure was hidden in his heart.

When it was, Zhong Yuan Jinpeng's vertical and horizontal method moved. In an instant, he shuttled through the endless alien space and came to the heart. Then, the white elephant fought the sky fist again and bombarded the heart that had not fully recovered.


Another shocking explosion, a huge heart about the size of ten feet, was blown away by abruptly. In the splash of flesh and blood, a dark red, fist-sized bead appeared in the void.

Above the jewel, there is obviously a crack, dark red airflow, if the spring is surging, gushing out, floating in the void. Zhong Yuan sniffed gently, and immediately felt that his body had improved a little. Although there is only one trace, which is very weak, it is enough to make him overjoyed.

Because, there is no doubt that the real power of this dark red bead has not yet been manifested!

At this time, without any hesitation, Zhong Yuan secretly communicated with the nine doubts in the [body] and set the time. The blue and white light spewed out from his spirit, combined into a stream, sweeping towards the dark red beads. He took it away and included it into the nine doubts.

At this moment, the sound of Manto's rage sounded, "You actually robbed my iron-blooded beads?! Go to hell!"

It turned out that in such a flash, the body of the Mando demon god exploded, except for the heart, the rest of it has been re-condensed together. He turned into a mando demon god. However, the newborn Mando Demon God is far less powerful than what it seemed just now.

Obviously, Zhong Yuan took away the iron-blooded Yuanzhu. Let him a little crazy, you can see it, and then he stimulated a magic trick. Between his hands, a black curved moon short blade appeared out of thin air.

This black curved moon short blade. Without any sharpness, just suspended in the void, the void spontaneously distorts and creates an exclusive world for it.

Mando Demon God pointed away in the air. Black curved moon short blade, between a tremor. Then it disappears.

At the same time, Zhong Yuan's heart. The alarm omen rose, and there was no hesitation at all. Jin Peng's vertical and horizontal method was urged, and his feet stepped on the void, turning in the endless alien space, and he never stopped.

However, even so, Zhong Yuan could also feel the forcing edge, penetrating the endless void, and it was getting closer and closer, and the chill was immersed in people's bone marrow.

That's all. The key is that Zhong Yuan can't feel the position that the sharpness is going to invade. For a moment, Zhong Yuan couldn't help but be a little flustered.

Although it is in the wilderness, after all, near the Magic Star City, especially the two of them, such momentum has attracted the attention of some existence. At this time, in any case, it is impossible to use the two six-in-way dust array.

When used, there is a risk that his identity will be leaked, and if his identity is leaked, there is no doubt that the date of death will come.

At this juncture, suddenly, Zhong Yuan's inspiration flashed, thinking that he still had a killer. At the moment, I started to use it without hesitation.

Taichu invisible sword, obliquely pointing to the sky.

Zhong Yuan suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed, and a ball of crystal, and the blood as thick as mercury spewed out. Then, his fingers were falsely drawn and turned the blood into a strange pattern that looked like a word, like a painting, like a painting, and a symbol, which was branded on the Taichu invisible sword.

"In my name, borrow the law from heaven! The power of Xuantian, support my body, Xuantian Emperor's magic sword!"

Between Zhong Yuan's chant, a black light suddenly rushed out of the invisible sword of Taichu. This brilliance was not a trace of gloomy and dark, but full of a kind of upright light, panic, as if it could sweep away all the gloomy evil in the world.

At this moment, the short blade of the black crescent moon suddenly appeared and pierced fiercely between his chest and abdomen.

Seeing, the very colored short blade has touched the skin, and it has to penetrate the body. On the invisible sword of Taichu, the black light suddenly flashed, and a fine sword light burst out with a "ding--" soft sound, which made Zhong Yuan dodged crazily. The short blade, which was embarrassed, was shattered and the smoke disappeared.

After the trouble was relieved, Zhong Yuan's eyes, that is, time, turned to Mando Demon God. At this moment, the Mando demon god is still looking forward to Zhong Yuan's tragic death, and the iron-blooded Yuanzhu will return! I can't help it. Everything is changing too fast! It's almost too late for the Mando demon god to make changes.

At this time, the invisible sword of Taichu in Zhong Yuan's hand suddenly waved, and a thousand-foot black sword light shot out.

There is no vast atmosphere of tearing space, but under a sword, the Mando demon god completely dispersed.

The scattered Mando demon god, the blood light is shaking, the iron-blooded breath is surging, and he wants to condense into a new shape. However, the black sword spirit attached to it was abruptly contained. After a moment, all the scattered blood was annihilated and no longer existed.

"What a pity! The king's way does not have the complete method of "Nine Heavens Sword Secret", only the most superficial borrowing method, but I can't use it to cultivate the "Nine Heaven Sword Secret". Otherwise, this Mando demon god would not have been wasted like this. The body that is about to turn into a golden fairy, even if it is not as good as the incarnation of Wanhuan Zhenjun, it should be almost the same!

It's a pity, what a pity!"

While Zhong Yuan sighed in his heart, he also began to secretly explore his own blood source. In this exploration, it was found that the blood inside, compared with the last exploration, was not only not less, but also increased a lot. At the moment, the smile could not stop.

"I just spent 30,000 years of Shouyuan with one sword. Unexpectedly, even the newly added Shouyuan added in this battle has not been consumed. It seems that God is doomed. Let me carry forward the "Nine-Heavenly Sword Secret"! It seems that I have to find a way to get the complete method of "Nine Heavenly Sword Tips". In this way, with this "Nine Heavenly Sword Tips", I can sweep all the masters under the golden immortals. Even if I can't be invincible, I will definitely not find out!" ( To be continued...)